Hi all, I'm seriously losing my mind over this. I have around 150 mods installed through vortex (and check to make sure they are all ticked int he load order menu in vortex), but when I launch my game through SFSE the mods don't work and when I exit the game, they're all unchecked in the load order tab.
I recent reinstalled and set everything up and added some content form the creation store in-game, but that's when everything seemed to fall apart. I can tick the mods from vortex in the creation menu and they seem to function, but that only seems to work on a small scale basis- when I tick everything (even without any creation content downloaded or enabled) and try to launch the game crashes to desktop. When I select only a handful and run the game, those mods work but the selection is not saved the next time I launch the game.
At this point I'd be willing to totally ditch creation stuff and just run with the mods from nexus, but none of my ESMs will load in the game.
This is the first time I've installed the game since launch, and now it looks like the plugins.txt enabler is no longer needed, but nothing seems to be working for me. Does anyone have any suggestions?