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Everything posted by jaysus

  1. votes are not really representative anymore anyway, barely 40-50% go to vote in most countries and in the US a huge majority of those that still do vote are also members of the armed forces and hence kinda the government itself (i forgot the right numbers but somin like 40% of the civilian pop vote but 80% of the armed forces do) the problem with going to vote are two, for one can you not be sure if your vote ever gets counted, many people in the states mentioned that votes vanished but who can prove that? the ballots are secret and noone will check... awesome lol, so there is no way to verify the results, and for another, no matter who you vote for in the end they wont have much to say, all those elected politicians do is play by the book and talk about "politics" in whatever senate or parliament you got, they dont do fundamentally different things, they just bend over for the banking system in another direction, republicans like it doggy and liberals in missionary i assume... but they both still get taken hard... noone simply does what is needed, they worry more about how they look on TV, if they will get the next huge cash injection to their party, worry about the company in which they hold 30% of the shares and so on... but most people still fall for that nonense as these politicians appear to be busy standing up for their ideals and principles when all they really do is talk BS all day with each other instead of tackling whatever problem there is... lets take an example, iraq, perfect, the invasion was inner political crap that was based on an ideologie that the US needs to invade and halliburton and co need to get richer (which coincidently were also owned by the very same people who started that war), then obama comes along and promises the retreat, "yay" the democrats scream, "now we get our thing going"... both these actions made absoluely no sense and did not serve anything but inner political blabla and shoulder padding, going in was dickish in the first place but pulling out to satisfy some voters just makes it worse by actually leaving a devestated country to its demise and hence surely to the strongest taking power and a bunch of newly created terrorists rising up and hating on the US... the sensitive thing to do would be to stay, sure it doesnt sound good on TV to say that but you screwed that place, better make sure it gets tidied up before you go and leave it to grow and foster some hardcore terrorists so that youll have to invade again in 5yrs... no problems were solved, they only acted in the best interest of their public image and their bank account...
  2. the problem with "rights" is that, by definition, someone has to restrict them to grant those... saying i grant you the right to live would in the first place mean that you did not have that right, or that i restricted it to be able to permit it to you so if you say the constitution grants you this and that right you also have to acknowledge that it also restrict other rights or in fact only restricts rights instead of granting them the problem herewith lies in the fact that all those "rights" and "restrictions" are defined by man, not by nature, or "god, or some objective being, and humans are simply the worst possible candidate to make up rights for others as they are much too biased to see anything but the world from their own eyes and perspective
  3. well, since voting just serves to further the nonsense of so called "politics" i totally have to agree with Dragonspyre... doesnt really matter who they vote for anyway nor would their numbers make much of a difference, whoever wins an election just becomes a puppet of a system noone is allowed to vote for or against
  4. well sure, in the US, unlike in europe, only "real" criminals for life, real badasses who only think evil are in jail... especiall since its such bad business to run a jail, you only make 700% win margin afterall... nono, these people should never be allowed to vote, just like women or people with less income than my buddies, who all make 500k + a year :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: ....edit: i hope the sarcasm is obvious :psyduck:
  5. TESSNip for Fallout3 and SkyEdit (kinda like the CK)
  6. lol you meanies... just telling the truth and now i get beaten up by an angry mob? :D see see... see... i told the truth (mind the exclamation mark!) XD any moment dark could call upon you to play runescape or worse... be careful is all i say XD
  7. did anyone actually read the opening? Dark0ne just wants a personal gaming buddy slave, probably chained to his desk... he just camouflages it under that whole "i need a programmer" talk... :O
  8. erm with all the EU treaties and such, wouldnt that person just have to be a european citizen (legally... not speaking communication ability)? edit: nvm... didnt read everything XD ...and you need a job opening for 3d modellers too ^_^ theyre sooo useful... we make the best coffee and all
  9. maybe your original actor has "respawns" ticked then, not just the reference ;)
  10. erm not sure if that the problem, not in the mood to think logicially atm :D but -500 != /500 speedmultiplier 500 = speed x (+500) speedmultiplier -500 = speed x (-500) a x (-b) is simply not equal to a / b hence your speed does not get reset, as in reverting the multiply, but becomes somin else
  11. double click your guy in the render window, make sure the box "respawns" is not ticked! otherwise hell be there again every time you load or start the game or even after 7 ingame days have passed... the reference basicly gets resetted everytime it loads if "respawn" is ticked
  12. you need no vertex colour for those... just paste your weapons shapedata over the blood shapedata and youre done, seperating the blade is imo nonsense as youll only get blood on the blade not on the guard
  13. this tutorial is by now quite outdated, the newer nifskope version aswell as skyedit have made it a lot easier the basics still work the same tho... @CNTO lower left box when you highlight somin in the upper left
  14. well, since the above script seems to work i added it to the CK wiki: http://www.creationkit.com/Talk:Show_-_Message
  15. nah... the message showed up twice because i had "start game enabled" activated in my linked quest which seemed logical lol... unchecking that fixed it and now it works but its still weird
  16. well thats the problem... many of the famous architects had to learn their craft at some point XD and not every architect is equal to the combined might of the bauhaus of the 20ties... basicly none ever since, the new one is a farce and a single team of architects simpyl cant accomplish what they did back then, whole concepts for things, with only the best selection of i dunno a hundred or so different clever minds for each project... and they got it done including still standing copyrights XD ...a hundred years back... not saying there aint individual great architects left or somin but you cant compare one mind to that of many in the way of old cathedral or dome builders, ...well, nasa and the like maybe... lol but offtopic XD
  17. this here kinda works... however... you gotta hit the button more than once for some weird reason... it checks which you hit last tho lol if someone knwos a workaround for that id be most grateful... otherwise it seems to work Scriptname JSwordsDistributionQuestTrapScript extends Quest {makes sure you downloaded this mod from nexus} message property JSwordsDistributionQuestTrapMsg auto quest property JSwordsDistributionQuestTrapForLoLzOnly auto event OnInit() int ibutton = JSwordsDistributionQuestTrapMsg.show() if ibutton == 0 debug.messagebox("1") elseif ibutton == 1 debug.messagebox("2") else debug.messagebox("3") endif JSwordsDistributionQuestTrapForLoLzOnly.stop() endEvent
  18. shes always making me jealous whatever she talks about :D but a bben is right... kinda like i explaind earlier in a pm... at least in germany its that way, you can copyright plans or well they are automaticly copyrighted since 1989 or somin... and you can patent detail solutions like beam joints, special screws, frameworks and such if someone uses your detail solution they need to obtain the rights to do so, if they want to use your building plans they have to aswell however, and thats the harsh part, so far it has basicly never been applied in regards to plans afaik... for example does the german reichstag have a glass dome which is based on a plan by calatrava yet norman foster "stole" it (mind that foster is an exploiting hole of an A ...just btw... dont you ever take up a traineeship at his firm!)... but, since calatravas design is based on totally different environment and surrounding he didnt win the case, i honestly dont really get how they make such descicions so far but its kinda based on the idea that a building only is as it is in its current environment and you can only win the case if the new adaption of your design would dimish the effect of your protected building... as i said i dont quite understand it... but in general, at least here in germany, youre usually on the loosing side if your buidling plan gets snatched and not transferred 100% then you have those very xpensive plans made for those ugly subburb housing, to be mass produced, estate companies pay really large sums to architects for this kind of plan and those are heavily defended, not sure if there ever was a court case won but i would believe so... you also have this thing i dont understand either, but in the context of "the building shall not become defamatory towards the designer" (or somin along those lines), the architect can actually decide what happens with his buildings, how they are presented and so on even if the actual owner has a different opinion, i mentioned that to colour yet, worked on a tadao ando museum during a traineeship (not at foster lol) and he made the descicions, the owner couldnt change light rails, or lightning dispersers (thats the word? lol no idea XD), make photos of her own and publish them in her books or somin, it all had to go through ando... he had to keep his image and the owner of that building even tho she actually payed for it all had to go along whatever lunatic idea he had that day... (8m wide floor screed plates for example which are totally nuts... you need expansion seams or they break ...and they did... well thats what you get when a boxer tries to be an architect XD... hes a nice guy though :P) anyway.. thats a whole new topic :D guess we can spend a few dozen more pages on games and their copyrights still until we get back here and decide who owned the rights to the pyramids in the first place! (at least i know how they buildt them... the real secret ;)...that doesnt involve aliens or somin weird like huge ramps that explain jack... aww ok... hollow blocks... light as a feather (go there and check it yourself)... just mention me in your book -.-... and find out how they made em hollow)
  19. @arthmoor i guess its simply a very basic idea that everyone gets to eventually if they think how a pre gun powder or air gun predating thief would do its work... kinda like the pyramids emerged on at least 3 continents not because aliens pout them there but simply because its a logical step once you get to the idea of bricks and what the most stable building would be that you can build in your boredom those are things i believe are not really protectable by copyright kinda like the idea of a dark lord forging an item to controle the world and a band of weird buddies fighting him is something every 8yr old can come up with, but once you start naming the bad guy sauron and the good guys gondor you definately copied tolkien and its not your idea but i must say thats probably the hardest part of IP rights, deciding where they start and end because theoreticially every idea one can have could also be the conclusion of somebody else, only when it gets detailed do those ideas tend to differ due to different and never equal experiences in life leading to a difference in detail like names in the lotr example or the slightly different ornaments on those pyramids @Dark0ne cant really comment on this, i have no idea how intervined beth and valve are by now and what deals they have, i can only imagine them charging for the service of offering the download but not for mods itself since then theyd need to supply customer supporti i assume, tho i believe they would probably rather choose the way of TF and only release quality tested mods for money as user made DLCs, for one to ensure less customer complaints or "want my money back" rants and for another could they grow a bunch of devs that way, the most likely thing imo however is that they will simply use the ideas, stats, comments and so on to make more user friendly and better marketable products until they get enlighted or somin i would prefer modder shops similiar to amazons shop option, micro transfers between user and modder directly, putting the cutomer support weight on the modder and only supplying infrastructure and general moderation, that way legal problems could be avoided for the companies and be rested on the modders shoulder yet modders could retain their rights... with that EULA however... well... i made my point on that i think XD
  20. @amycus well that kinda depends on the script that they used... water arrows and other thief arrows like oil filled clay arrows and such were already part of "thieve" series based on unreal before oblivion even came out and the idea itself is even older i assume, the showcase is also not really a DLC or somin but a funny game they played to examine user reactions and plan ahead DLCs or somin i assume but also to train creativity and have some fun, not the same as making direct profits from other peoples work... yet lol... i actually like beth did that, its awesome, game companies do fun stuff sometimes that sounds reasonable, weird yet effective :P (like those managers going free climbing and s*** but more relaxed i assume lol) in regards to modkits they openly acknowledged the "inspiration" which is cool, its not based on his script (thx god lol) but his idea... the worbench script however is kinda totally the same as for example the one in marts monster mod for oblivion (dunno who wrote it originally)
  21. @Arthmoor they are making money of that whole mod thing yet, one through sales of the game for pc and another through ads on steam and if i take stuff like weapon mod kits they clearly use mods as their source of inspiration, there are other things like scripts etc that they used already (the workbench in fallout for example comes from a dozen oblivion mods) but never acknowledged @colour and arth ya i guess the point of view plays a role, arthmoor as a CK modder always had to agree to hand the rights to his stuff to beth, so far i didnt have to do that with my models... only with the relatively little i did inside the CS/GECK @Team fortress EULA dunno, never played or modded it... but its valve again so i guess its quite probable that they have an equally shitty EULA right now im really asking myself why i am modding skyrim, sure the user base is awesomly huge for mods, probably the largest so far for a game ever except maybe half life or unreal but its really like dah, i dont want that EULA and legal crap hanging over my head and concentrate on doing fun stuff... yet im already spending days only disucssing this subject lol :D id rather talk with colour bout the colour of her panties(-mod)!
  22. which is totally nuts! beth has been doing it for a decade now too but with the introduction of SWs EULA they really pushed it... @colour heya sweety pie :) @ghogiel completely agree @redxavier who am i openly threatening? that x dude? who honestly admitted to modifying my mod with the CK and complains i dont have a right to not permit that due to the EULA? ya, i threatened to report him and left possible further consequences open... if he doesnt bring up the subject again and i dont see his mod anywhere i wont do zip... are you honestly complaining about that? ...a car thief cant really complain to a judge about the threatening nature of him possibly going to jail for his crimes either... i guess you simply dont get my idea of the problem... its not about me being a paranoid conspiracy nut (lol colour thx -.-) but that there simply is a problem... you can of course argue that it aint a problem, but why then waste time on this "no problem"... do something productive with your time or please show me that we dont have to worry, that beth is only out for the good of mankind trying to create a paradise for us all and them taking control over literally thousands of assets doesnt constitue a threat to personal property rights at all... honestly, what do you think is more likely? that beth only put such weird rules in to defend itself and the modding community from a non existant problem which is covered in lots of other trade rules, ip laws, civil laws and so on yet or that this whole EULA thing could actually be used to make money of gamers creativity for free basicly? that all people at bethesda, valve and the not named affiliates are all faihtful, good and loving people who dont have a single bad thought, are free of guilt and would never do wrong? or rather that a few of them are just as dikisch as the rest of us and would sell your grandma if they could (well if you put a picture of your grandma in the CK they kinda could yet) edit: btw, why is bethesda the only company that has such a ridiculous EULA? not even unreal has one like that...
  23. it totally does not matter what their intentions with such an EULA are, i doubt they want my swords lol, usually so far they just took some scripts and such from mods and used em in their games (and only once did they ever even acknowledge that in the case of weapon mod kits for FO3 and the use of the idea in FONV) the real problem really is simply that it creates legal problems for bethesda and valve for promoting piracy and gaining ad revenue and such from it, for mod uploaders for breaking national law or breaking the EULA by agreeing or disagreeing with the EULA, or even 3rd parties getting ripped of their assets and those that upload them for theft noone knows what some new CEO might do with those rights, no idea what zenimaxes shareholders decide on their next meeting and no idea what someone over at lucas arts thinks of lightsabers in skyrim... we simply dont know, we only know that there is a little loophole that can kick loose all kinds of poopstorms in basicly all directions which all harm modding... especially should ACTA get enacted or SOPA revived (lets hope not for lokis sake)... @paranoia and conspiracy well whatever :D i just see a danger in the vague wording of that legal document you gotta sign (What about underage modders btw? they cant legally binding sign such an EULA lol) and even vague and seemingly lil dangers can become full blown whatever you wanna callit ragnaroeks
  24. upon installing the CK you are forced to also install Steam Workshop and agree to two EULA, the one for the CK stating that any "material" you create with the editor may be used by bethesda however they like and the EULA for the Workshop stating that any content uploaded (not specifying if that only applies to the steam workshop or any upload in general) may be used by valve, bethesda and affiliates however they please, including commercial use, redistribution, use for statistics, etc, even the stats your mod gets via downloads may be used solely by them for whatever reason (so forget about your university social behavior studies) apart from the obvious problems some modders face here like total loss of property rights if they use the CK and some being unwilling to even start using the CK therefore, we also have a second much more emminent problem at hand... modders ressources and permissions, lets say you upload a new modders ressource under public domain rights, or GNU, or somin, and somone uses your assets to make a mod with the CK, beth would now according to the EULA be able to do with this mod as they please beacause you signed that waiver, including using it commercially which would however be a breach of the public domain rights granted to you though the modders ressource, hence you would illegally hand rights to bethesda which you have no permission to and hence commit a crime in quite some legislatures including the german one, cant speak for others here, would bethesda use these assets they would become party to that crime and maybe even become the fascilitator of a crime by imposing that EULA in the first place... Or beth could sue the modder who got those permission but refused to agree to the EULA yet still used the CK and hence broke a liscence agreement also getting in the line of law, in germany i could not agree to the EULA cause it simply breaks too many IP laws, it would simply be void, however without agreeing to it i would break the liscence and hence not be able to use the CK at all, hence all german modders do so illegaly more or less, and i doubt germany is the only country that has somin like "property" in its law books... as we can see here there is an evident danger of law suits flying left and right which could only harm modding in general for now i have no real solution to it since the last time i nearly got banned for daring to ask questions about the EULA on the bethforum, atm i only see one possibly acceptable way: use ESMs instead of ESPs basicly you create your mod outside of the CK which is often possible by using SkyEdit, TESSnip and co, then turn it into an esm... adding everything you can without the CK, especially new assets like sounds files, textures, models, etc once that is done you open the CK and create an esp mod based on your esm, which alters the stuff you need inside your main-non-CK-mod, for example i could create my sword mod completely in skyedit, only the leveled list distribution via a quest script is impossible, by using an additional esp to add that quest script i totally keep all my rights and only hand bethesda and their buddies in crime the questscript and that quest... if anyone knows of more ways to circumvent or reduce the EULA in any way please share your tricks :)
  25. sry 4 the late reply what i meant was something that looks like those webpages called "blogs"... basicly a row in the middle of the screen, boxes stacked vertically above each other inside of it, each box containing a mod authors post, maybe a screenshot, a title, comments, can be expanded on the right of that "news" frame is a row with "hot topics", most discussed, most viewed, favorited by the mod author, etc posts linking to those boxes i mentioned above ...damn i should draw that lol... http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/6103/29647967.jpg that thing basicly replacing the comments... right side adjustable on author side could be horizontal rows too... to conform more with the current page setup with that top nav bar above, vertical might work better with the adds tho
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