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Everything posted by kenedii

  1. I'm trying to modify HMF_ARM_CTHk .dds files and I keep getting this error message for the 6 mods I've tested: System format exception: different image format, original is DXT5, new is DXT1. ME3Explorer texplorer saltTexture2d oneimage to rule them all - string image file name, string archivedir ME3Explorer texplorer texploere add biggest image tool strip menu item click - object send, event args e I 'think' what needs to be done is the .dds files have opened up and then re-saved in the correct DTX (5 vs 1) format in PSP or another compatible program? Any advice on how to go about t his would be great. Thanks.
  2. Thandal, Yeppers - I have the submit button and .... ummm - feeling more then foolish at the moment ... for some reason I was thinking that was for the paypal donations info only. Thanks again for the help and sorry to have been a bother.
  3. Hello Thandal, Thanks for the help. I zoomed the 'edit preference' page out and unfortunately, I didn't miss any controls. :S The only buttons at the bottom of this page is 'submit' for donations and 'go premium'. The profile 'my settings' page does have a save option. However, not all the options are included in this area that are on the 'preference' page. As far as I can determine there is no way to change the preference options via the 'edit preference' page from my end (I've cleared browser history/cookies/cache several time with no change). I'm assuming the preference page is locked to the profile for all the communities(?) so would it be possible for an administrator to make a hard change (that's probably not the right term :S ) on my account for these options? I know some feed and tracking options are also listed on the Profile/My Setting page but I didn't double check if the ones I listed are. Premium Mem Preference # of files per page 50 # of comments per page 50 Global Preferences Adult Content Yes File Rating reminder every 14 days Feeds Preferences Show user activity on files you're tracking Yes Show author updates about files you're using Yes Notification Preferences Display notifications in your user bar Yes Receive notifications for site news Yes If these changes can't be made on your end what other options are available? I know this is frustrating so thanks again for the help.
  4. I've gone into my preference options but all the changes revert back to default once I leave the page. I could be going blind but I didn't see a save button if there is one. A prior post stated clearing the browser and cache would correct the problem. It didn't work for me. Not sure if this info is needed but I've only explored the DAO network. Sooo... help please.
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