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About njforgacs

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  1. It looks great. I would love to see this. This seems like a really achievable concept to bring to life. Some other concepts I've seen look a lot more ambitious, on the verge of impossible. I like that this is one I could actually see happening I also really love the skills screen, I like the look of the stars, and it's kind of fun, but it's a mess to navigate, so I like how you kept it and just added a simple navigation menu. Awesome, I hope somebody will take this on.
  2. The mod in progress posted by the second poster seems like the most realistic fix for now http://www.image-share.eu/share/336850-TESV2011-1.jpeg Who is doing that one? I'm very curious about it but I haven't seen anything about it anywhere else. The other mockup, the now famous one, would be freaking amazing, but holy crap that would take some serious work. That makes the oblivion ui mods seem like a cakewalk. I hope someone does it, but I'm not holding my breath.
  3. Verifying the cache worked for me! Thanks!!!
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