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  1. votes are not really representative anymore anyway, barely 40-50% go to vote in most countries and in the US a huge majority of those that still do vote are also members of the armed forces and hence kinda the government itself (i forgot the right numbers but somin like 40% of the civilian pop vote but 80% of the armed forces do) the problem with going to vote are two, for one can you not be sure if your vote ever gets counted, many people in the states mentioned that votes vanished but who can prove that? the ballots are secret and noone will check... awesome lol, so there is no way to verify the results, and for another, no matter who you vote for in the end they wont have much to say, all those elected politicians do is play by the book and talk about "politics" in whatever senate or parliament you got, they dont do fundamentally different things, they just bend over for the banking system in another direction, republicans like it doggy and liberals in missionary i assume... but they both still get taken hard... noone simply does what is needed, they worry more about how they look on TV, if they will get the next huge cash injection to their party, worry about the company in which they hold 30% of the shares and so on... but most people still fall for that nonense as these politicians appear to be busy standing up for their ideals and principles when all they really do is talk BS all day with each other instead of tackling whatever problem there is... lets take an example, iraq, perfect, the invasion was inner political crap that was based on an ideologie that the US needs to invade and halliburton and co need to get richer (which coincidently were also owned by the very same people who started that war), then obama comes along and promises the retreat, "yay" the democrats scream, "now we get our thing going"... both these actions made absoluely no sense and did not serve anything but inner political blabla and shoulder padding, going in was dickish in the first place but pulling out to satisfy some voters just makes it worse by actually leaving a devestated country to its demise and hence surely to the strongest taking power and a bunch of newly created terrorists rising up and hating on the US... the sensitive thing to do would be to stay, sure it doesnt sound good on TV to say that but you screwed that place, better make sure it gets tidied up before you go and leave it to grow and foster some hardcore terrorists so that youll have to invade again in 5yrs... no problems were solved, they only acted in the best interest of their public image and their bank account...
  2. the problem with "rights" is that, by definition, someone has to restrict them to grant those... saying i grant you the right to live would in the first place mean that you did not have that right, or that i restricted it to be able to permit it to you so if you say the constitution grants you this and that right you also have to acknowledge that it also restrict other rights or in fact only restricts rights instead of granting them the problem herewith lies in the fact that all those "rights" and "restrictions" are defined by man, not by nature, or "god, or some objective being, and humans are simply the worst possible candidate to make up rights for others as they are much too biased to see anything but the world from their own eyes and perspective
  3. well, since voting just serves to further the nonsense of so called "politics" i totally have to agree with Dragonspyre... doesnt really matter who they vote for anyway nor would their numbers make much of a difference, whoever wins an election just becomes a puppet of a system noone is allowed to vote for or against
  4. well sure, in the US, unlike in europe, only "real" criminals for life, real badasses who only think evil are in jail... especiall since its such bad business to run a jail, you only make 700% win margin afterall... nono, these people should never be allowed to vote, just like women or people with less income than my buddies, who all make 500k + a year :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: ....edit: i hope the sarcasm is obvious :psyduck:
  5. TESSNip for Fallout3 and SkyEdit (kinda like the CK)
  6. lol you meanies... just telling the truth and now i get beaten up by an angry mob? :D see see... see... i told the truth (mind the exclamation mark!) XD any moment dark could call upon you to play runescape or worse... be careful is all i say XD
  7. did anyone actually read the opening? Dark0ne just wants a personal gaming buddy slave, probably chained to his desk... he just camouflages it under that whole "i need a programmer" talk... :O
  8. erm with all the EU treaties and such, wouldnt that person just have to be a european citizen (legally... not speaking communication ability)? edit: nvm... didnt read everything XD ...and you need a job opening for 3d modellers too ^_^ theyre sooo useful... we make the best coffee and all
  9. maybe your original actor has "respawns" ticked then, not just the reference ;)
  10. erm not sure if that the problem, not in the mood to think logicially atm :D but -500 != /500 speedmultiplier 500 = speed x (+500) speedmultiplier -500 = speed x (-500) a x (-b) is simply not equal to a / b hence your speed does not get reset, as in reverting the multiply, but becomes somin else
  11. double click your guy in the render window, make sure the box "respawns" is not ticked! otherwise hell be there again every time you load or start the game or even after 7 ingame days have passed... the reference basicly gets resetted everytime it loads if "respawn" is ticked
  12. you need no vertex colour for those... just paste your weapons shapedata over the blood shapedata and youre done, seperating the blade is imo nonsense as youll only get blood on the blade not on the guard
  13. this tutorial is by now quite outdated, the newer nifskope version aswell as skyedit have made it a lot easier the basics still work the same tho... @CNTO lower left box when you highlight somin in the upper left
  14. well, since the above script seems to work i added it to the CK wiki: http://www.creationkit.com/Talk:Show_-_Message
  15. nah... the message showed up twice because i had "start game enabled" activated in my linked quest which seemed logical lol... unchecking that fixed it and now it works but its still weird
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