this is my card: btw, im running my monitors on the duplicate setting, since i'm always using one or the other... So you're saying i should run HDMI into my monitor and buy a 25' DVI cable for my TV? and that should fix things?
Alright, now maybe we're getting somewhere. On the Windows display property my comp monitor is indeed "number 2", while my TV (i have a 25' HDMI cable running to my plasma in the bedroom) is number 1. What exactly do you mean by "swap the monitor cable on the dvi connector"?
Yep it's set to 1, I checked that a few hours ago at the suggestion of someone in chat. Just tried resetting CCC to default, no luck. I also tried turning off OpenGL triple buffering, to no effect :(
It only goes over 60 when vsync is disabled (via Catalyst Control Center). CCC is what I was using to enable "v-sync" in the first place. Also, the tearing is ALWAYS in the exact same position, every time i play.
Hi all, i've had slight horizontal screen tearing consistently in the lower third of the screen whenever i move my character or turn the view. Vsync is on, i've tried turning it off but that didn't help. FPS is between 40-70 usually. Any ideas?
Was wondering if someone could help me get these two to work. I was able to get the CBBE body for YGNord, but now her face is all dirty and I cant seem to fix it. Changing dirt slider does nothing. Also any facial color tints are no longer working (eyeliner, warpaint).....
hmmm.... manual download seems to be working fine, you sure I'm not doing something wrong with the NMM? After extraction, do I just put the mods in the Skyrim folder? I guess NMM will organize them later...?
I have version 0.45.4, AFAIK its the newest... I guess I'll try try again in a few hours... just happy to know it isn't likely a problem on my end. Thanks!
Sorry to bump an old thread, but when I googled my problem this is all that came up. Im getting the exact same error message (numbers may be different). This is the first mod I've tried to DL, Caliente's CBBE mod.... am I doing something wrong?