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About CryoticShell

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  1. Vortex is telling me that I don't have Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp despite not only having it, it being visible in Vortex AND loading before the .esp that requires it. When I tell it to check again, nothing changes. Restarting Vortex doesn't change this either. I don't know if it's just a hiccup with the program or what. Apparently it didn't upload my image like I thought it did, so here's an imgur link. I'm sorry, I'm new here. https://imgur.com/a/wPY3LLa
  2. I need some help, pretty sure this is the place to put this. I need a mod that decreases the particles, textures, whatever it is that makes up flames, but without decreasing the light level. Can anyone direct me or whatever?
  3. So I have these annoyingly pixilated shadows, can anyone supply me a mod to fix this and basically all shadows? Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
  4. Title explains issue. Skyrim, specifically SKSE, crashes when I open it. I can only imagine that it's a load order issue, but I've used LOOT to check my order multiple times and my order is the exact same as what LOOT says to have it as. I don't have a whole lot of mods, but apparently something has gone wrong with the ones I have. I just had to reset my laptop to factory settings, which means I just installed Skyrim and NMM and all the mods, if this can be relevant in any way. If I have to delete a cache file or something then that might be the problem. I don't know if I need to though, so I have no idea.
  5. Sorry if I spelled that wrong, but I get an infinite loading screen when entering the main door of Castle Volikhar, except the first time when bringing back Serana. I accepted the Bloodstone Chalice quest and now I can't go back into the castle, before or after completing the quest, without getting the load screen.
  6. I'm deleting most of my mods and would like to know what mod combinations people like. Chesko's Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Diseases, Hunterborn and Wet and Cold are pretty much things I'm guaranteed to keep. Any other mod combos I should use? I prefer lore friendly. Also, if this is in the wrong section I apologize.
  7. I'm trying to unistall Falskaar, and it says to remove "Video/Falskaar_Intro.bik", "Video/Falskaar_Outro.bik", "Falskaar.bsa", and "Falskaar.esm" It says that these are supposed to be in my Skyrim\data folder, but I can't find that folder. Can anyone help me?
  8. Hello everybody! I was hoping to start a Skyrim series for youtube, just to have something on my channel, give it a purpose, but whenever I try to record all I get is a black screen with sound. I use Camtasia Studio 8, and it does this for Starcraft II also. What do you guys recommend?
  9. Hello people. I need help. As the title says, I get a CTD, without a warning or anything, when I try to loot bodies of things. So far it's a 3/3 crash rate, and I came here thinking it could be a temporary thing. I found other people who had the same issue though, so I made this topic/thread. Like the title says, I'm assuming it has something to do with Frostfall or Hunterborn (probably the latter) because I just added those mods and the Hunterborn thing that makes Falskaar or whatever it is work there too. My load order for these is as follows: Purewaters.esp (included because i remember it mentioned by Frostfall i think) Chesko_Frostfall.esp FalskaarRNDHotfix.esp Hunterborn.esp Hunterborn_RND-Patch RND_PureWaters-patch RealisticNeedsandDiseases Any help is appreciated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - 12:13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load order issue (first time needing a proper load order for mods, forgive me please). New load order moves the patches beneath what they make respective mods compatible with.
  10. Thank you very much, I'll try Nifskope and see what happens.
  11. Hi everyone, first thing I'd like to say is that this is my first time to the Forums, so if this is in the wrong spot (which I don't think it would be, that's why I'm putting it here) I apologize. Alright, As the Title says, I'd like some....stuff for an already existing skimpy armor mod. The mod specifically is: Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer -Work In Progress- - aKiller Keos Skimpy CBBE Armor Replacer V6-6-8 I was wondering if there's a way to choose which armors are skimpified or not, and if not how I or if someone else can change certain ones. There's not a lot that I like Vanilla version more than, but a few just either don't look good (to me) or are too much, or even just strange, such as the Leather armor that just kind of drapes over the body, and just doesn't make much sense as to why someone would wear it. If there's a way to choose/change specific ones I'd like to know, and I'd be most appreciative of anyone's help. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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