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About Zekerbox

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    United States
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    Mass Effect Series and Oblivion Series

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  1. I autosave a ton because of how quick and easy it is to hit the key on my merc stealth keyboard. I wonder if there is a way to hotkey a full/hard save? I didn't realize quick-saves were a stability risk
  2. I'm a new character-oholic. I'm that way with most RPGs.... I keep trying for that one epic character to play through with. I do it on MMO's too. I had 7 characters on SWTOR and played through on 4. Skyrim its a bit different because I'm also on a quest to find that perfect mod pack to fit my play style and desire for immersion, so in during that quest I have corrupted a lot of saved files and re-rolled characters. who's bringing the donuts for the meeting...
  3. My Rig: Intel Core i5 3570k @ 4.1 ghz 8 GB Mushkin DDR3 1600 @ CL7 Skrim installed on Sandisk Extreme SSD Windows installed on Intel X25 SSD EVGA Geforce GTX780 Superclocked BFG geforce GTX280 (Physx card only - not relevant in skyrim) 1080p monitor and resolution
  4. Sometimes I get the infinite load screen and if Load an older save and then reload the new and then make a fresh save. That seems to work for me. It helped me a lot with infinite load screens when I got rid of certain mods. Some of the mods that spawn a lot of NPC's or other AI make my game too unstable.
  5. I wondered the same thing. I didn't notice any real performance improvement when I enabled multi-threading. I wonder if this has been coded into the game wit updates. I was hoping this might solve some of the scripting lag issues with a heavily modded game, but no luck. I still can't figure out how Skyrim manages to gobble up almost all 8gb of RAM on my system.... Thanks for the input. I really didn't see any difference when I log my hardware. Its not truly multi-treading the game, just some of the processes. I did notice that with threading enabled I was able to remove v-sync without stuttering problems. I'm am still surprised I can't keep stability with ugrids > 5
  6. I've been playing around with ENB's for a few weeks and I can tell you it is a PITA to get running smooth. I have a pretty powerful computer and I can't get my game to run stable with ENBs.... I have tried tons of tweaks and adjustments and haven't found ENBs to work well for me... Just my two pennies :geek:
  7. I wondered the same thing. I didn't notice any real performance improvement when I enabled multi-threading. I wonder if this has been coded into the game wit updates. I was hoping this might solve some of the scripting lag issues with a heavily modded game, but no luck. I still can't figure out how Skyrim manages to gobble up almost all 8gb of RAM on my system....
  8. So I am running skyrim modded with lots of Hi Rez textures and scripts. I can run the game with 16xxQ CSAA @ 1080p with everything else cranked with 60fps butter smooth. I get slight dips in open areas but always 50+ FPS. If I run ENB I can barely get over 20fps and sometimes drop to slide show rates! I want to max out skyrim with ENB. I'm looking to figure out where the deficiency is in my system. Can anyone offer some advice on how I can determin where my system is being taxed to its limits? System: Intel I5 3570k @ 4.2 Ghz 8GB of DDR3 1600 Mushkin Blackline 7 cas (2x) HD6970's Skyrim and OS are running on SSD's I have multi-threading enabled in my ini any further info you might need, let me know. Thanks,
  9. Pfft nobody reads those Bold type underlined sticky threads with exclamation marks in the title!
  10. I'm into horses IRL I wondered if anyone could make some mods for horses to ad some realism/role-play. Some thoughts are: Feeding and watering your horse - A play on realistic needs and diseases Grooming requirements - groom your horse or they get dirty Gear - Different tack you could purchase from the stable vendors Injuries for horses - Stones and foot problems or cuts and scrapes Styling changes - braided main and tail, longer mains and tails or trimmed mains and tails Variety - Variations in horse breeds (sizes and composure) Breeding - Raise your own colts Kicking horses - Teach your horse to kick or paw animals and NPC attackers on the trail. (not overpowered, but something to stun them so you can run away or get off and fight) I would be willing to offer any information and testing to help with these mods. I have horses and work in the horse care industry. I have a lot of horse knowledge at my disposal. Thanks, Zeke
  11. I recently got this problem with Belefor in whiterun. His face just has no color. Its like he went black n white from the neck up lol
  12. I've already noticed a huge improvement! Makes me feel better about spending my money on donations for the site.
  13. http://www.skyrimgems.com/ gems helped a lot with picking out some of the really good ones or necessary mods. The unofficial patches are a great idea. The immersion and visual mods are a personal preference IMO. I try to keep my game lore friendly but adding content is cool.
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