Hi there, I know this isn't troubleshooting for a mod as such, but I figured people here would hopefully be able to help me. I'm trying a few different things via the Console (I only recently bought a PC, so I'm a noob when it comes to PC games) and some seem to work, such as I can summon an item easy enough, and showracemenu and kill are probably the easiest commands of all time, but I'm trying other commands, such as forcing marriage on an NPC (I've tried on numerous and still doesn't work). So, I've got the amulet of Mara equipped, and I get close enough to talk to an NPC, and enter the Console. Now, there are a few different things I have looked at, for example I've a YouTube video where he opens the console, clicks on the NPC, enters setrelationshiprank 4 and then enters, and then addtofaction19809 1 and then it works, I've tried this, and it doesn't seem to work. Now, then according to UESP.net it says I need to input the following: addtofaction <faction ID> <faction rank>}, which I've tried (Which the actual numbers for said faction and rank) and then setrelationshiprank <target> <#> with the right numbers, but that doesn't seem to work either. Can someone help me or see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.