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Everything posted by Erethex

  1. The only bad thing I can about SSE is the 3-4 years of wait. But now that it is finally here, I believe my nightly prayers to the divines haven't gone unanswered. :happy:
  2. Whatever needs to be done to asure survivability, I approve of. I cannot think of anyone who do not appreciate improvment, thanks for everything!
  3. I'd say Whiterun as of now. Solitude sure has an outstanding core in terms of landscape structure but I believe it needs a total overhaul, not putting more foliage around but completely re-design it. It's still is a beautiful looking city but just doesn't hit the spot for me. Whiterun really gives a nice atmospheric feeling and a real nordic / medieval structure. Not sure if any of this made sense. To put it short, Whiterun is very nice, has nice atmosphere. Solitude has nice looks, but I think lacks in design regarding housing etc.
  4. I believe I've heard somewhere that UNP is more easier to work with in terms of modding. Maybe that somewhere was in this thread, not sure. This is just an assumption. I've also been seeing new UNP supported clothing mods and compatibility patches, no doubt that CBBE is more popular and still has more in quantity regarding content. My preference is UNP at the moment, I usually change from time to time. I never stick around with the same mods over and over again. I'd say give both a try then decide.
  5. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/21.jpg A true adventurer.
  6. I'd love if some of the attire from Star Wars to be put in Skyrim!
  7. Damn Greybeards. Never satisfied with their new Dragonborn.
  8. Indeed, the site loads very slowly and can at most times display an error. I have no exact information about what is causing this. My closest clue would be that the server is overloaded or has some kind of configuration/error problem which is causing these irritating closures and long time intervals.
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