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About azile0

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  1. I love this idea. Thank you for keeping us in the loop and I can't wait to see what kind of interesting tools come from this!
  2. That's not a solution. I want to have adult content be shown, just not have literally every Hot File at the time of writing be a CBBE mod. Edit: I am not against these mods being public, but more creative mods are missing their chance at the spotlight because TnA are dominating the front page.
  3. We all knew it was coming, but does the front page REALLY need to be full of close-ups of vaginas?
  4. Well, I am a complete novice at modding Skyrim. This will be my first attempt, so I decided to post here to garner some feedback. While I do like your idea, that would be a feature I would add after the fact.
  5. I'm going to be working on a mod for Skyrim. I had an idea in class today and I feel like it's something I could learn how to do. The basic idea I had is this: "Do you feel like people don't hate you enough in Skyrim? You, the mightiest hero or villain in Skyrim, have almost no personal enemies apart from the occasional band of hired thugs or assassins. This mod aims to change that by adding consequences for your actions, and a persistent Nemesis who challenges you repeatedly over the course of your adventures. Committing murders incurs the wrath of vengeance-minded kinsmen. Slaying large amounts of bandits will have glory-seekers attempt to defeat you, or dangerous bandit lords attempt to put you down. Killing several dragons will have fanatical dragon-worshipers track you down and end your rampage. Raiding too many dungeons will have Draugr assassins hunt you down to end your plundering, and slaying dozens of Forsworn will have the Madmen of the Reach send agents after you. In addition, starting at level 5 you will be challenged by a budding adventurer. If you defeat him, you can have the option to spare his life or execute him. Sparing him and then taking him as a follower will have him train and grow stronger under your mentorship- at level 10 he will challenge you again, and you will have the chance to either spare him or slay him. Letting him live a second time will have him leave your party and begin training, and every 10 levels he will return again to challenge you. Each time you defeat and let him go, he will come back after 10 levels to re-attempt victory. If you defeat him for the final time at level 50, then he will concede final defeat. The mod is aimed to make Skyrim feel like it has consequences- your actions always impact other people, and until now, those changes were hardly ever seen. It will not replace the Hired Thugs or Brotherhood Assassins that come after you, but rather add to the amount of people who want to see you dead."
  6. I enjoyed the previous EGO iterations, and am looking forward to this one.
  7. Check out your video card settings. If you're using an nVidia card, then the nVidia Inspector program can let you set a cap on your game's FPS. I would recommend capping it at 40-55, as those give good performance. Skyrim actually has a bug that if you go over 60FPS, the game's physics engine starts breaking because of the game's console limitations, which are capped at 30FPS. With nVidia Inspector, you can artificially lower your FPS cap in order to get smoother gameplay (as limiting your FPS can free up memory resources, which makes the game smoother.) Basically, some people can run at 60FPS with minor stutter- the game periodically hangs for a moment, then resumes at 60FPS. Or they can play at 55FPS with no stutter. It all depends on your machine's specs. Your problem sounds more biological, and you may want to tweak your settings and screen refresh rate.
  8. I wouldn't call a Lich a Necromancer. Sure, Liches use necromancy in order to attain undeath, but rarely do they use only necromantic magic. You could just as easily call them Destruction mages, or Illusion mages. I would honestly call the Dragon Priests liches, because they are undead spellcasters that fit the mold pretty well. What you're talking about is pretty much already in place. The spells just need to be created, and there's no reason to restrict them to necromancers only. In fact, what you're talking about fits an illusionist better, in that you want Necromancers to use more illusion magic. As they are now, Necromancers do what they're supposed to do- they have undead minions, and can resurrect their fallen companions. I'm all for making Skyrim scarier, but seeing as the Dragonborn can practice Necromancy as well, it's not a good idea to make an entire school of magic evil.
  9. Preface: This is a story I've been meaning to write for a while. At the moment, consider it a WIP. Prologue The final touches to the Dragonborn's memorial statue were finally complete. It stood large and proud in its enclosure outside of Whiterun, over ten feet tall and carved out of marble stone. It depicted the tall, proud Nord woman who came from nowhere and saved the entire world from obliteration. The Dragonborn was a hero of legend, welcomed in the halls of Sovngarde and allowed to return to the realm of the living. She had journeyed across the land, bringing honor to her people and solving problems both mundane and supernatural. Slayer of Dragons, Tamer of Beasts, Teller of Tales. The Dragonborn was a hero beyond question, earning Thane-dom in all Holds across Skyrim. Her influence and skill in battle helped the Imperial Legion quell the rebellion and send hundreds of Stormcloak souls to Sovngarde. For three decades, she displayed peerless skill in battle and an incorruptible heart of goodness. Harbinger of the Companions, and Archemage of the College of Winterhold, she held many honorable and glorious titles through her conquests. When the Aldmeri Dominion attempted to assert its control over Skyrim, the White-Gold Concordat was shattered and the Great War renewed. The Dragonborn took the fight directly to the front lines of the Summerset Isles, and was not seen again in Skyrim for a long time. Chapter One: An old friend Telissa Frost-Scar quietly meditated within a frosty mountain cave. She was naked, save for a strip of cloth around her groin and chest. She kept her breathing steady, even as the raging blizzard outside blew gusts of frigid air and snow into the cave. A fire crackled far behind her, making the air moist and her back warm. She was balanced- the front of her body was aching from cold, while her back was warmed. Wrinkles lined her face, as she was a warrior approaching the age where her limbs would begin to tire. Even the Dragonborn with her superior blood could not completely defeat the slow march of time. Not yet, anyway. Telissa was a day's march away from Castle Volkihar. It had been decades since she'd defeated Harkon and prevented eternal night, and she knew her friend was still waiting for her. Though she and Serana had stopped adventuring together, twenty years would be nothing to a vampire. The blizzard passed on a few hours later, and Telissa broke down her campsite and resumed her march. Approaching the castle felt nostalgic. Under Serana’s leadership, the place had been restored and maintained. It was daylight, so there were no laborers outside but the guards within welcomed her. She entered the Castle, and was met with the familiar smells of blood, dogs and wine. Serana was talking with some of her subordinates at the head of the large square dining table that was draped with crimson velvet fabric. There were no plates set out, but there were wet sections on the fabric, meaning a feeding had taken place recently. Serana and Telissa greeted eachother warmly. “Tellissa!” Serana exclaimed, embracing the Dragonborn. The vampiress held Telissa at arm’s length and examined her. “Time has not favored you, my old friend.” she said. Telissa smiled, and stroked Serana’s cheek. “That’s why I’ve come to see you, Serana.” said the Dragonborn, “I am finally ready to accept your gift.” Sera studied Telissa for a moment, a smile growing on her face. “Truly?” she asked, “and what’s changed your mind? When my father offered you before, you spurned the gift. Every time I’ve offered, you’ve turned me down. Why now?” Telissa drew a map out of her travel satchel and spread it out on the table. It was a map of Tamriel, with chalk markings pointing towards Skyrim from the Summerset Isle. “The Dominion is moving to re-ignite the Great War, and the White-Gold Concordat is being discarded. We’ve seen this coming for a long time, and I’ve been in constant contact with the Imperials of Cyrodiil. I’m going into the Summerset Isles with a small group of elite soldiers to assassinate and destroy the leadership of the Dominion.” Telissa pointed at the Isles. “It will most likely be our last journey. I’ve been preparing for this day for decades, and this is part of those preparations. I need the power of the vampire, as I shed the power of the werewolf.” Serana examined the map. It was rough, and undetailed. “I see. Very well, you shall have the power of my blood. With it, you will be a Lord among mortals.” Serana took Telissa’s hands, and gave her a swift kiss. “This will only hurt a little.” she said quietly before sinking her teeth into the Dragonborn’s neck. This wasn’t a feeding, it was a blessing. Serana drew the Dragonborn’s blood into her mouth, then pushed it back in. She repeated this several times, with each mouthful of blood turning colder. When the process was complete, Telissa went limp, unconscious. When the Nord woman woke, Serana was sitting on a stool nearby. The Dragonborn was laying on a bed, on top of the covers. “Familiar.” croaked Telissa. Serana smiled, and chided the Dragonborn. “When you traveled to Cyrodiil, I knew I wouldn’t be seeing you for some time. It’s good to have you back, even if it’s only for a little while before you leave again.” Telissa touched her face. The wrinkles that had etched themselves into her had already faded, and her skin was tight and smooth again. “Immortality has benefits,” she said, pressing a finger into her now sharp canines. “It will take some time for your body to fully adjust. Give yourself some time to rest, and I will help you unlock your new powers,” Serana said, standing and preparing to leave. “You won’t sleep anymore, but you can enter a deep meditation in order to rest your mind. Come join us when you’re ready.” Telissa was no longer the brash, reckless youth that had rampaged across Skyrim, slaying dragons without tiring. She knew to give herself time to fully cope with her new biology. The Dragonborn felt numb, as temperatures no longer affected her undead body. A full day passed before she had Serana show her how to unlock her body’s new powers. As she shifted into and out of Vampire Lord form, she felt new reservoirs of power coursing through her body. Even in human form, she felt revitalized. The atrophy that came with age was gone, and she truly felt youthful again. Immortality had taken its grip on her soul. Telissa felt the need to burn off some of this newfound energy, and traveled to the top of Castle Volkihar. Standing on the roof, she unleashed great torrents of magic from her hands. Infernos burst from her hand, followed by lightning bolts and blizzards. She launched magic straight into the sky, shouting and cheering at her power. Serana watched as Telissa took a running leap off the top of the castle, falling into the icy sea below. The Dragonborn was completely unfazed by the frigid water, and took her time returning to shore. The Dragonborn remained with Serana for another day before leaving. “Is this a permanent goodbye?” asked Serana, sharing a final goblet of wine with Telissa. “I think so.” said the Dragonborn. “I won’t deny that our team is powerful, but the Dominion numbers in the thousands. Even if we’re successful, getting out will be next to impossible.” “Then let me say” said Serana, finishing her wine, “You were an excellent friend and a wonderful lover.” Telissa smiled. “I was going to say the same of you.” She finished her wine. Chapter Two: The Team Telissa left Skyrim by horseback. A pure white steed carried her over the long roads to Cyrodiil. She could have taken the entire trip in one go, but needed to stop in order to rest and water her horse. Serana taught her the trick to surviving in the sunlight- a dark cloak, tight underclothing and metal plates. Telissa was used to wearing heavy armor, so this was light travel gear in comparison. She didn’t feel overheated in the dark full-body clothing, which was good because the sun beat down on her relentlessly. There wasn’t a single cloud in the merciless sky. It took just over two weeks of travel before the Dragonborn arrived at the hidden Blades camp in Cyrodiil. It was inconspicuous and low-key, but the heroes standing there were obviously the highest caliber available. Four, including Telissa, stood in the shade of a pine tree. The Dragonborn had brought gear that she forged and enchanted herself. A bow with fifty arrows, a longword and shield, and a set of thick plate armor. On the battlefield, Telissa was on the front lines, using her magic to engage multiple targets at once before closing in with a sword and shield to do the bloody work. When she needed to, her aim with a bow was superb at even extreme ranges and conditions. Her Shouts could obliterate lesser creatures. Varssis, a Dunmer, knelt on the ground to check his gear. He was a talented arcane archer, weaving spells and enchantments into his arrows. He could make them explode with fire, frost, shock, or pure kinetic force. His angular face, blue skin and red hair marked him as a warrior of House Redoran. He was there for long-range battlefield support and assassination. Four-Moons was a Khajiit, and possibly a better swordsman than Telissa. He used a scimitar and rapier to hack and stab his foes faster than most humans could move. In battle, he followed Telissa closely, protecting her from sneak attacks and engaging whoever she couldn’t handle. The final member of the group was Vork, one of the most sophisticated Orcs that Telissa had ever met. He was a magical savant, superb at manipulating the world around him. He could cast illusions, protective spells and change the environment to suit his whim. In battle, he protected and healed his friends while debilitating the enemy. He could create obstacles to block charging enemies, or create bridges across impassible terrain. They were some of the best that the Empire could call on. Soldiers too important for regular battle, and reserved for the most critical mission. This was likely going to be their last, and most glorious fight.
  10. Like I said, I doubt it's possible. TES VI could have a feature like this though, who knows. If enough people play Sniper Elite, the internal killshot may become a trend.
  11. This isn't really a mod request since I know it isn't feasible with the engine- it's more like a 'Wouldn't it be cool if' thread. And something I've thought of while playing Skyrim is a Sniper Elite-esque internal killcam. For those who don't know, the Sniper Elite games have a killshot system that tracks the bullet's flight, then shows the internal damage that the bullet causes. It displays bones breaking, organs being punctured, brains flying, etc. It's gory and gruesome and awesome for letting you see the damage your shots cause. I think that sort of system would be perfect for Skyrim and any subsequent TES game with archery. The idea popped into my head as I was hunting wolves as a low-level character. I began to visualize in my head what my arrows were doing- headshots obviously split the skull and puncture the brain, but what about limb shots that kill? It became a roleplaying experience as I approached the corpse and examined the wound I inflicted. That leg shot must have broken a bone and sliced a crucial artery, stunning the wolf until it bled out. The shot through its torso severed its spine, or pierced its heart. Seeing those internal killmoves, with the arrow moving through the vital organs of your enemies, would be an awesome touch of cinema in my opinion. It should be toggleable, of course, for those who don't want as much gore in their games. For me, though, I think it would make those 'perfect shots' that take down a difficult enemy in one hit much more visceral and rewarding. Seeing a troll skull split in two from a well-placed arrow would be a masterpiece.
  12. I've been trying to work through my Papyrus logs, fixing the errors there, but honestly I'm stumped. I'll upload my latest log when I get home.
  13. You'd have to talk to the mod authors. It's not an easy task to port mods from one game to another, since you often need to convert the model files and set up entirely new hitboxes for each model. And nothing can be done without the original author's consent.
  14. You don't fly dragons like a mount, you sit on their backs while they fly around in circles. You can direct them to attack things, but I haven't actually gotten it to work. It's a cool gimmick, but ultimately it just doesn't work out too well.
  15. I have my log files. What exactly am I looking at? I have a file called Payrus.0 in the Script folder of my logs.
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