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Posts posted by Vainlash

  1. Well it does say on some mods it's reccomended to use 'FOMM'. But then when you check that, it ain't been updated in years so I figured it would still be best to go with NMM. It is NMM and that menu thing as I said which causes the crash. I downloaded this other mod JIP Companions Command and Control. Which is basically just a follower overhaul, and in the download he has 2 files. The main file causes the NMM to crash. The 2nd file is the exact same but when checking into the archive, it don't come with a 'menu' folder, the mod still works just fine in-game, but the point is the 2nd file installed just fine.


    And this is obviously a problem because he has this in his sticky;




    Q: When attempting to install the mod, NMM crashes/throws an error message.
    A: This should no longer happen with newer versions (0.50+) of NMM. If it does, download the 'Manual' package from the files tab and install according to the instructions detailed on the description tab/readme file.


    So it's not like I ain't sure what's causing it, I'm certain it's to do with the whole Menu / UI thing it has to be something along those lines.

  2. New Vegas, clean install. Clean install of NMM. All up to date. I have The Mod Configuraton Menu, The Weapon Mod Menu, And YUP Unofficial Patch installed. The moment I install Project Nevada, NMM will 100% crash and say 'not responding'.


    Then parts of the files from Nevada got installed into my New Vegas directory, so I have to go and delete them and try the same proceedure again. It crashes every single f***ing time. 5 times in a row. I've even gone so far as to delete and unininstall everything, 3 times over now, put back my clean install of New Vegas, verify integrity of game cache, and it's all there and a fresh install. Moment I use those same mods, 100% crash. Followed by if I disable The Mod Configuration Menu, NMM will just trace log crash. This also happens 100%. Nothing to do with my computer, and I ain't even played Vegas today because all it does is crash 100% the moment I install any mod that adds some sort of 'menu' or 'UI'.


    Don't tell me to try run as admin or make sure 'vac' or something is off. I know what I'm doing and the problem is NMM.



    Decided to try 1 more time with nothing else at all. 1st Install Mod Configuration Menu. 2nd Install The Weapon Mod Menu. 3rd Install Project Nevada = 100% not responding.


    But installing Project Nevada first and then the other 2 seems to work fine. But then when I install another mod later, that as I said, does something with the Menu or something along those lines, I get this Not Responding error again.

  3. This piece of s*** literally keeps randomly crashing in the middle of installing / uninstalling, which just means files are being left all over the place in the New Vegas folder. I've even gone so far as doing a clean install of NV, same with NMM, deleting everything, get NVSE and the usual stuff and moment I install, for example, Weapons Mod Menu or that other Main Mod Menu one it crashes. It just comes to a complete stop saying not responding. Crashes on a 71kb file lmao what a joke. Then I have to see exactly what's in that mod archive file, and delete those contents in the NV folder otherwise when I try installing the same mod again, it asks me to overwrite because of course stuff from this same mod is still there.

  4. I'm tweaking my ENB and all of a sudden my shadows are playing up. It was perfectly fine before and my ENB is all up to date, but I dunno why the shadows are playing up.





    If you see where the red circle is, there is sort of a 'faded' shadow patch, those little shadow patches are flashing all over where ever there is shadows. I don't get it lol, it's actually annoying me now maybe if the shadows in this game wasn't so f*#@ing bad I wouldn't have this problem.


    My Shadows settings are on Ultra, I've tried playing with blurmask thing, turning shadow range down, increasing shadow res to 4k on all options, tried deleting the entire skyrim rpefs and refreshing them as new, tried using another ENB, still happening. Is it the lighting causing bad shadows or what?

  5. I understamd that an ENB is more or less a post process shader or something like that but I see several mods that seem to rely on or reccomend them, such as Vivid Landscapes.


    What ENB should I look at or do I need one at all? I checked out Project Reality because it seems to go with the Weather Lighting Overhaul but I prefer to have a ncie balance between gameplay and beauty, with little stutter and good FPS... So an ENB may not be something I really want.


    Any advice?


    Sure, check out my ENB comparison here. - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51014/?


    Once you start getting a few mods on the go, they can cause stutters, regardless of how good your computer is.

    Patently untrue. The official HD textures are really no different than any HD texture pack on the Nexus except for the fact that they come directly from Bethesda. If you're getting stutters or lag with them intsalled it's because you're over taxing your system, plain and simple. The same would happen with any other texture pack. Any difference is likely in your head.


    Whether you use the official texture pack or something here from the Nexus is entirely up to opinion. I personally dislike Skyrim HD's style. They just don't fit, IMO. I prefer the official texture pack combined with a host of more specific textures from the Nexus. I've cherry picked the best bits from various authors and install them in such an order that I end up with the textures I want overwriting those I don't. It's worked well for me for about two years now,




    No, you are wrong. The Official High Res DLC isn't compressed properly, which is why it's so large, causing stutters. It's better just to use the Bethesda High-Red DLC Optimized, here on the nexus.

  7. I do try and restrain myself but I get greedy as hell and just download download download and then I wonder why my game dies


    lol I think what people forget is Skyrim by it's self is already a huge, huge game with loads of stuff. So while modding people think there creating a 'new' game so have to get every little thing but really you don't. I got like 50 mods, and 20 of them or so, are just patches and other bug fixes.


    I do have another 40 or so, but those are textures and stuff like that, when it comes to that you can knock yourself out.

  8. Last message I got was "[00:16] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2. The system can not find the file specified> [01:21] Background Loader: finished"


    yeah, keep reading up until you get to whatever was loading in [brakets].


    So it would be like


    [Mod Name here] Loading


    then a bunch of these


    [00:16] Background Loader - 32890nf

    [00:16] Background Loader - nrfh289f3


    That is the mod giving you the crash. You probably forgot to get a patch, run a bashed patch, or proccer, when unistalling or installing something.

  9. No problem, just don't go nuts when modding and always take your time and read, check out a video, see what it's all about and you won't have problems :smile:

  10. Just use the Lite version of Skyrim HD, which is 2K textures. never use 4K stuff it's a waste unless you have 3 monitors where you can see the difference. Otherwise yes it's better, and better optimized. Where as the Official High Res DLC is all 2K also, it's also huge, so it's better doing how I said.

  11. Changing the names of mods in the manager does nothing to the names of the archives themselves, or the names of any of the files inside them. It changes only the name displayed in NMM. So it makes no difference to BOSS nor does it affect mods looking for dependencies. I don't think I have a single mod in the 290 I have downloaded that I haven't changed the name of in NMM because of my rather specific organisation system, and it's never caused me any problems whatsoever.


    Lol yeah was going to say, my boss, bashed, proccer all that works just fine. I alraedy knew anyway but always best to confirm.

  12. Think it's working now. Just to check:

    My iron broadsword does 24 dmg and my dragon one longsword does 40. Damage Gap feels a bit small? Or is that ok? not really got any perks I just consoled my smithing while trying to sort this out.

    Also, does the jaysus swords mod from the new page automatically adjust damage for skyre?


    I dunno I never got that far in the game yet, as for the jasys sowrds the proccer should deal with that.

  13. I would disable the official high res dlc. Once you start getting a few mods on the go, they can cause stutters, regardless of how good your computer is. This is what I use and it looks the best I think, and is a good template for you, then you can add the other bits and bobs as you go along, so download this, in order, and when asked to overwrite select

    [yes to mod].


    Skyfalls + Skymills

    Ruins Clutter Improved


    Skyrim HD

    Vivid Landscapes - All In One

    The Skyrim Distance Overhaul

    Detailed Terrain and Tree LoD

    Your choice of water mod


    Then whatever else you want.


    Well I'm using SkyRE, and only need patches for Immersive armros, weapons, unique uniques, weapon and armor fixes remade, which -




    does all of them, then I just run proccer, rebuild patch, and that's it. Boss sorts those patches out where the supposed to go and I don't have problems. but if you use all sorts of other weapon mods and what not, that ain't as popular then yeah, it's more work.

    Sorry if I was sounding annoying there, reason I said that as most guides/authors say that is the best way to do it. Also since you use IA I would use this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52678/? (update to xartha's patches to work with 7.1 and include all his changes (to stats.xml that he ever uploaded)


    I use UU, IW, IA, WATF, CCOR, aMidianSS Content Addon and Unique bows and a few other... :wink:




    Yeah it's np, and ok I might aswell get that patch also.


    Really do appreciate the help from you both but I just can't get it to work. My iron sword does the same if not more than my immersive weapons and I've followed the instructions of you and you tubers to the letter. Strange how ia7 works fine though

    It's been about a week of me reaching lvl 3 and having to reset and fix mod issues lol


    You have the unofficial patches? Game is updated to 1.9? I don't know how it's not working for you.

  15. Well I'm using SkyRE, and only need patches for Immersive armros, weapons, unique uniques, weapon and armor fixes remade, which -




    does all of them, then I just run proccer, rebuild patch, and that's it. Boss sorts those patches out where the supposed to go and I don't have problems. but if you use all sorts of other weapon mods and what not, that ain't as popular then yeah, it's more work.


    It's easy...


    Just get the patches, make sure you have weapons and armor fixes remade, as that's requiered by these patches and you should just be using it anyway. run the proccer, rebuild bashed patch, then you can play.

    Wrong... Rebuild bashed patch first then have then run the reproccer



    well it don't matter what order you do it in, run boss and it's all good.

  17. It's easy...


    Just get the patches, make sure you have weapons and armor fixes remade, as that's requiered by these patches and you should just be using it anyway. run the proccer, rebuild bashed patch, then you can play.


    Maybe go in game before activating, and take screenshot, then activate mod, and take screenshot, you should see the difference. It's only a texture mod, all you have to do is activate it, nothing else, and it's in game.


    That's the thing, it isn't doing anything, have you installed it recently?


    I really have no clue why, I will see if I can get it touch with the mod author and have a chat to him, if anyone can find out why he must be able to!



    Yeah lol, I started over again and got some mods on the go. Still downloading some but I don't know hwo your having problems. When you activate the Skyrim HD stuff, when it says 'do you want to upgrade' or whatever, are you selecting no? Because selecting yes, just deactivates the last Skyrim HD mod. Whenever it asked 'A previous whatever has been installed do you want to upgrade' always select no, this is just a bug.

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