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Everything posted by jaysus
i guess you named a few items too much actually imo :D you have like 5 fire starting kits in there for example... many of the things can be improvised with what you find in nature too you need: -one fixed blade knife -a fishing line -a few hooks (no large ones... medium is ok for most fish and you wont have the time to go for the big catch anyway) -a "bic" lighter (buthane, but is has a striking steel inside which you can use after its empty, or get just a striking steel instead) -cloth and good shoes!... socks, socks and more socks... xcept you have really good shoes like "meindl" -toothbrush -a few bandaids -a light cooking pot -maps and compass (hiking maps or if you have some magic car, road maps) -first aid kit -sewing kit -sleeping bag is advisable as is a tent but you could also improvise those -a few books about physics, chemistry, medicine and biology aswell as the local plantlife and its uses (whats eadible, which mushrooms work as antibiotics for example, which berry work against diarreha, how to build a water purifier, shack, shelter...) the books can be replaced by people with corresponding proffesions, just make sure they survive :P -a radio transmitter/receiver to find other survivors to mate with and trade goods -condoms with that stuff you are mobile, swift and prepared, just make sure the stuff is kept in prime condition -a dog would be quite useful too
:teehee::whistling::turned::sweat::smile::blush: i think thats a really good line... ill keep it in my good line text file along such as
i usually sacrifice a cute furry rabbit before i start with a modding session, it helped me so far and will help you too i assume.
actually i think it would be pretty funny... :teehee: not that boring, wake up, work, get somin to eat, sleep poo we do every day till we die atm... mmh maybe i just need some vacation :whistling: furthermore could it dissolve these nasty power structures that exist since hundreds of years and favor criminals over rightous people
@ #3) get the pc version, start modding, become more famous than a rockstar and the groupies will haunt you for the rest of your natural life... you wont even know where they come from, but eventually youll wake up one morning and say "damn, where the heck did all these boobies come from" just right beofre you get distracted from that thought by one hot brunette nibbling on various body parts of you... seriously... that poo works...
nope... you can change the size of creatures and npcs on the fly with a script (the head would size with it tho) but it doesnt work on the player at all... you could however create a custom creature similiar to supermutants, however this wouldnt let the player wear the armor
"us" meaning the whites who kept em in shackles and held em like slaves till 20yrs ago when eventually noone wanted to trade with you guys anymore and your assaults on other african nations were fought back? how can anyone blame them for wanting to throw you, even if youre just a descendant of those who did that, into a volcano... its not a nice wish but i can understand their reasons, afterall most of SAs wealth is still in the hand of the whites and a few corrupt blacks your reasons are less understandable, you simply want to keep the property your ancestors stole, with their sweat and blood maybe but they stole it by murder and enslavement nevertheless... not much different from the rest of the world, the amaricans stole the land from the natives, chinese from the tibetians, israelis froim the palestinians, rothshilds from europe and so on, however if those incidents are of a rescent nature its easy for mongers to incite hate and anger and thus actions noone wants to see
:blink: are you bloody nuts? hoping that others get massacred surely is a one way ticket to the dark side and utterly retarded imo... it doesnt serve any purpose but primitive satisfation for a short moment and only fuels the fires of hatred even more...
Sheogorath... no need for explanations lol, hes hillarious, Haskil is quite funny too Lord Hassildor - great character, would work for him anytime, all that vampire mystery surrounding him and the story with his wife... nice Lucien is kind of a moron imo, cool but retarded Grey Fox (actually only his use of the word "Capital!" otherwise hes bloody annoying)
ah lol... agreed on push... get out of there, a few hundred yrs of racism, slavery and extortion have simply destroyed that placed completely everybody hates everbody nowerdays, add a lot of poverty, different racial origins (lots of indians) and jealousy and you have the perfect situation for a hatred and agression of all kinds... not saying youre at fault but your ancestors kinda are... beautiful country tho, my parents loved it tho they wont return soon out of fear lol
released: file page
lol i create em faster than you people can reply :D anyway im finally through with this batch of swords :) could really need some ideas on how to implement them (quest?, buy?, enchantments? power? blabla) http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/70110-1269053361.jpg
thx push, how the heck did you get 10k posts anyway? WTF? wanna beat the sitebot? :D well anyway, a few new ones joined the club now :) 2 models left and awaiting texturing, straight blade nihonto style... (well additional to the argonian skin hilted ones :D) im open now to suggestions on how to implement them in an easy yet interesting way... http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/70110-1269036662.jpg
http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/70110-1268952444.jpg the collection grows
CO2 destroying the ozon layer and letting sun heat leak in is not a theory its a fact, its a theory as long as it aint prooven, you can test that however inside a lab... however its true that CO2 is not the only cause, there is another gas, whose name i lost, which basicly is available in even bigger quantities and has an even worse effect on the ozon layer btw, even if you reject the theory its not a moot one, your opinion doesnt necessarily make reality ;) show us some stuff, references or whatever or explain, blabla, so we can agree or disagree on your "opinion" and discuss why you think so, otherwise its simply of no impotance to the discussion or any discussion in general, bring arguments please :) furthermore, as stated a few pages back by a few people, is it not about a homogenous temperature we talk, its not like "its gets 1°C warmer everywhere", it kinda depends, due to the destroyed ozon layer more sun gets in = more heat = warmer due to the increased pollution less sun hits the ground in areas covered by dust clouds = less heat = colder the result of that are devastating natural disasters in the areas where cold and warm meet aka typhoons, tornados, air currents and so on... however the overall temp rises = rain/snow/floods/changing currents/melting ice if we take that graph as serious we must notice that in opposition to earlier high rise temps our time seems to be kinda stable and didnt peak and then fall down again, it stays at that height which is way above average, this gives the warmth the chance to melt much more ice than usual and change the world in more dramatic ways than a swiftly happening peak however that graph is in millenias not years or centuries which makes it kinda pointless to look at it alone, we would need to compare it to a sheet which shows the change from pre industrial times to now and another one to pre human times to those when we started mass producing iron (first extreme industry)
depends, we had such a beast in uni and its actually quite a simple technique actually, you can do it with two webcams and some stickers as markers. Useful if you want to convert geometrical extravagant pieces which are not easily creatable from 2 or 3 angles. those hightech versions are of course a bit more sophisticated, however most proffesionals use sound instead of laser since lasers get easily distorted by differences in the air composition which wuld need to get calcualted into the program depending on location. would be worth to give it a shot in the architectural department of jaysus productions tho :P another problem with the laser is that it cant reach areas behind objects, neither can sound... im still looking for somin that could actually see a whole room and even stuff behind other objects. and of course turn it into somin more useful than a bunch of dots... faces for example lol...
http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/70110-1268921122.jpg and on we go... 6 swords now :) i guess it must be more than 10 models i have in store actually :P
http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/70110-1268900496.jpg well well well well, i started working on Volume 2 of the Blades! saga... my skills kinda improved a lil since the last volume and i want to train them a bit more with this mod :) i have about 10 models ready of which i just finished texturing the above 3 as usual i will most likely refrain from creating swords which are too much fantasy like ala Warcraft or Final Fantasy, most of the 10 models are realistic ones made from real life references with some modifications of course if i will, once again, make a design contest to get more models into the mod is unclear at the moment this mod or at least its contents will most likely also get transfered to fallout3 once finished please be patient though as i am busy with tons of other projects and i basicly do this in what little free time i have as a way to relax :P
sry double post, plz delte this one...
i can only say lol... i dunno what kind of hemingway you read but it wasnt the copenhagen accord... because that one simply doesnt have anything close to 100 pages nor does it speak of any global government, all they do is to agree to work together in the future just like they did before and before... its not legally binding and there is no commity that would be able to take over national government institutions... hence they dont have the power to make a law, hence they are not a government at all... the IMF, UN and WTO on the other hand do exactly that, they can make international laws, exchange your national ministers and basicly do the ruling for you or your government bilderberg, G8, etc are more like shadow governments those above btw dont do much if anything at all bout human rights, they mostly deal with finances, simply because finances rule the world and not some treehuggers or lumberjacks or even crying children... maybe read it again... mmh... again? when did they ever do that? what facts? the fact that the accord is 100 pages long which it isnt? the fact that some dude thinks his words are facts? kinda hillarious to be honest... at least explain why you think that this would make a world government, im sorry but i didnt take my daily dose of lsd yet to fully follow your logic which is really hard anyway considering the massive amount of info you showed us...
@maxwell and his world government in your mind the geneva convention, anti slavery agreements or using 5.56 bullets in the nato forces all makes a world government? wow then we have quite a bunch of those -.- the copi summit is a summit, one to agree on certain new laws regarding climate and environment protection... if thats really threatening to you, you prolly shouldnt be told that there are things like the G8 or bilderberg meetings which truly make global policies and are some kind of world governemnt, their descicions affect basicly everything not just how much oil our cars shall use in the distant future, in like 50 yrs or somin... @uncle roe well if you meant those hot air windmills i mentioned earlier you kinda didnt get the point... the desert is unused, those things cost basicly nothing and can generate assloads of energy, much more so than those wimpy wind plattforms we have in the north sea but i assume you meant some freaky scientist invention like the one where we send hundreds of trillions of mirrors into space to reflect sunlight back to the sun and hence cool the earth lol...
1. these are common ideas/theories, not common fact ;), a difference... 2. might it have been that your cousins never really liked their studies or the subject as a whole but never knew? or maybe they were afraid of failure in the face of your "clan" and the isolation gave em the room to do their own? maybe they were simply too dumb... tho i must admit ive seen total mentals getting their degree lol 3. maybe they isolated themselves because the "clan" annoyed them with the constant bickering about their habits? 4. cocaine? well many reasons to take that none of which includes weed but sex, stress, party, etc
MMM COMM + addons the DLCs Ultimate Perk Pack +music mods +a bunch of home mods, mostly personalized princess stomper homes (i kinda like her style, just not perfect for me hence i need to modify em :P) sometimes: + Greenerworld
A Vanilla NPC is not turning Essential?
jaysus replied to tawney's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
its posible that he just needs to reload: open console click on kahjit dude write: disable hit enter write: enable hit enter done -
blender doesnt cause more crashes than max... its just as good as max, only the render quality and render adjustability is a bit less powerful, otherwise its the same for 0$ instead of 3000$... choose wisely... a new car or a program... i wouldnt mind buying max only for game modding at all...