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Everything posted by juderodney

  1. juderodney


    What part of the following statement did I get it wrong. In my opinion the word Judgmental is a politically correct phrase which has no value. You are claiming that without using labels which exclude human beings from other human beings that good ideas would not be exchanged. How is this then that there are 1000's of anonymous users, some on this very site who doesn't define themselves by any label other than their user name. How then can we exchange so many ideas without knowing who calls who what? I think you are getting Geography mixed up in topic which has nothing to do with where you were brought up. A black man, raised in Spain , who migrates to America. Is he a black man? Is he a Spaniard? Is he an American? Is he an African-American? A person may have a different perspective based on where he grew up, but does his origin define him as a person or does his character? Wow! that last post of mine came out weird! Here's what I was trying to say: 1. The guy's labeling people as violent who don't think like him. That's judgmental. 2. Geography is one of the driving forces in societal and cultural development. 3. Let the black guy from Spain label himself. If he becomes an American citizen, then I'll just be content to call him an American.
  2. juderodney


    <p>1. The guy's labeling people as violent who don't think like him. That's judgmental.</p> <p> </p> <p>2. Geography is one of the driving forces in societal and cultural development. </p> <p> </p> <p>3. Let the black guy from Spain label himself. If he becomes an American citizen, then I'll just be content to call him an American.</p>
  3. juderodney


    In short: NO!! It is from those differences that such a great variety of good ideas came from. Removing such differences would severely limit the scope those ideas would have. Being different does not cause war. It's thinking that others' differences are inferior or a threat that does so. Btw that first sentence of his seems rather judgemental.
  4. Prelude http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/supporterimages/457 (This is a Supporters Section image.) Chapter 2 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/44217 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/44287 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/44691 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/44977
  5. @ sukeban Before you put another word about "certain segment of the right-wing", here is a sample of the shoe being placed on the other foot: Remember how President Bush was decried by so many as "not my president"? Think they thought him as legit? Remember all the protests against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where'd they go after Obama got inagurated? We're still in Afghanistan, you know. Remember all the names the Tea Party was called, "Teabagger" being chief among them? How they were "violent" and "hateful"? Now when Occupy Wall Street came along and camped on someone's private property with crimes such as rape and murder in said camps, where were the tea party's nay sayers then? And as for Obamacare, forcing people to buy AYNTHING as a Constitutional right under the "Commerce Clause" is a far greater rights impingement than any Bush was perceived to have been doing. So remember, using the "a certain segment" argument is just as easily turned back on you.
  6. Before the game is even played, Super Bowl XLVII already has a first: the head coaches involved are brothers. JIm Harbaugh for the San Francisco 49'ers and John Harbaugh for for the Baltimore Ravens. So, for the sake of silliness, which one will win? Note: I'm picking Jim only because I grew watching him play.
  7. Chapter 1 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/41421 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/41542 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/41733 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/41806 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/42464 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/42827
  8. Of course there are democratic elements in a republic. I never said there wasn't. And of course they're not opposites. Just remember, though, that a republic is also not a true democracy. The idea of "majority rule" is not all-powerful, here. I could go further in this, but it would take things off-topic. Let's get back to that good ol' Electoral College stuff!! So... Would it be wise for the GOP to actually go through with this plan? Maybe not. Is it legal? Yes.
  9. Well then obviously Nebraska and Maine have been doing it illegally for decades! Yes, they have their electors by congressional district. It's perfectly legal, and in swing states, it can be just as easy for Democrats Oh btw, contrary to popular opinion, the U. S. is a republic, not a democracy. That means there will be some things inherently undemocratic as a means to prevent a "tyranny of the majority". One more thing: Sukeban, that article you linked to is in the National JOURNAL, not National Review.
  10. WHOOPS!!! Make that Article II Section 1 >< And how would the Supreme Court overturn something as such, especially since in early presidential elections those state legislatures directly chose the electors themselves?
  11. Actually, they can. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress... U.S. Constitution, Article 1
  12. I'd say those who make textures and/or meshes or even a new story for the game are well and truly artists. Those who just mess around with the GECK or whatever to change or add something in the game (what I did), not so much.
  13. I was wondering if there was (or if there will be) a pose mod for various executions - hanging, firing squad, etc.
  14. Well I waited for midnight to be absolutely sure, and we're all still here. btw I'm gmt -6. I suppose I could wait until the sun crosses the International Date Line to be ABSOLUTELY sure, but that shouldn't be necessary. :biggrin:
  15. Well then in a situation where the individual rights take precedence, the parents are obviously committing a crime. Throw the book at them! Now please stop making like a broken record and follow Bben's warning about "forced" marriages, and try to find an argument against "arranged" marriages. Yes, there is a difference.
  16. In a situation where the individual rights take precedence, an arranged marriage isn't simply not being given a choice, but the individual allowing his or her parents to make that decision for them whether it be through a sense of duty or simply respecting their decisions. In those respects a marriage can be arranged. It's just not enforceable under the law.
  17. So it's ok it's old? So old is bad and therefore does not work ? Perhaps. Yes, it's okay that it's old. The age of any practice is irrelevent. It's whether or not it harms others that matters. That's when change becomes necessary. Trouble is, the definition of 'harms' is rather mutable, depending on the observers perspective. A father forcing his daughter into an arranged marriage that will benefit the family as a whole, does not see it as 'harming' anyone..... Tidus has already made a distinction between "forced" and "arranged". I, myself, have already called the former "slavery" and made the point of the rights of the individual. Btw, why all the focus on the girl? In many arranged marriages, the boy isn't given a choice, either, and can be just as miserable.
  18. So it's ok it's old? So old is bad and therefore does not work ? Perhaps. Yes, it's okay that it's old. The age of any practice is irrelevent. It's whether or not it harms others that matters. That's when change becomes necessary.
  19. I voted yes, and here's why. There are cultures that have been doing such for centuries, and no one has the right to force his/her culture on anyone else. Of, course the rights of the individual are also sacrosanct, and in my view if such a marriage is truly coerced, then I consider it slavery, and that is already illegal in most of the world. So yes, let a someone's parents decide whom to marry and yes, let the betrothed accept/reject that decision when the time comes. And it anyone tries to force their will on either side of it, then the consequnces of such are theirs. Any questions?
  20. Another thread, another adventure. As usual, a lot of mods were used in making these screenies and credit goes to the various Nexus mods makers. And for those looking to catch up: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/318961-the-ballad-of-allison-williams/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/386537-the-chronicles-of-red-eye/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/722291-the-legend-of-the-viper/ Prelude http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/31522 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/31560 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/31674 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/31718 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/31786 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/31809 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/images/31996 (Turn the adult filter off to view this one.)
  21. Here's how I see it: "something" will get done at the veeeeery last minute. The problem is that "something" will really be nothing at all, except to push the problem to a later date.
  22. BRILLANT - wait... no,no... What if they use the paper for origami instead?
  23. Even if a single worldwide culture were to exist, there would be no shortage of new ideas. It all comes down to perspective. A farmer will still see things differently from a city dweller; a Christian to a Jew or a Muslim; a jungle native to a desert nomad; and so on and so forth. There will be plenty of stuff to borrow for a looooong time to come.
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