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Everything posted by jaysus

  1. point clouds are very nice if you want to generate objects procedural, for example this microdip example of collecting images from the internet and then have a program assemble a model from those is one of those so far however i cant see how it would create a real surface but a bunch of point floating in midair with reasonableperformance load, youd still need to "coat" the point with a surface and add a texture but agreed, its one of those techs that culd be further developed yet and probably will advance eventually to generate aceptable 3d models from cave, building, landscape scans and so on, maybe even get applied to games with procedural environments one day when we can compute trizzillion of points and wont need to add edges between them to create a surface, this would also remove the need for additional textures as it would just ork like polypainting but instead of polies we could use pointpainting :P crappy baked textures have atm 2 main problems, the size of the texture they get baked on and the projection from high to low poly, the texture size is self explanatory as creating "blurry" images as bitmaps obviously loose detail when you make them smaller, if you get up close to such a texture then it appears pixely and if you use antisoptry it becomes blurry, the distortion originates from the alghorythms programs like zbrush or mudbox use to project details from the high poly polypainting onto the low poly mapping, they require you to basicly model your object using only perfect quadrats which is not always possible of course, if ou have adiagonal line in your edgeflow or god beware triangles or ngons youre seriously running into trouble as the texture will "break" at these edges and get distorted then there is the rather minor problem of geometrical differences between high poly and low poly (sry if i missa key or two from time to time, my keyboard is soaked in bug blood atm... damn trees :P), this problem can be easily cicrumvented however by reexporting the lowst subD layer of your model back into max/blender/maya and uv mapping it after the high poly sculpt or if that is not feasible to retopologize the low poly model after the high poly sculpt directly onto the high poly (thats what i did with my witchblade and im rather happy with the results tho the polies could be more quadratic in som places), that way you keep most of the detail alive and the texture still fits. thatit looks still as bad on low res as on high res is he problem this thread is bout, theyre optimized for low end consoles which can only utilize so much of texture space, woudl these games be developed for pcs the main tex could easily be 4096x4096 pixels in size and use mip maps to lower the res for low end mashines, just like they often do for low and high texture settings, they could go up a notch tho, just not on consoles as for tiled textures, yes you can try to split your object into smaller ones but you would for performance reasons probably use a generic texture for most elements, for example would you ust rotate or mirror a texture for different board in that wooden plank wall example of yours as not to overload the gfx cards vram (1gb is not that much and everything else goes onto your hdd, ssd and ram) and it would appear kinda tiled again, however you could add details like scratches and the like much more easily, its being used for example in the steel cupboard in fallout the whole rivet city carrier however uses only about 4 or 5 textures, tiled over and over again, still looks rather descent if you ask me even tho the texture isnt that high res either if oyu get close up, but in comparision to my submarine which uses no tiling its still much better @sino true, i forgot the liscence fees in this assumption... but do consoles truly have customer support? EA at least doesnt offer any to my experience :P by "tooling customers to understand the products they use" i meant to make them understand them without actually handing a manual out to them which they wont read, no idea how to accomplish that but maybe by incooperating it in the usual mandatory classes in school or maybe giving them an incent to do it themselves, i learned shitloads while trying to get wing commander to run in dos with only 64k cache for example... safe and predictable is the way to defeat... and stop whining bout the economy, thats the news and the bloody govs we have who screw up the financial market (FED, EZB, etc are a bunch of morons), however on a personal level its not that bad at all, i still live by around 700euro per month atm and im not suffering at all and the cost of living is like 3 times higher in europe than it is in the US (for reaons i could rant about for days... damn imperialsm :P), but ya agreed if you have to eat 3 instead of 4 cheezburgaz a day it can seriously make you depresed :D im talking bout the time shortly before the original xbox came out, games were still mainly developed for pcs back then and we saw some advances everywhere, everyone wanted to dish out the craziest, newest, most awesome thing (think duke nukem forever) but eventully had to bow down to the mighty xbox and her buddies in the console kindergarten and the fixture of tech one was "allowed" to use by the publisher i hope your estimates on how much a game costs (25 and 10k) was an imaginable number lol... the actual price is more like 25mil, we dont have any comparable numbers atm since no rescent game was developed for pcs which would allow us to estimate the dev costs to some extend in comparision of the two systems, x3 is the last i know of which was worthwhile and didnt come for consoles and its dev costs were much lower (a few 100k) than say oblivion (a few 10mil), if thats due to the different system is hard to say however due those games different nature though as to why make somin innovative? -advance in tech, science, etc -creation of awe base of future customers who think of your company as "the company" who creates the most up to date and most awesome stuff (you wouldnt go to a doctor who uses stone age medicine ifyou could choose between him and one from a star trek vessel i assume) (take apple as an example and how they survived with just fans for nearly 2 decades before comin out of the dark and stomping microdop into the ground) -be the first, be the king effect -tech patents which bring in additional funds once picked up by others would you rather like to play on a holodeck or on an atari? (rethorical question) anyway i need nu coffee...
  2. do you mean tiled textures? well EA has no say over that at all, its the developers who do that and usually you have to use tiled texes for large things for example if you make an aircraft carrier you cant just bake the thing, you have to use tiled textures or the texture would be somin along the ranges of 32k x 32k pixels if you dont want a large difference between small object quality and large object quality. this kinda sucks as you cant give your large objects the detail you want in most cases without making seperate objects for bumps, scratches, logos, etc the changing color option is simply done by telling the engine to use a map of some kind as the pattern layer which can change its color according to a simple hue slider, some games even use the diffuse map for that and simply change anything thats not black and white like X3 does for example but maybe i get it all wrong and you mean somin else ;)
  3. ah cool, coming back after a week and seeing alot of sensemaking comments :P i kinda agree with most ;) really comprehensive and nice ones by vagrant like usually too... i like that we got both sides of the pond too... thing is i recently upgraded or rebuildt my pc, cost was about 1.7k euro including anything fancy i ever dreamed of as a kid except for one of those hardware calibrated monitors ill surely get one day when i get a hasselblad cam :P, i just kept the mouse and my dvd drive... before that i had a rather fast but outdated pc wich couldnt play newer games since my gfx card only supported pixel shader 2 but not 3 and hence i couldnt play mass effect and the like which need it for... well what for? HDR? seriously? wtf lol... i can live without that anyway i thought now i have this beast and i can do what i want, bought a bunch of new games too and cranked em up to max settings, what do i see? well a slightly better resolution than on my old pc... nothing fancy new, no better water, no better physics, textures still look like a kid drew somin with crayons lets take dragon age: only the faces are high quality due to the cinematics, but the armor bits you see around the neck are like 10 times less fancy yet, it has no LOD, the water is a joke, proportions of objects are totally out of sense, the environment is as crappy as it can get, it feels static and unrealistic the same goes for mass effect (1 and 2), but to be fair both games come from the same company now lets take modern warfare 2: weapons look very well as do the uniforms even tho their textures are low quality again, but take a look at the environment... crude... go inside a room and battlefield 2 offered the same not to speak of the crazy as ass retarded story and its shortness now since i make models and stuff myself too and also needed that pc upgrade to use for example zbrush with more than 6 million polygons (i can now use up to 25mil) i know that this is not even the fault of the developers who create the assets needed for games, their high poly models and textures look wicked... there are some talented basterds out there for sure, but what they have to do to get them ingame, the armors of mass effect for example prolly use 512x512 textures or 1024 ones but only one and hence of course look blurry, there simply arent enough pixels in such a bitmap. this is the fault of the people who decide on which kind of system a game is supposed to run, allow the artists to make their stuff for a pc which came out, lets say a year ago, and youd see a dramatic rise in overall quality of many kinds as i mentioned earlier. k so we have: from a consumer standpoint: consoles: -price (even for nuts*) (*uninformed people who cant be bothered to understand their tools) -ease of use (even for nuts) -availability of game titles pcs: -price/performance ratio (if you know your tech... which honstly is easier than learning about fishing or baseball) -ease of use (for more advanced programs which need other input devices but a hand held controller, gfx tablets, joysticks, keyboard and mouse, etc... no wonder noone lets ego shooters on a console play vs the same on a pc, theyd get pwned badly) -availability of non gaming programs from a developer point of view: consoles: -more consumers as even nuts can use a console -cheaper assets needed to create a game (rendering a 512 AO texture for example takes less time than a 2048 ...much less) pcs: -ability to make awesome games -ability to use the artists full imagination -more freedom in terms of gameplay design the question seems to be if consumers can be tooled into learning more about products they want or need to use and also if devs want to lead and innovate or rather follow other companies in safe and predictable footsteps in the past companies chose the prior, leading, innovating, nower days they try the safer route to wealth it seems
  4. actually its not a question of who is at fault... such questions never help anyone... if youre comin from a "long line of gamers" (may i say LOL) you should know that "casual gaming" as you call it was very well developed back in the 90ties yet with things like super mario, zelda , Lucas Arts adventures, Quake, Duke Nukem, Wing Commander, Warcraft, Command n Conquer and other titles which laid the foundation for most of todays still existing companies segas trouble came from the uselessness of the sega saturn, not a dwindeling market, ever tried to use the saturn? its simply not fun, sega invested all it had in it and lost, simple as that, such things still happen today and always will, sega is still around tho its not about how much of a market share i represent, i merely mentioned that there is a share which doenst need plastic guitars... casue we can play the real ones, anyway i totally accept that there are people who enjoy it and not just a few too once again you didnt get the point of better technical possibilities in the conjunction with guitar hero, its not about a totally different game i made my remarks about, it was about a much higher immersion value and a higher grade or realism, playing a cop to beat up hippies or a rowdy to beat up hippies or a hippie to live in dirt wasnt what i said, i dunno why you come up with such conclusions lol vodoo cards were tech that was used for decades by the military? erm... openGL was an interface used by some silicon graphics applications thats true, mostly for architectural and other CAD tools but it wasnt at the level of "realism" to which the vodoos allowed games like quake to go even more so with its own 3dfx interface well if you check the hardware inside a ps3... well you could get that for about 50$ if anyone would even still pay for somin like that... i for example am selling a laptop which leaves the ps3 standing in its dust atm for 100Euro... roughly 120$, couldnt ask for more and you get it with a display, a controller and many other nice features including an os that a bit more sophisticated than the ps3s thing, if i assemble a gaming rig i wouldnt use parts ages old but the best of the best as to stay good for the next 5yrs at least which my last pc did, and then you would work with somin around 800$ which was the ps3s starting price (even tho its parts were dated by then yet) but if you want to go for ancient tech, go ahead, buy an office desktop system, it will still be faster than a ps3 whilst being at the same price level around 300 bucks but you got a point that new titles run very well on dated consoles, well and thats my point, they develope for them and not for somin more sophisticated if you wanna stereotype on the other hand plz learn how to do so properly without looking like a lil boy in an angry spree of devastation, make complex and based conclusions out of what is and not what a teenage boy might have in his mind when he sees a booby mag and how he imagines being superman anyway, since i think its fun let me have a go at your way of argumenting: -console gamers are most of the time female since most consoles send out radiowaves which destroy the testosterone production of your body and hence many console gamers grow boobies and are mistaken for girls -someone with a larger penis than mine (typical pc nerd) would need an elephant to mate with and hence wouldnt get laid much... it simply wouldnt fit without killing the gal, but have no fear, even tho we have sex organs of horses we dont get laid more often than you console guys, at least if i can trust the words of my consoling buddies who claim to get laid twice a day -well i dont doubt youre better people, after all you give money to the retarded and medicore as to allow them to live too, nice of you, Saints, youre prolly also better looking since you grew boobs due to the badly shielded consoles, boobs make everyone much more beautiful i think :teehee:
  5. @sinophile car tech has been around for about 100yrs by now and otto benz basicly perfected it back then yet, we only make it more efficent nower days medicine however has vastly advanced since 2003, most of it you might not realize but if youd read some science mags or somin youd see that we for example made strong improvements on genetic engineering since then, just cause its not in the news doesnt mean it doesnt exist pc tech didnt slow down either, in 2003 the usual GHZ number of CPUs was around 2x2 now its at 4x3 to 4x4 or even 6x4, ram went from sdram to DDR3 and even DDR5 on gfx cards and so on cell phone tech didnt actually improve since 2003 that much, sure they put better displays in and so on but the basics stood the same, they merely merged a bunch of tools into mobiles, mp3 players, cams and inet capabilities werent that common before but for example the apple newton was a handheld pen steered beast back in the 90ties yet, basicly an iphone without phone and in black n white its only the increase of those social services (lol word play :P) that changed and their availability for the "average" user, they still use the same infrastructure and the same tech though they used years back, thats why porn streams became so slow in rescent times :D you didnt quite get my point i guess, back in the good ol days game devs usually went for the best possible tech to produce an awesome, awe inspiring title whereas now they use somin very outdated to make a quick buck well im a consumer too and i dont like that stuff at all, however its true that many people enjoy this stuff, but this doesnt mean that we have to make with what we have for eternity, guitar hero would be even nicer if we could see ourselves in a realistic remake of woodstock for example, emerged in 3d space instead of choppy comic like graphics well thats what i just said, but you missed the point that games improved upon it very heavily, without quake and the vodoo cards we might still be playing 2d jump n runs and scientific simulations would still need an additional doctors degree to be interpetable, the military now uses gaming devices to control their drones also, simply put you cant take gaming or entertainment out of the equation, they all play in each others hands ....or well, they did... as to older consoles, yes i also played on a dreamcast with my buddies till the early 2000s, however they still came up with a new one from time to time and usually adapted the then up to date computer specs to get the best games possible whereas games nowerdays orient themselves on the specs of the consoles instead of those much more advanced ones on the pc like they did in the past then buy a DELL or MAC and be happy... thats what most console gamers dont get i guess, you dont have to use the most up to date hardware or mod your pc to become somekind of freaky mashine from the future, you can just plug it in and enjoy if you wish so too, but it offers those of us who like to toy with their their tools the ability to do so and hence achieve better graphics, better performance, etc console users dont need that it seems, they are content, content like, to use an example from the animal kingdom, sheeps are for example, thats as far as i understand how vagrant meant it, also they tend to defy more powerful tools for simplicity which kinda reflects the lifestyle of sheeps too, simplicity is simply somin that can mean many things, sadly on consoles it means less options, less possibilities, and im not talking about being able to watch your favorite pay tv channel on them. content leads to stagnation which is the arch rival of advancement, if our forefathers would have been content with sticks and stones we would still play with them but thanx the allmightyness of nature they werent and now we have 3d googles (which make my head spin, but hey at least its somin) @uberman123 just as vagrant said, better graphics dont necessarily need more time to create, the high poly models for example made for mass effect 2 are as life like as they can get, however those that could run on the console it was made for look kinda medicore, but even for those you need the high quality models as to make the textures look descent, a typical charcter model for example has about 9 million polygons before it gets projected onto a model with about 20 thousand polygons to run in realtime, with the current hardware and some clever engine (which wasnt developed yet as everyone is content with the xbox) we could however go up to 100 thousand polygons (at least) per character instead of the 20k under the same environment by now, heck actually we could produce models faster if we wouldnt need to optimize every last lil polygon of it (zbrushs decimation master could do wonders if 50k polies would be fine for a character and could save up to 10hrs of retopologization per model) however thats only a small fraction of my major complaint, the better hardware we have now also offers the ability to spend performance on artifical intelligence which is a bit more clever than a piece of bread or better phyiscs where a dropped spoon doesnt flop around like a basketball and so on 3d modellers arent that expensive either, the major costs are created due to voice acting, muscial scores, the video cutters and mostly advertisement and service fees (servers, console port liscences, etc) @vagrant all true, however thats what im complaining bout :P, pc specs could now work with twice the load that they did in 2003, yet we still have to linger round with the possibilities of '03 also dont forget that if game devs would actually try to make use of modern equipment they would prolly by now have come up with better ways to deal with certain problems like they did come up with normal maps, anti alisasing, voxels and the like, i didnt see any improvement like those in the past years and im absolutely sure that is because they (all of them sadly) develope for consoles now and not pcs anymore in regards to motion capturing, well it out since some time and some game devs use it, some dont, i cant understand why anyone with the ability to use it would defy it at all, making life like animations couldnt be easier, you pin a few markers on your body, swirl around and a programm converts the collected data into an animation you can then work with, you can even rent those systems if your company doesnt have the funds to buy one or did you mean motion capuring in terms of users actions being registered by a game or programm? well thats a different story alltogether i think, imo its useful and has a right to live, but its simply a new input device, not part of the core, wether i use a joystick, a joypad, a mouse or a motion capturing device is all important to how a game feels but it doesnt necessarily change the whole concept of games or the need for faster hardware, to pick up the car/engine example again id say its like the difference between manual shift and automatic, not like the difference between a cylinder motor and a jet engine as fo your last sentence, you packed uqite a lot in it :P -i think its still debatable if consoles really sell more games since in most statistics download4pay sales via for example steam arent counted in -as for piracy, you can still hack them but its much harder with blue ray (only atm due to their cost) or nintendo blocks (sry forgot the english word for those :P), piracy is imo being fought much harder by those annoying (really) online verifications (really annoyns me... honestly... nearly couldnt get my dragon age to run and accept the bonus thingy code for that crappy addon... same for mass effect -.- arrrr), but as far as i can see most anti piracy measure only backfired and kicked legit customers in the face whereas its still not clear if anyone really looses money due to virtual piracy the only, in my eyes, useful anti piracy measure was for multiplayer online games with dedicated servers, the famous serial number, that worked and didnt annoy the butterfly out of its customers as much as all the others which simply failed anyway :) -well braindead is a harsh word :P (tho i agree in many instances if i compare fallout to morrowind or even daggerfall for example), id say they are content... @anyone i get that console gamers are a market and you can make lots of money on it... but my point is that we are having a stagnating technological advance due to the orientation on aging hardware which is outdated, i just wonder if there is a way to incent developers to go for advancement instead again, maybe through money, maybe trough offering our virgin sisters to kali, i dunno atm... gosh thats a lot to read... damnit...
  6. alienating low end consumers is a vital point, however there has to be an end to that eventually, nearly 10yrs old pcs shouldnt be taken into count, they never did in the past, for example was every installment of the quake or wing commander series of the past a step foward and noone cared if you needed to buy a bit more ram or somin, and honestly i dont know anyone who played oblivion on ultra low settings, i used to play it on a 10yr old computer and had the same graphics as the guys playing on xbox, now that i have somin faster i want somin to use it for too... there always was a game or two that needed up to date hardware, by now there is no title with those requirements, new consoles used to come out every few years and people still bought them, the same goes for pc hardware but thats kinda not the point as most game devs do not develope for pcs anymore but base their games on the antique xbox360 which is truly a shame, from a modellers point of view that really annoying, you make amazing high poly models that look totally like real life does but the games you develope them for require them to get calculated down to somin that looks dated, comically, toyish and totally destroys most of the effort put into the models and textures. all that hype about new graphics cards and so on isnt worth a dime if there is no title out to make use of their power, and there are not a few but many people who by now bought directx10 or even directx11 gfx cards for example, nearly no pc user who honestly likes gaming and is willing to spend money on it is still using 10yr old PCs. sure there are people who do but if mankind would only orient its possible achievements on the slowest, most backward minorities we would still dwell in caves and worship wotan. i also agree that "shiny toys" isnt all there is to gaming but lets face it, movies didnt stay black and white and got voice overs eventually simply because it gives an easier to achieve immersion value, true there are outsanding movies of the silent black and white area but how many people watch that stuff? who here has actually seen metropolis? barely anyone... the technical possibiliteis we have now would allow for such amazing feats as physiced clothing, wind, realistic fluids and so on in realtime, stuff that for improves the visual side but also allows for new, untapped areas of gameplay features like destructable environments which arent scripted or pre-calculated like in bad company and co or the ability to use ones surrounding according to how we could do in real life, namely pick anything up and somehow use it, things that simply arent possible with those old school consoles
  7. as we all know, gaming has always been a driving element in the developement of computer technologie since the first tennis adaption on an oscilloscope, 3d graphics cards, cpu power and so on were heavily bound to the technological advance just as scientific simulation and military applications. most game devs were eager to use the newest available technology to give their products the edge over others, BUT this has changed... since about 2003 there was no major advancement in terms of games developed, the technologie is still advancing and theoretically the PCs we are able to buy now are able to handle even the most hardcore hardware intensive games like crisis, however game developers produce most of their software for the Xbox360 and the PS3, two consoles which are nearly a decade old, a century in computer tech terms. And objectively looked at, the graphics and game mechanics didnt really develope since oblivion came out, we still have no acceptable physics, the graphics still suck even in the most rescently released titles like modern warfare, mass effect 2 or dragon age and so on. And this is no wonder, the technologie in those consoles is ancient!!! with the mediocrity of their performance there simply is no advancement possible, the pcs many of us own by now on the other hand could run GTA4 3 times at once and still not stutter, if it was optimized for directx11 and other available tools. What we see now is a dangerous satisfaction of game devs and their marketing/management who thinks the Xbox and co are the non plus ultra, if you develope a game and want support of any kind you have to develope for these dusted consoles or drown trying. But are we satisfied? i certainly am not! of what use are things like directx11 with physical calculation support and other stuff like DDR5 memory if there is not a single application worth using that employs these abilities? are microsoft, sony and their slave developers trying to keep us in the stone age? do they not want to proceed further in the land of the unknown? its obvious that they dont want to develope a new console to save money, so what can we do to get our beloved game developers back on track? is there even anything we as customers can do? or we as part of developement teams for newer titles can do if our bosses want to get the support and the possible customer base of console gaming?
  8. you can use DXT1 instead of DXT5 aswell to save some memory ;)
  9. cause dragon age sucks... it has a great story and nice characters, much better than oblivion, however, its graphics, freedom of choice, modability and long time fun are so medicore i played it for a few days and will prolly never touch it again
  10. 1. more public presentation of the sex business would dimish the threat of extortion and other crimes related to it due to a vetter visibility and hence controlabilty (similiar to legalizing drugs, dont wanna know how many died due to the prohibition of alcohol and the cheap shine it produced) 2. many self rightous people would feel annoyed and scared by it and would not want to see it -> i feel scared by the sight of justin bieber and those like her, or the church and its twisted views on life, still i have to endure it, same right for all i say 3. it would lead to a less distorted view of sex if it would be treated as the natural thing it is -> less extreme "perverts", less sick mind 4. it would loose a bit of its naughtiness and hence its appeal to some
  11. thats cause LH is much more popular than you :P nah kidding, i dont know any of the bdays either, just started entering them in my mobile so i dont forget those of my closest family lol, youre not in so far, sry :P
  12. wee, happy birthday LH! all the best to you and your family, luck, bucks, happiness and all the like :)
  13. just make sure never to hit the "update facegen" button once you delete the egm or your hat will be sideways again, hence it probably better to just keep the egm alive, it usually aint that big im not sure however if it will still deform with the head but at least in fallout the heads are all quite equal anyway
  14. the ability to learn is tied heavily to age and hence the recession of the brain and body, until youre 6 month old your brain still produces brain cells, after that they only die, you dont get new ones, however in the first few month you basicly have a multitude of braincells but basicly no connections to make sense of the things, your environment, actions you see, witness, live through, those experiences then produce the necessary connections between brain cells, patterns are being developed which speed up thinking and descicion finding once these patterns are developed it becomes really hard to change them* and this is the very reason why younger folks learn faster and in a more complex way than older ones who need the info they want to learn to be presented in patterns according to their brain *you can however still form new patterns ;) this does not mean younger folks are better suited for thinking tasks than older folks as they still miss the patterns and connections created over the years and through experience which are vital to make proper descicions, which is what is needed in a job and in life in general working btw does not mean you only repeat learned patterns, most jobs require you to learn new stuff all through your life to keep up with the market, there are jobs which only require one ability like sorting stuff on an assembly line, but most jobs change over time and hence need adjustement i also think the time to say "oh gosh, the kids are all growing up with computers now, i didnt and now they know much more than me" is over, i was in that "new kid with pc skill" generation, those born after 88 are simply the next wave, people who are less into understanding how computers work since they never saw DOS or stuff, they know how to use graphic interfaces better maybe, many are also more console oriented and less pc ;) since the interfaces became easier and easier every year i actually think people who still saw DOS and the like are more understanding of what they actually do with these mashines, similiar to mac users vs pc users, or automatic car drivers vs manual shifting, the easier a task is the less you learn by performing it... just compare the GECk to the duke3d editor lol, guess which taught me more ;), the user friendly geck or the notorious duke editor? of course i learned much more with the duke editor in many terms, like english language, scripting, pc commands, how game engines work etc, in the geck i basicly do what i do in windows, drag and drop stuff...
  15. well winrar WAS good, however now its poiintless to get the try b4you buy thing as you opnly get 30 days by now and noit an unlimited trial with just an annoying screen, 7zip is ok, does the jopb, however i miss the ability to see a files nfo page like the one winrar shows on the right and which often inlcude the password to the rar file you wanna extract. 3) get "sharing and caring" (or was that only for fallout? i dont remember sry :P) 2) check the console cheats 1) search for "sword" or "blade" in the files tab to find hundreds of nice longswords, making mehrunes razor longer is kinda pointless to make as the modding itself talkes about 5mins but the compiling and all that export/import/conversion stuff would take about 45mins... but maybe its even there yet on this very nexus... could be... search the database is what i suggest :P
  16. if it doesnt work you may miss a file needed for that to work, all the hat.nifs need a hat.egm too to work properly with different head shapes, not all of the hats were shipped with the corresponding egm files tho and hence it doesnt always work. however, once you clicked the "update facegen avail." you can delete the egm unless you plan on clicking that button again.
  17. as a conscious developer you would never ever release alpha or beta videos which dont really show anything spectacular, and that video doesnt, it shows some dude shooting a gun we have since fallout3 came out (mods), running through a world totally void of objects of interest and a landscape worse than anything beth showed so far. it looks like what the geck looks like when you first open it up. and since we are at comparisions to older games, the gothic series for exampole showed good landscape understanding, how rocks look, how a tree looks, how a mountain looks, etc, beth is severly lacking in this regards and the new trailer really tops it. gameplay? did anyone see anything cool, gameplay wise, we've not seen yet in fallout 3? no, the only difference was that the perks screen looked more fallout 1ish so far a sad presentation, and no wonder fans come round as dissapointed if they get treated with such foul smelling scooby snacks ...yet...
  18. i think katsu would charge in too ...after watching a bit :P he is still young but very honorable :) (always wants to protect the farmers, when he meets the girl in the flower field and so on...) ya lol the characters are simply amazing in this story... the wood chopping samurai, the old buddy samurai, the wise aikido dude peacenik samurai and so on... theyre all great, but you probably have a point in letting the player only play one of the first 3, afterall they meet during the secondary initial thief, boy, hostage situation. would also be nice to get some flv movie sequences together, im thinking of ingame footage redone too get the feel of a samurai jack movie, stylized environments and such, kinda slow mo, 80ties style comic of japanese or czech origin, with voice overs, for example to be used when the farmers explain their situation and during conversations which contain longer passages of explanation like those about the genki wars and the frowned upon habit of the farmers to murder and rob wounded samurais after large battles i think short videos would improve the overall gameplay anyway, bethesda is really lacking in this point, really doesnt have to be as mad as final fantasy with 90% story and 10% gameplay, but i think simply replacing some of those click-way dialogues could improve the gameplay. fighting wise it should also get imporvements, oblivion is kinda boring in that regard... for example a simple script wich moves the camera around the weapon and plays time in slow mo during kills would be easy to achieve, maybe even with finisher moves, idles could be played during this slowmo sequence but really, if you like the seven samurai, watch the original from kurosawa, and also go rent, stream or whatever (should be legal by now) "Rashomon" (one murder, three sides of the story, whats guilt?), "Yojimbo" (one stranger, two gangs, stranger plays gangs gainst each other to make a profit but gets entrangled in moral questions) and if you feel like watching a 3h long political drama with about 20% bloodshed only "Ran" (3 brothers, 3 heirs, one empire, war) ;) and since were at old school stuff... try "Metropolis" (man vs mashine and their owners)(no there are no voices) from 1923... its THE base for science fiction movies, c3po, gotham city, etc... all derive from it. would also make for a good mod, has the damsel in distress, robots, huge cityscapes, a mad inventor, rich male without a father, parties an all that stuff... sadly the party scenes are part of the missing 30% of the movie :(... its still amazing however and those ladies dancing in the garden of eden at the beginning simply put are smoldering hawt :D
  19. just watched the gameplay video... oh holy cow :( that was really bad... character textures were blurry as hell, environment felt totally unnatural and the weapons used the same old fallout 3 animations, "wow a grenade launcher"... lol check the nexus mod section, theres a whole dozen of those -.- what ive seen looks like an alpha state mod made by total newcomers who never touched photoshop or have ever seen nature, sorry but if it doesnt get better it looks like an epic fail to me, a medicore mod for 60$... yayheee... so far a bunch if modders here from the nexus could produce a better quality for less money thats for sure lol... i hope they improve on that, i sincerely do...
  20. doesnt even have to be samurai ;) this old tale was for example also used in "the glorious seven" and so on, yojimbo would be mazing too as a mod, remade as "for a fistful of dollars" or "last man standing"... id rather play that huge ass samurai tho, he was kinda funny :) make it depend on player choice before the movie begins, either have him be a samurai and do the quest with the thief, ransom kid in the barn and the 1st samurai and depending on the actions to get the thief you become a different samurai, (or even a bandit!) or you make a choice through menu and background story or have the player play through the opening sequence as a farmer and then the first samurai you choose becomes you... or you play the whole thing as the farmer dude who lost his wife, hes kind of a warrior, maybe as additional path... through playing from the perspective of the first samurai would probably make things easier and more tactical than action oriented, depends simply on the amount of work youre willing to spend on it i assume.... :P
  21. also mind that there simply isnt enough money in circulation to buy all the music that gets pirated anyway :P, if the RIAA would ask for all the bucks it always says it looses due to pirates we would need to triple or somin the actual amount of money in existance... or we should lower interest rates exorbitantly, inflation going rampart, and then we might have enough bucks to buy music again, point is intellectual property was never a factor in the calculation of interest rates and the worth of money, that wasnt a problem as long as art was just a nuisance in financial calculations but nowerdays with the RIAA ir GEMA, welcome to the hell of capitalism :) according to the RIAA one mp3 is worth as much as 52.000 sacks of rice for example, does it feed anyone? no... does the RIAA loose 52k sacks fo rice if someone pirates such a song? no... as long as copyright laws are as pointless as they are atm and as long as intellectual property is being treated as third grade good and unimportant as an economical factor piracy should not even be illegal... its like saying breathing air while sitting in a cold tub while playing with exactly 4 rubber ducks has to be illegal... nonsense... once we had a line in our constitutions, a penalty has to be in relation to the crime comitted and the damages done, in this copyright context however there is no relation left
  22. sry for the late reply, was busy dodging hail storms :P k, i gonna give it a new try right away, thx for the tipps and all the hazzle :) edit: lol ok it wooorks :) thanks! anyway, i realized i simply forgot to change the "media" into "youtube" after clicking the "insert media" button, maybe, just maybe, this could be changed for us non php masters who use the forum buttons :P, a simple "plz select your type of medium" menu which changes the word "media" acordingly might work, but well, no clue :D
  23. that aritcle is bs... for one was it written by a console gamer which as we all know have zero knowledge of any kind and hence cant make conclusions and henceforth are all her or his (article nor name make it clear if its a gal or boy) comments void... the article lost all credibility after it blamed pc gamers for piracy being a problem the industry thinks needs fighting, compare that article to the one about thr RIAA ideas on how much one mp3 is worth... its alot lol... it also completely ignores the old problem of games not being sold cause theyre shitty or the people who pirate them wouldnt pay in the first place either and hence there is no lost income and hence no break of law... anyway... the author also ignores the fact that many gamers simply dont need girls as we have sex with our floppy drives, due to our small wangs thats totally possible, i assume its simply a bigoted mindset which thinks of people who dont think of girls as their toy of choice as perverted. but well, each their own i guess, just dont blame us for your crappy games or the predjuduce people show towards you my dear console people :P if anyone is to blame its you for supporting years and years of medicore game developement and buying stuff like battlefield bad company 2 or dragon age (my fault too, i bought this shitty game, i beg your forgiveness).
  24. now i feel really really small wih my 1.5kg of meat for todays BBQ :(
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