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About Shikabane201

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  1. Hello, I've recently modded my Baldur's Gate 3 and now I have run into the issue where the Head/Face option is completely gone and I can't choose any for these races: Elf, Human, Tiefling, Half-Elf. I have no idea what mod/s could have caused this. I have tried removing all cosmetic mods that deal with characters and that didn't fix anything, I don't know if it's a class race or what. I will be continuously testing until it's fixed. I hope someone has had this issue and can help me fix this problem. Thank you for your help.
  2. Thanks for the reply, luckily i'm below the limit, I checked that multiple times. I think it's a loverslab mod too. I'll post there too. ty.
  3. I don't know what the issue is. I've tried using the Papyrus Log to give me an idea, I've tried Crash Fix for that to tell me what mod, but all I got was a code that no one has gotten or seen I guess. I've ran Loot and that didn't help. I've tried Batch Build and that seemed to make it worse. Symptoms I'm experiencing: Whenever i'm playing and this is random I will hit "ESC/Inventory/Happened once when looting a Dead body/Map. I noticed a visual glitch when I had the MCM menu's open. Was rainbow color triangles and was flashing until I backout of the menus. Maybe that's what is causing the issue. I'll post my Load Order and latest Papyrus Log. Hopefully someone can help me narrow it down. Papyrus.0.log [06/28/2020 - 10:53:21AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[06/28/2020 - 10:53:21AM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.[06/28/2020 - 10:53:21AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[06/28/2020 - 10:53:21AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] Cannot open store for class "_Arissa_TIF__02027C2F", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _Arissa_TIF__02027C2F to topic info 18027C2F on <NULL quest> because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] Cannot open store for class "_Arissa_TIF__02027C33", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _Arissa_TIF__02027C33 to topic info 18027C33 on <NULL quest> because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] Cannot open store for class "_Arissa_TIF__0202A34E", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _Arissa_TIF__0202A34E to topic info 1802A34E on <NULL quest> because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] Cannot open store for class "MBI_TIF__0200183C", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script MBI_TIF__0200183C to topic info 1B00183C on <NULL quest> because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] Cannot open store for class "MBI_CleanupMusictype", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:45AM] Cannot open store for class "slncmainquestscript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:46AM] Cannot open store for class "SpecialWeapArmor", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:46AM] Cannot open store for class "mt_quest_skinframeworkscript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:46AM] Cannot open store for class "slapppcsexquestscript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:46AM] Cannot open store for class "PF_BaboEvent02MogrulTravel01_08382561", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:46AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script PF_BaboEvent02MogrulTravel01_08382561 to (88382561) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:46AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script __MS_PutOn to (8B08B394) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:46AM] Cannot open store for class "PF_018AuriRidePackage02_05332027", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:46AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script PF_018AuriRidePackage02_05332027 to (8C332027) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:47AM] Cannot open store for class "EtR_CustomActivatorSwitch_Script", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:47AM] Cannot open store for class "XJKKeeperHeadwithHekmelt", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:47AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__0505FE6E", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:47AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF__0505FE6E to BikiniCurse_1dot26 (9E05FE6E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:47AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script CH_ColdhavenAttachToMainQuest to CH_ColdhavenMainQuest (AB4C4832) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:47AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_CH_Gwyndris_Dialogue_054AB2A0", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:47AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF_CH_Gwyndris_Dialogue_054AB2A0 to CH_Gwyndris_Dialogue (AB4AB2A0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_N78THBanditHideoutMS01_04057609", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF_N78THBanditHideoutMS01_04057609 to N78TrueHelMS01 (AF057609) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Cannot open store for class "AKActivateObjectScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Cannot open store for class "AAFlyStorm", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Cannot open store for class "MQ_CheckDeath", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Cannot open store for class "MQPaar_CheckDeathEsbern", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] error: Native static function DistanceWithCamera could find no matching static function on linked type TissHeadTrack. Function will not be bound.[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] error: Native function GetLookAt in empty state could find no matching function on linked type TissHeadTrack. Function will not be bound.[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_QuestTemplate", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Error: Unable to link "daymoyl_QuestTemplate" - the parent of "defeatdatrigger".[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (D1000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (D10C1173) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (D10C16D8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to MDE_configmenu (D30099B4) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_MDE_coalswitches_0100A9E7", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:48AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF_MDE_coalswitches_0100A9E7 to MDE_coalswitches (D300A9E7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGAmuletOnAddScriptAdvQuest", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGReadLetterHarnScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGThiefLetterScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGPatch1dot1Script", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGMakeMeAnAllyScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGAmuletOwnerBossCombatScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGAmuletOwnerPackagesScripts", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGCheckIfInHRScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGBeginRitualScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGRitualSceneScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGRitualSceneScript to _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__SAGApprenticeofThuUmQues_02000D62", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF__SAGApprenticeofThuUmQues_02000D62 to _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGAddCourierApprenticesThuumScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGAddCourierApprenticesThuumScript to _SAGApprenticeOfThuumAddCourierQuest (FE0012D2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGDiscipleofThuumCombatScript", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGClearAliasOnDeath", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] Cannot open store for class "SAG__QF__SAGAmbushAoTManageme_04010025", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SAG__QF__SAGAmbushAoTManageme_04010025 to _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AAD450D) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:49AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AAD450C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:50AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AB25672) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:50AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AB25671) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:50AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AB25670) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:50AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AB2566F) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:50AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (02006BB8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:50AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (0004CEF2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:50AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (0200FBF5) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] Cannot open store for class "Playertempdisable", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Playertempdisable to (0F00A22C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defaultGhostScript to (1200486B) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AAD452A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3A03D054) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3A03D053) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3A03D052) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3A03D04E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E12ED55) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B8A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B89) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B88) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B87) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B85) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B84) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B83) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E097B83) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B82) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B81) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B80) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E097B7F) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B7E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E097B7D) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953D0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CE) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CC) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CB) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CA) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C9) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C5) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C4) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090482) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090480) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090478) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E090476) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090475) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCDA) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E08DCD7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD4) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815BB) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815BA) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B9) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B3) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815AF) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815AD) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E79E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E79B) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E79A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E798) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E796) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E794) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E791) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2F) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2B) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA26) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (AB2C8016) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to (AB50B84C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to (AB50B844) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script CH_GrewynsJournalReadScript to (AB1D3DDF) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:53:51AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (AB5EFBD3) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defaultIgnoreFriendlyHits to alias Charon on quest MBIGoverningQuest (1B00233C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script MBI_CleanupMusictype to alias PlayerAli on quest MBI_CleanupMusictypeQST (1B204594) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defaultIgnoreFriendlyHits to alias VirilyaEssential on quest MBI01 (1B22C202) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script TBOCritoAfterMQScript to alias Crito on quest TBOAfterMQSidequest2 (5D083EE6) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script TBOAfterMQRelicTrackerScript to alias Player on quest TBOAfterMQSidequest1 (5D0BCA29) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower1 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower2 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower3 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower4 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower5 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower6 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower7 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower8 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower9 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower10 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias01 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias02 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias03 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias04 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias05 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias06 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias07 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias08 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias09 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias10 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script BaboOnactivateScriptDefault to alias PlayerChest on quest BaboEncounter11 (8851CC84) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script BaboOnactivateScriptDefault to alias ConfiscateChestRef on quest BaboEventMarkarthGuard (887D2FA1) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Dawnstar2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Dawnstar1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Whiterun1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Markarth2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Solitude2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Morthal2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Markarth1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Morthal1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Riften1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Solitude1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Windhelm1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Windhelm2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Whiterun2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Falkreath1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property SofiaOutfitScript on script SofiaClothingFix attached to alias SofiaRef on quest JJSofiaClothingFix (9304BAE3) cannot be bound because alias SofiaClothesStore on quest JJSofiaWardrobe (93061F70) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property DialogueFollower on script TrainedAnimalScript attached to alias Animal on quest PPRecorderDialogueFollower (9800A603) cannot be bound because PPRecorderDialogueFollower (9800A603) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property AbFamiliarFlameCloak on script AKControlPlayerScript attached to alias Player on quest AKControlQuest (B6000D92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property AKCAbGhostCloakSpell on script AKCGhostUnequipSpell attached to alias ghost on quest AKControlQuest (B6000D92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property akquest2 on script AKCGhostUnequipSpell attached to alias ghost on quest AKControlQuest (B6000D92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defaultAllowPCDialogueScript to alias Alias_RewardHorses on quest coco_rwrd_handler (BE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script MQ_CheckDeath to alias delphine on quest MQPaarthurnax (0003FA16) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script MQPaar_CheckDeathEsbern to alias esbern on quest MQPaarthurnax (0003FA16) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (D1000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _spellLesserDragonhide on script tpcelestineaiscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objCowHide on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objLargeDwemerStrut on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodCarrot on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceSilverEmerald on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceSilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceGoldAmethyst on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemGarnet on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotEbony on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreOrichalcum on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingGoldDiamond on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreCorundum on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objLargeDwemerPlateMetal on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objHorseHide on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreMalachite on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemSapphire on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objSabreCatPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemDiamond on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _ingrGarlic on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objSabreCatSnowPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objLargeDecorativeDwemerStrut on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemAmethyst on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreMoonstone on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotGold on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceSilverGarnet on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceSilverSapphire on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objDeerHide on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreIron on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceGold on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodTomato on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotCorundum on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodHorkerStew on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotMoonstone on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemAmethystFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceGoldRuby on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objSnowFoxPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodAle on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodBeefStew on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodElsweyrFondue on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotSteel on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGoatHide on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIceWolfPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingGoldEmerald on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingSilverAmethyst on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreGold on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingGold on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodEidarCheeseWheel on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotQuicksilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingSilverRuby on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemGarnetFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objBearPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodCabbage on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemDiamondFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objBentDwemerScrapMetal on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objSolidDwemerMetal on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreSilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotOrichalcum on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotDwarven on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemSapphireFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingSilverGarnet on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objSnowBearPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreQuicksilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemEmerald on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _ingrMoonSugar on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _ingrSaltPile on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemRuby on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objLeatherStrips on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodPotato on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodRawBeef on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotIron on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotSilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objIngotMalachite on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objSmallDwemerPlateMetal on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodHorkerMeat on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingSilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingGoldSapphire on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objLockpick on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodVegetableSoup on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objLeather on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemEmeraldFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _ingrLavender on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodLeek on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceGoldDiamond on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodVenison on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _foodVenisonStew on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objOreEbony on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objGemRubyFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objCaveBearPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objWolfPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property _objFoxPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGPatch1dot1Script to alias PlayerRef on quest _SAGPatchingQuestDAT_02 (FE009433) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGMakeMeAnAllyScript to alias Boss on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGMakeMeAnAllyScript to alias Thief on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGAmuletOwnerBossCombatScript to alias AmuletOwner on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGAmuletOwnerPackagesScripts to alias AmuletOwner_PackageAlias on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte01 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte02 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte03 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte04 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte05 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckIfInHRScript to alias PlayerReference on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGBeginRitualScript to alias RitualActivator on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGPatch1dot1Script to alias PlayerRef on quest _SAGPatchingQuestDAT (FE00896C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGDiscipleofThuumCombatScript to alias Apprentice on quest _SAGApprenticeQuestManagement (FE001D9A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGDiscipleofThuumCombatScript to alias Apprentice02 on quest _SAGApprenticeQuestManagement (FE001D9A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon01_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon02_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon03_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon04_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon05_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGPatch1dot1Script to alias PlayerRef on quest _SAGQuestPatchManagement (FE001837) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B194787) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B194787) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B8790) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B8790) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B8790) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property ArmorOrcishNoHelmetOutfit on script TBO_SF_TBO11ValaAzukScene_030509A5 attached to (5D0509A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property TBOUndil on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (5D02A806) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property PlayerRef on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (5D02A806) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D39) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D39) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D39) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0803F6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0803F6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF70) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF70) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B30) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B30) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseQuarraQuest on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireSword on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireTome on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientDawnguardDeployment on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseAydrilQuest on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F5E66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F5E66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireTome on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientDawnguardDeployment on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseAydrilQuest on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireSword on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseQuarraQuest on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B033CFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B033CFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Dummy on script MDE_PerkTanning attached to (D300B4D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property HealthRestore on script mqkilldragonscript attached to MQkillDragon (00035D56) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MagickaRestore on script mqkilldragonscript attached to MQkillDragon (00035D56) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property StaminaRestore on script mqkilldragonscript attached to MQkillDragon (00035D56) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SayA on script DimonoiderTonMeter attached to (5FB44530) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Dwe on script DimonoiderTonMeter attached to (5FB44530) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B2F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B2F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF6F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF6F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_ImmuneLavaKYWD on script MBI_ActualLavaSC attached to (1B1A3BD6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property PlayerRef on script TBO12FerilDeathScript attached to (5D08EE35) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property LevelersMirrorMSG on script LevelersMirrorScript attached to (AC012281) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF94) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF94) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F83) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property TBOUndil on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (5D02A83F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property PlayerRef on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (5D02A83F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F7D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F964) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F964) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F78) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B366B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B366B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B366B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property TBO15MJirraDeathScene on script TBO15WulfDeathScript attached to (5D0207A6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property TBO15ValaMonologue on script TBO15WulfDeathScript attached to (5D0207A6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F898) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F898) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08567D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08567D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F963) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F963) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F87) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F962) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F962) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3668) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3668) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3668) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F7B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3661) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3661) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3661) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3660) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3660) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3660) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F8F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3664) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3664) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3665) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3665) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3665) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F88) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F89) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3666) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3666) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3666) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F897) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F897) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0E06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0E06507B) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DwaSpShanatSeltri on script SF_DwarfSphereQ01Scene02_0577888E attached to (5F77888E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Pack01 on script SF_DwarfSphereQ01Scene02_0577888E attached to (5F77888E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_ImmuneLavaKYWD on script MBI_ActualLavaSC attached to (1B18508B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_ImmuneLavaKYWD on script MBI_ActualLavaSC attached to (1B18508F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F88D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F88D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property FadeToBlackHoldImod on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property zbfTorturePoleCustom03StdWood on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property FadeToBlackBackImod on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property FadeToBlackImod on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property BDMScript on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property BaboBadEnd on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B367B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B367B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B367B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F88A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F88A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_ImmuneLavaKYWD on script MBI_ActualLavaSC attached to (1B1A3C02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3679) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3679) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3679) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DragonREF01 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08688D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DragonREF02 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08688D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property Pages on script CH_MCM attached to CH_MCMQuest (7C00590D) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DLC2MoragTongFaction on script TBO_SF_TBO13ScenesScarsHushed_04009655 attached to (5D009655) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ADB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ADB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ADB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D46) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D46) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D46) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3BBD47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8D8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8D8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property zbfTorturePoleCustom03StdWood on script QF__084B73D0 attached to BaboEncounter08 (884B73D0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (1A038471) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Alias_Delphine on script QF_MQ301_00044C56 attached to MQ301 (00044C56) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DLC2EncSeeker03 on script DLC2LvlSeekerMirrorScript attached to (1B219162) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DLC2EncSeeker01 on script DLC2LvlSeekerMirrorScript attached to (1B219162) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DLC2EncSeeker02 on script DLC2LvlSeekerMirrorScript attached to (1B219162) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property DialogueCidhnaMine on script LevelersMineOreScript attached to (AC0080EC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property CidhnaMinePlayerBedREF on script LevelersMineOreScript attached to (AC0080EC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property Modes on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property count1 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property count3 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property count4 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property count2 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property Unarmed on script SQM_MenuScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property TBO13ClendilRef on script TBO_SF_TBO13CritoTwinsScene_040AD58D attached to (5D0AD58D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property TBO13ClendilRef001 on script TBO_SF_TBO13CritoTwinsScene_040AD58D attached to (5D0AD58D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property MasterScript on script babodialogueconfigmenu attached to BaboDialogueMCM (882FEA1B) cannot be bound because alias Player REF on quest BaboDialogueMCM (882FEA1B) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property RuinsLinenPile01 on script LevelersButton82PeltFurScript attached to (AC017C7C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property NPCTilma on script QF_SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest_02003DEF attached to SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest (2D440015) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0003BDE9) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property SaKe on script DimonoiderDSQ05Global attached to DwarfSphereQ05 (5F7BA642) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property Pages on script ExtraLevelPerksMenuv2 attached to ExtraPerkPointsMenu (DF001D8C) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property Animal2 on script TBO_QF_TBO05Part2_0302A840 attached to TBO05Part2 (5D02A840) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (00084960) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] ERROR: Property Animal3 on script TBO_QF_TBO05Part2_0302A840 attached to TBO05Part2 (5D02A840) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000E4C9D) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B03DFCC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B03DFC8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:00AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B03DFCA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B73) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B73) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireTome on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseAydrilQuest on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireSword on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientDawnguardDeployment on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseQuarraQuest on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property Wolf2 on script TBO_QF__0400E4D9 attached to TBOSQ3 (5D00E4D9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (00086614) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property Wolf1 on script TBO_QF__0400E4D9 attached to TBOSQ3 (5D00E4D9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (00086615) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property JailDoor on script CYR_QF_CYRBrumaMS01_03003A58 attached to CYRBrumaMS01 (0E003A58) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property conversationGlobal on script FacelightMCM attached to FLP_Quest (3F000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B74) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B74) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property DLC2crSprigganBurntFlames on script DLC2BurtSpigganFXScript attached to (5F989586) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B03DFC5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property LevelersTest2 on script LevelersButton06DestructionScript attached to (AC017C53) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property TBO10VanillaWarlockNecro on script TBO_QF_TBO10_030036D0 attached to TBO10 (5D0036D0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0002DF9C) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3683) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3683) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property Furs on script __MS_SummerIdle attached to (8B086286) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B194786) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B194786) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property DiseaseSanguinareVampiris on script c03rampagequest attached to C03Rampage (000AEBFE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C62A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property Furs on script __MS_SummerIdle attached to (8B076F80) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property sige14Update on script SIGEStartupScript attached to ZZSIGEQuest (E3004965) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property Axe on script TBO_QF_TBO09_030036CF attached to TBO09 (5D0036CF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000CE28A) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AEC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AEC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property TriggerBox on script baboeventnewgnisismasterscript attached to BaboEventWindhelmNewgnisis (886B7103) cannot be bound because <NULL alias> (13) on <NULL quest> (886B7103) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property BaboExhaustedFront01 on script SF_BaboDialogueWhiterunScene_09E13B09 attached to (88E13B09) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property DragonREF03 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08C32E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property DragonREF01 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08C32E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property DragonREF02 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08C32E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property LItemBarrelFoodSame70 on script LevelersBarrelFoodScript attached to (AC008036) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property WindhelmLuaffynBardREF on script QF_TBO05_030036CB attached to TBO05 (5D0036CB) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (00047CB2) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property _VLR_EclipseEffect_Dummy on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (A703316C) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property Alias_Lookie on script __MistySkyeQuestScript attached to __MistySkyeQuest (8B08628A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D2A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D2A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property Skeleton3 on script TBO_QF_TBO08_030036CE attached to TBO08 (5D0036CE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000C7F0C) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property Skeleton1 on script TBO_QF_TBO08_030036CE attached to TBO08 (5D0036CE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000C7F0B) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] ERROR: Property Skeleton2 on script TBO_QF_TBO08_030036CE attached to TBO08 (5D0036CE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000C7F0D) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property DragonREF03 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B086889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property DragonREF01 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B086889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] Warning: Property DragonREF02 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B086889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] VM is freezing...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:01AM] VM is frozen[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Reverting game...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script MBI_TIF__0200183C to topic info 1B00183C on quest MBI01 (1B22C202) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AB25670) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AB25671) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF_CH_Gwyndris_Dialogue_054AB2A0 to CH_Gwyndris_Dialogue (AB4AB2A0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AB25672) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Playertempdisable to (0F00A22C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGRitualSceneScript to _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF__SAGApprenticeofThuUmQues_02000D62 to _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E08DCD7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGAddCourierApprenticesThuumScript to _SAGApprenticeOfThuumAddCourierQuest (FE0012D2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AB2566F) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script CH_GrewynsJournalReadScript to (AB1D3DDF) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (AB2C8016) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to (AB50B84C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script PF_018AuriRidePackage02_05332027 to (8C332027) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF_N78THBanditHideoutMS01_04057609 to N78TrueHelMS01 (AF057609) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3A03D04E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to (AB50B844) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E097B83) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (AB5EFBD3) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AAD452A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3A03D053) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (D10C16D8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA26) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E798) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SAG__QF__SAGAmbushAoTManageme_04010025 to _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E79B) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E79A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815AD) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B3) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B9) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815BA) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815BB) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD4) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCDA) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090475) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E090476) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C4) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C5) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CA) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CC) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CE) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E097B7D) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B7E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E097B7F) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B80) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B82) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B83) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B84) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B85) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B87) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E12ED55) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3A03D052) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E79E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B8A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B89) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B88) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E796) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AAD450D) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2B) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E794) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B81) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defaultGhostScript to (1200486B) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E791) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2F) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3A03D054) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _Arissa_TIF__02027C2F to topic info 18027C2F on quest _Arissa_DialogueMain (18001D97) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (0200FBF5) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF_MDE_coalswitches_0100A9E7 to MDE_coalswitches (D300A9E7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (D1000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (0004CEF2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (02006BB8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script QF__0505FE6E to BikiniCurse_1dot26 (9E05FE6E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SpecialWeapArmor to Item 1 in container (3AAD450C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (D10C1173) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090482) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _Arissa_TIF__0202A34E to topic info 1802A34E on quest _Arissa_DialogueMain (18001D97) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090480) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090478) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C9) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias to MDE_configmenu (D30099B4) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CB) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script __MS_PutOn to (8B08B394) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815AF) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _Arissa_TIF__02027C33 to topic info 18027C33 on quest _Arissa_DialogueMain (18001D97) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953D0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script CH_ColdhavenAttachToMainQuest to CH_ColdhavenMainQuest (AB4C4832) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script PF_BaboEvent02MogrulTravel01_08382561 to (88382561) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defaultIgnoreFriendlyHits to alias Charon on quest MBIGoverningQuest (1B00233C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon02_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte04 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon05_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte03 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias01 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias05 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script MBI_CleanupMusictype to alias PlayerAli on quest MBI_CleanupMusictypeQST (1B204594) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script MQ_CheckDeath to alias delphine on quest MQPaarthurnax (0003FA16) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script BaboOnactivateScriptDefault to alias PlayerChest on quest BaboEncounter11 (8851CC84) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon01_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias06 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGMakeMeAnAllyScript to alias Thief on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias03 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon03_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte05 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGClearAliasOnDeath to alias Dragon04_Alias on quest _SAGAmbushAoTManagement (FE010025) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script TBOCritoAfterMQScript to alias Crito on quest TBOAfterMQSidequest2 (5D083EE6) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias09 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGPatch1dot1Script to alias PlayerRef on quest _SAGPatchingQuestDAT_02 (FE009433) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (D1000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias08 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGPatch1dot1Script to alias PlayerRef on quest _SAGPatchingQuestDAT (FE00896C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte01 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGDiscipleofThuumCombatScript to alias Apprentice02 on quest _SAGApprenticeQuestManagement (FE001D9A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGBeginRitualScript to alias RitualActivator on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGAmuletOwnerBossCombatScript to alias AmuletOwner on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGDiscipleofThuumCombatScript to alias Apprentice on quest _SAGApprenticeQuestManagement (FE001D9A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGMakeMeAnAllyScript to alias Boss on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckIfInHRScript to alias PlayerReference on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script BaboOnactivateScriptDefault to alias ConfiscateChestRef on quest BaboEventMarkarthGuard (887D2FA1) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias10 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script MQPaar_CheckDeathEsbern to alias esbern on quest MQPaarthurnax (0003FA16) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defaultAllowPCDialogueScript to alias Alias_RewardHorses on quest coco_rwrd_handler (BE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defaultIgnoreFriendlyHits to alias VirilyaEssential on quest MBI01 (1B22C202) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias02 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias04 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script EnthralledVictimAttachScript to alias VampireEnthrallAlias07 on quest VampireDominationAlias (81379F0E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script TBOAfterMQRelicTrackerScript to alias Player on quest TBOAfterMQSidequest1 (5D0BCA29) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGAmuletOwnerPackagesScripts to alias AmuletOwner_PackageAlias on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript to alias Acolyte02 on quest _SAGApprenticeofThuUmQuest (FE000D62) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script _SAGPatch1dot1Script to alias PlayerRef on quest _SAGQuestPatchManagement (FE001837) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B194787) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B194787) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B8790) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B8790) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B8790) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property ArmorOrcishNoHelmetOutfit on script TBO_SF_TBO11ValaAzukScene_030509A5 attached to (5D0509A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower1 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property TBOUndil on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (5D02A806) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property PlayerRef on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (5D02A806) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D39) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D39) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D39) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0803F6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0803F6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B30) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B30) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F5E66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F5E66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireTome on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientDawnguardDeployment on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseAydrilQuest on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireSword on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseQuarraQuest on script QF__0553E429 attached to CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest (AB53E429) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B033CFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B033CFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property DLC2crSprigganBurntFlames on script DLC2BurtSpigganFXScript attached to (5F989586) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08F8C6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property Dummy on script MDE_PerkTanning attached to (D300B4D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property HealthRestore on script mqkilldragonscript attached to MQkillDragon (00035D56) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MagickaRestore on script mqkilldragonscript attached to MQkillDragon (00035D56) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property StaminaRestore on script mqkilldragonscript attached to MQkillDragon (00035D56) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower6 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property SayA on script DimonoiderTonMeter attached to (5FB44530) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property Dwe on script DimonoiderTonMeter attached to (5FB44530) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B2F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B2F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF6F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF6F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_ImmuneLavaKYWD on script MBI_ActualLavaSC attached to (1B1A3BD6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property PlayerRef on script TBO12FerilDeathScript attached to (5D08EE35) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property LevelersMirrorMSG on script LevelersMirrorScript attached to (AC012281) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F83) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower8 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F78) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property TBO15MJirraDeathScene on script TBO15WulfDeathScript attached to (5D0207A6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property TBO15ValaMonologue on script TBO15WulfDeathScript attached to (5D0207A6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F898) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F898) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08567D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B08567D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F87) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3668) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3668) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3668) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3661) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3661) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3661) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3660) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3660) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3660) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F8F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower7 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87A0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3664) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3664) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F88) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F89) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3666) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3666) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3666) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F897) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F897) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property AKCAbGhostCloakSpell on script AKCGhostUnequipSpell attached to alias ghost on quest AKControlQuest (B6000D92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property akquest2 on script AKCGhostUnequipSpell attached to alias ghost on quest AKControlQuest (B6000D92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property DwaSpShanatSeltri on script SF_DwarfSphereQ01Scene02_0577888E attached to (5F77888E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property Pack01 on script SF_DwarfSphereQ01Scene02_0577888E attached to (5F77888E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_ImmuneLavaKYWD on script MBI_ActualLavaSC attached to (1B18508B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:04AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_ImmuneLavaKYWD on script MBI_ActualLavaSC attached to (1B18508F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F88D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F88D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3683) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3683) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property FadeToBlackHoldImod on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property zbfTorturePoleCustom03StdWood on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property FadeToBlackBackImod on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property FadeToBlackImod on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property BDMScript on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property BaboBadEnd on script SF_BaboEncounter08Scene02_09F7B3B8 attached to (88F7B3B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B367B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B367B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B367B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B019EEF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3679) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3679) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3679) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DragonREF01 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08688D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DragonREF02 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08688D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Pages on script CH_MCM attached to CH_MCMQuest (7C00590D) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DLC2MoragTongFaction on script TBO_SF_TBO13ScenesScarsHushed_04009655 attached to (5D009655) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ADB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ADB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ADB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D46) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D46) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D46) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower10 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3BBD47) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8D8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8D8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0245A3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property zbfTorturePoleCustom03StdWood on script QF__084B73D0 attached to BaboEncounter08 (884B73D0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (1A038471) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Alias_Delphine on script QF_MQ301_00044C56 attached to MQ301 (00044C56) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0AE66E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DLC2EncSeeker03 on script DLC2LvlSeekerMirrorScript attached to (1B219162) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DLC2EncSeeker01 on script DLC2LvlSeekerMirrorScript attached to (1B219162) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DLC2EncSeeker02 on script DLC2LvlSeekerMirrorScript attached to (1B219162) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DialogueCidhnaMine on script LevelersMineOreScript attached to (AC0080EC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CidhnaMinePlayerBedREF on script LevelersMineOreScript attached to (AC0080EC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower5 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property JailDoor on script CYR_QF_CYRBrumaMS01_03003A58 attached to CYRBrumaMS01 (0E003A58) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Modes on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property count1 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property count3 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property count4 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property count2 on script SQM_WidgetScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Unarmed on script SQM_MenuScript attached to SQM_Base (CE000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property TBO13ClendilRef on script TBO_SF_TBO13CritoTwinsScene_040AD58D attached to (5D0AD58D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property TBO13ClendilRef001 on script TBO_SF_TBO13CritoTwinsScene_040AD58D attached to (5D0AD58D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property MasterScript on script babodialogueconfigmenu attached to BaboDialogueMCM (882FEA1B) cannot be bound because alias Player REF on quest BaboDialogueMCM (882FEA1B) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property RuinsLinenPile01 on script LevelersButton82PeltFurScript attached to (AC017C7C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property NPCTilma on script QF_SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest_02003DEF attached to SkyforgeSteelWeaponsQuest (2D440015) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0003BDE9) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Pages on script ExtraLevelPerksMenuv2 attached to ExtraPerkPointsMenu (DF001D8C) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Axe on script TBO_QF_TBO09_030036CF attached to TBO09 (5D0036CF) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000CE28A) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property sige14Update on script SIGEStartupScript attached to ZZSIGEQuest (E3004965) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _spellLesserDragonhide on script tpcelestineaiscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objCowHide on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objLargeDwemerStrut on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodCarrot on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceSilverEmerald on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceSilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceGoldAmethyst on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemGarnet on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotEbony on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreOrichalcum on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingGoldDiamond on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreCorundum on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objLargeDwemerPlateMetal on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objHorseHide on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreMalachite on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemSapphire on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objSabreCatPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemDiamond on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _ingrGarlic on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objSabreCatSnowPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objLargeDecorativeDwemerStrut on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemAmethyst on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreMoonstone on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotGold on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceSilverGarnet on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceSilverSapphire on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objDeerHide on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreIron on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceGold on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodTomato on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotCorundum on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodHorkerStew on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotMoonstone on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemAmethystFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceGoldRuby on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objSnowFoxPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodAle on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodBeefStew on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodElsweyrFondue on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotSteel on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGoatHide on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIceWolfPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingGoldEmerald on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingSilverAmethyst on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreGold on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingGold on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodEidarCheeseWheel on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotQuicksilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingSilverRuby on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemGarnetFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objBearPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodCabbage on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemDiamondFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objBentDwemerScrapMetal on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objSolidDwemerMetal on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreSilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotOrichalcum on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotDwarven on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemSapphireFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingSilverGarnet on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objSnowBearPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreQuicksilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemEmerald on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _ingrMoonSugar on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _ingrSaltPile on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemRuby on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objLeatherStrips on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodPotato on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodRawBeef on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotIron on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotSilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objIngotMalachite on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objSmallDwemerPlateMetal on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodHorkerMeat on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingSilver on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryRingGoldSapphire on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objLockpick on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodVegetableSoup on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objLeather on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemEmeraldFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _ingrLavender on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodLeek on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _jewelryNecklaceGoldDiamond on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodVenison on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _foodVenisonStew on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objOreEbony on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objGemRubyFlawless on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objCaveBearPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objWolfPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property _objFoxPelt on script tpcelestineactivitiesscript attached to alias CelestineRef on quest tpCelestineAIQuest (D5068E16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AC8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower4 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower2 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F7B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property TBOUndil on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (5D02A83F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property PlayerRef on script TBO05UndilTriggerScript2 attached to (5D02A83F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F962) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F962) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Furs on script __MS_SummerIdle attached to (8B076F80) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower3 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0E06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0E06507B) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Animal2 on script TBO_QF_TBO05Part2_0302A840 attached to TBO05Part2 (5D02A840) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (00084960) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Animal3 on script TBO_QF_TBO05Part2_0302A840 attached to TBO05Part2 (5D02A840) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000E4C9D) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F88A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F88A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B03DFC8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B878C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F963) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F963) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B03DFCA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Dawnstar2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Dawnstar1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Whiterun1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Markarth2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Solitude2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Morthal2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Markarth1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Morthal1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Riften1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Solitude1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Windhelm1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Windhelm2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Whiterun2LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Falkreath1LVL on script TWR_LevelupOnLoad attached to alias PlayerRef on quest TWR_Quest (8F006F54) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C62A2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F964) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F964) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DragonREF03 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08C32E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DragonREF01 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08C32E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DragonREF02 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B08C32E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SaKe on script DimonoiderDSQ05Global attached to DwarfSphereQ05 (5F7BA642) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property SexLabAnimatingFaction on script SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias attached to alias Grower9 on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F8ED) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B73) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B73) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6ACC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property healthL on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property delay on script MBI_GhostPirateScript attached to (1B10F889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Wolf2 on script TBO_QF__0400E4D9 attached to TBOSQ3 (5D00E4D9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (00086614) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Wolf1 on script TBO_QF__0400E4D9 attached to TBOSQ3 (5D00E4D9) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (00086615) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AEC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AEC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireTome on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseAydrilQuest on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireSword on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientDawnguardDeployment on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseQuarraQuest on script QF_CH_HouseAydrilQuest_0552F0BD attached to CH_HouseAydrilQuest (AB52F0BD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_ReanimatePutridSkeleton on script CH_PutridSkeletonResurrection attached to (AB3C5F7D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property AbFamiliarFlameCloak on script AKControlPlayerScript attached to alias Player on quest AKControlQuest (B6000D92) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property conversationGlobal on script FacelightMCM attached to FLP_Quest (3F000D62) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B74) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B74) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B03DFC5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property LevelersTest2 on script LevelersButton06DestructionScript attached to (AC017C53) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B02EBF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property _VLR_EclipseEffect_Dummy on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (A703316C) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property TBO10VanillaWarlockNecro on script TBO_QF_TBO10_030036D0 attached to TBO10 (5D0036D0) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (0002DF9C) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Furs on script __MS_SummerIdle attached to (8B086286) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_ImmuneLavaKYWD on script MBI_ActualLavaSC attached to (1B1A3C02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0BD8CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DiseaseSanguinareVampiris on script c03rampagequest attached to C03Rampage (000AEBFE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0E6AE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D2A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0F0D2A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF70) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF70) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF7E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF94) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0FAF94) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3665) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3665) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B3665) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property DialogueFollower on script TrainedAnimalScript attached to alias Animal on quest PPRecorderDialogueFollower (9800A603) cannot be bound because PPRecorderDialogueFollower (9800A603) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property TriggerBox on script baboeventnewgnisismasterscript attached to BaboEventWindhelmNewgnisis (886B7103) cannot be bound because <NULL alias> (13) on <NULL quest> (886B7103) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property BaboExhaustedFront01 on script SF_BaboDialogueWhiterunScene_09E13B09 attached to (88E13B09) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseQuarraQuest on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseTarbonnisQuest on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireSword on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientVampireTome on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_AncientDawnguardDeployment on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property CH_HouseAydrilQuest on script QF__0553E42A attached to CH_HouseQuarraQuest (AB53E42A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property LItemBarrelFoodSame70 on script LevelersBarrelFoodScript attached to (AC008036) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DragonREF03 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B086889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DragonREF01 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B086889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property DragonREF02 on script aambi_detectdeadisablemusic attached to (1B086889) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B1A3B6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property WindhelmLuaffynBardREF on script QF_TBO05_030036CB attached to TBO05 (5D0036CB) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (00047CB2) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property Alias_Lookie on script __MistySkyeQuestScript attached to __MistySkyeQuest (8B08628A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_CounterRoom01GL on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B366B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B366B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B366B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B03DFCC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B0B87C1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_Greedblade on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B194786) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] Warning: Property MBI_GoldShield on script MBI_RemoveGreedblade attached to (1B194786) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Skeleton3 on script TBO_QF_TBO08_030036CE attached to TBO08 (5D0036CE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000C7F0C) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Skeleton1 on script TBO_QF_TBO08_030036CE attached to TBO08 (5D0036CE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000C7F0B) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:05AM] ERROR: Property Skeleton2 on script TBO_QF_TBO08_030036CE attached to TBO08 (5D0036CE) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (000C7F0D) is not the right type[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Loading game...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGAddCourierApprenticesThuumScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Variable ::SLNC_var on script slac_utility has an invalid type slncmainquestscript loaded from save. This variable will be skipped.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type SAG__QF__SAGAmbushAoTManageme_04010025 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGClearAliasOnDeath referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Variable ::SLAPPPCQuest_var on script slhh_upkeep has an invalid type slapppcsexquestscript loaded from save. This variable will be skipped.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type QF__SAGApprenticeofThuUmQues_02000D62 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGCheckIfInHRScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGBeginRitualScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Variable ::elewhpSpl_var on script NA_Uni_Plyr_Alias loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Variable ::firwhpSpl_var on script NA_Uni_Plyr_Alias loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Variable ::icewhpSpl_var on script NA_Uni_Plyr_Alias loaded from save not found within the actual object. This variable will be skipped.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGAmuletOwnerBossCombatScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGPatch1dot1Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGDiscipleofThuumCombatScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGRitualSceneScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGMakeMeAnAllyScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:35AM] Warning: Unable to get type _SAGAmuletOwnerPackagesScripts referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGAddCourierApprenticesThuumScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGClearAliasOnDeath in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGClearAliasOnDeath in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGBeginRitualScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type SAG__QF__SAGAmbushAoTManageme_04010025 in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGDiscipleofThuumCombatScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGMakeMeAnAllyScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGPatch1dot1Script in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGPatch1dot1Script in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGClearAliasOnDeath in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGClearAliasOnDeath in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGClearAliasOnDeath in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGDiscipleofThuumCombatScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGCheckIfInHRScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGRitualSceneScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type QF__SAGApprenticeofThuUmQues_02000D62 in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGCheckDisableMultiOwnerScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGMakeMeAnAllyScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGPatch1dot1Script in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGAmuletOwnerBossCombatScript in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] Warning: Could not find type _SAGAmuletOwnerPackagesScripts in the type table in save[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] VM is thawing...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] error: Native static function TESTScanCellNPCsByFaction could find no matching static function on linked type MiscUtil. Function will not be bound.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] ERROR: Cannot call Maintenance() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest ProjectAHOEpisode01 (5F7A10E5)].DimonoiderStartAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DimonoiderStartAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] ERROR: Cannot call Update() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest ProjectAHOEpisode01 (5F7A10E5)].DimonoiderStartAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "DimonoiderStartAlias.psc" Line 7[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] FNIS AA started (load)[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] [slac] Initialising[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] [bDSOS] On player load game called[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] [bDSOS] GAME LOAD[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] EFF Notification: SKSE Callback functions Loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] [bDSOS] Arousal breaks at 40/60/80[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] EFF Notification: Dawnguard loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] EFF Notification: Menu system loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] EFF Notification: Actor panel loaded.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] [bhunpaddonmcm <BHUNP3BAddon (DC000815)>] OnGameReload() : Check Version [7] / [7][06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] [bhunpaddonmcm <BHUNP3BAddon (DC000815)>] : VersionCheck()[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update[06/28/2020 - 10:54:36AM] FNIS PCEA2 Quest started (load)[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0B042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Initializing ~~~~~[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] =======================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Start ]========================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] VioLens is now performing a compatibility check. Papyrus warnings about missing or [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] unloaded files may follow. This is normal and should be ignored. [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] =======================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Start ]========================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] JContainers Installed. [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ERROR: File "CombatDramaOverhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[alias Player on quest VL_Player (29023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 59[alias Player on quest VL_Player (29023F14)].VL_Player.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 25[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] Combat Drama Overhaul Not Installed. [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: SexLab version: 16200[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: SlaveTats version: [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0B042D62)>]: registered for maintenance[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scanning for supported plugins...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ========== ERRORS RELATED TO MISSING FILES SHOULD BE IGNORED![06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ERROR: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[AUA (6300C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.GameLoaded() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 40[AUA (6300C6C2)].AUAQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 73[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ========== Auto Unequip Ammo: Scan complete.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: RaceMenu version: 7[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: SexLab support: TRUE[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: Overlay support: False[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation support: False[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0B042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slac] Checking loaded mods[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetName() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.JLoadSpellAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 112[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 10[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp19"stack:[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.JLoadSpellAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 112[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 10[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ERROR: Array index 129 is out of range (0-127)stack:[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.JLoadSpellAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 113[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 10[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetNumEffects() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.JLoadSpellAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 120[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 10[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp20"stack:[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.JLoadSpellAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 120[alias ZZSIGESpellPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGESpellLoad (E302042F)].SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGESpellLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 10[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [FillHerUp]: Restoring inflation for Serana...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ë°ë³´ ë¤ì´ì¼ë¡ê·¸ 구ì¶ì¹´ì´í¸ ì´ë²¤í¸ ë±ë¡ ìë£[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] Registering External Mod Events...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] BaboReputation Script Registering External Triggers[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0B042D62)>]: registered for maintenance[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [babodiamonitorscript <BaboMonitorScript (887E22B8)>]: Updated notification key to 47[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] BaboDialogue Keysetting Completed[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] found SLHH Mod[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] found EFF Mod[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ================================================[ Moonlight Tales ]===============================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] Performing compatibility check. Ignore the papyrus warnings that may appear bellow. [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ================================================[ Moonlight Tales ]===============================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetName() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias ZZSIGEArmorPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGEArmorLoad (E302042E)].SIGEArmorLoadAliasScript.JLoadArmorAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGEArmorLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 103[alias ZZSIGEArmorPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGEArmorLoad (E302042E)].SIGEArmorLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGEArmorLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 10[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp17"stack:[alias ZZSIGEArmorPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGEArmorLoad (E302042E)].SIGEArmorLoadAliasScript.JLoadArmorAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGEArmorLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 103[alias ZZSIGEArmorPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGEArmorLoad (E302042E)].SIGEArmorLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGEArmorLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 10[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: End ]=========================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] VioLens compatibility check complete. [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] ========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: End ]=========================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slac] Checking Defeat[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slac] Defeat v5.x+ Registered[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slac] Cloak radius set to 192 feet[06/28/2020 - 10:54:41AM] [slac] Scan radius set to 4095.993652 units[06/28/2020 - 10:54:42AM] InitWidgetLoader()[06/28/2020 - 10:54:42AM] [FillHerUp]: Restoring inflation for Serana...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:42AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetName() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias ZZSIGEWeaponPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGEWeaponLoad2 (E301622A)].SIGEWeaponLoadAliasScript.JLoadWeaponsAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGEWeaponLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 107[alias ZZSIGEWeaponPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGEWeaponLoad2 (E301622A)].SIGEWeaponLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGEWeaponLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 9[06/28/2020 - 10:54:42AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp17"stack:[alias ZZSIGEWeaponPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGEWeaponLoad2 (E301622A)].SIGEWeaponLoadAliasScript.JLoadWeaponsAcrossAllSaves() - "SIGEWeaponLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 107[alias ZZSIGEWeaponPlayerAlias on quest ZZSIGEWeaponLoad2 (E301622A)].SIGEWeaponLoadAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SIGEWeaponLoadAliasScript.psc" Line 9[06/28/2020 - 10:54:42AM] ERROR: File "mslVampiricThirst.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 182[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[06/28/2020 - 10:54:42AM] ERROR: File "CharacterMakingExtender.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 183[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (08002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[06/28/2020 - 10:54:42AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] ================================================[ Moonlight Tales ]===============================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] Compatibility check complete. [06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] ================================================[ Moonlight Tales ]===============================================[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] ERROR: Unable to call RegisterForAnimationEvent - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].footprintsFootstepsScriptHuman.RegisterForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?[None].footprintsFootstepsScriptHuman.OnEffectStart() - "footprintsFootstepsScriptHuman.psc" Line 50[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp3"stack:[None].footprintsFootstepsScriptHuman.OnEffectStart() - "footprintsFootstepsScriptHuman.psc" Line 50[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAprefixList mod: XPMSE nMods: 3[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] FNIS aa GetAAsetList mod: XPMSE nSets: 68[06/28/2020 - 10:54:43AM] SOS RaceMenu plugin found. Skipping ScaleSchlongBones[06/28/2020 - 10:54:44AM] ERROR: Cannot cast from None to SKI_WidgetBase[]stack:[iHUDControlQuest (48000805)].ihudwidgetscript.initialize() - "iHUDWidgetScript.psc" Line 38[iHUDControlQuest (48000805)].ihudcontrolscript.startUp() - "iHUDControlScript.psc" Line 93[iHUDMaintainanceQuest (48002853)].iHUDMaintainanceScript.startUp() - "iHUDMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 20[alias PlayerAlias on quest iHUDMaintainanceQuest (48002853)].iHUDLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "iHUDLoadScript.psc" Line 11[06/28/2020 - 10:54:47AM] ERROR: Cannot call Revert() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryRprLL (90047639)].NA_Rpr_LeveLists.AddToLists() - "NA_Rpr_LeveLists.psc" Line 325[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 206[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:47AM] ERROR: Cannot call Revert() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryRprLL (90047639)].NA_Rpr_LeveLists.AddToLists() - "NA_Rpr_LeveLists.psc" Line 326[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 206[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:47AM] ERROR: Cannot call Revert() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryRprLL (90047639)].NA_Rpr_LeveLists.AddToLists() - "NA_Rpr_LeveLists.psc" Line 327[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 206[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:47AM] ERROR: Cannot call Revert() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryRprLL (90047639)].NA_Rpr_LeveLists.AddToLists() - "NA_Rpr_LeveLists.psc" Line 328[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 206[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:47AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Running Maintenance ~~~~~[06/28/2020 - 10:54:47AM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: Checking if update is required. (Current Version: 1.000000) ~~~~~[06/28/2020 - 10:54:47AM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: SkyUI Installed ~~~~~[06/28/2020 - 10:54:48AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:54:48AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Switching to SKSE Footprints, SKSE Installed ~~~~~[06/28/2020 - 10:54:48AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetStage() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias playerref1 on quest MBI_Dante_boss_Battle_scene_alias_holder_1 (1B03971F)].MBI_clean_allmusic_1.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MBI_clean_allmusic_1.psc" Line 34[06/28/2020 - 10:54:48AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[alias playerref1 on quest MBI_Dante_boss_Battle_scene_alias_holder_1 (1B03971F)].MBI_clean_allmusic_1.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MBI_clean_allmusic_1.psc" Line 34[06/28/2020 - 10:54:48AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValueInt() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias playerref1 on quest MBI_Dante_boss_Battle_scene_alias_holder_1 (1B03971F)].MBI_clean_allmusic_1.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MBI_clean_allmusic_1.psc" Line 38[06/28/2020 - 10:54:48AM] Warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[alias playerref1 on quest MBI_Dante_boss_Battle_scene_alias_holder_1 (1B03971F)].MBI_clean_allmusic_1.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MBI_clean_allmusic_1.psc" Line 38[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:54:53AM] XPMSE MainQuest Initialization successful.[06/28/2020 - 10:54:53AM] ERROR: Cannot call Revert() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryQtsLL (9019087A)].na_qts_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Qts_LeveLists.psc" Line 422[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 214[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:53AM] ERROR: Cannot call Revert() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryQtsLL (9019087A)].na_qts_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Qts_LeveLists.psc" Line 423[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 214[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:53AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0B042D62)>]:Defered maintenance...[06/28/2020 - 10:54:53AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0B042D62)>]: Enabled Desire spell[06/28/2020 - 10:54:53AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0B042D62)>]: Updated notification key to 49[06/28/2020 - 10:54:53AM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0B042D62)>]: finished maintenance[06/28/2020 - 10:54:54AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:54:56AM] ERROR: Cannot call RemoveItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 496[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 218[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:56AM] ERROR: Cannot call RemoveItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 497[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 218[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:56AM] ERROR: Cannot call RemoveItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 498[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 218[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:56AM] ERROR: Cannot call RemoveItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 499[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 218[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:56AM] ERROR: Cannot call RemoveItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 500[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 218[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:56AM] ERROR: Cannot call RemoveItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 501[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 218[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:56AM] ERROR: Cannot call RemoveItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 502[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 218[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:59AM] ERROR: Cannot call AddItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 419[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 219[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:59AM] ERROR: Cannot call AddItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 420[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 219[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:59AM] ERROR: Cannot call AddItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 421[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 219[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:59AM] ERROR: Cannot call AddItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 423[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 219[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:59AM] ERROR: Cannot call AddItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 424[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 219[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:59AM] ERROR: Cannot call AddItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 425[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 219[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:54:59AM] ERROR: Cannot call AddItem() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[NewArmouryClwLL (901C3368)].na_clw_levelists.AddToLists() - "NA_Clw_LeveLists.psc" Line 426[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnVersionUpdate() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 219[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.CheckVersion() - "SKI_QuestBase.psc" Line 17[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_ConfigBase.OnGameReload() - "SKI_ConfigBase.psc" Line 122[NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].NA_MCM.OnGameReload() - "NA_MCM.psc" Line 186[alias PlayerAlias on quest NewArmouryMCM (9009356C)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/28/2020 - 10:55:00AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:55:29AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:56:26AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:56:31AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _2hmmt base: 5 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _2hwidle base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _2hwatk base: 1 number: 1[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _2hwatkpow base: 1 number: 1[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _2hmatkpow base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _2hweqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _2hwblock base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _2hwstag base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (00016942)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:36AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:56:41AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:56:46AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:50AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:51AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:51AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:51AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:51AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:56:51AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:01AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:06AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:11AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:15AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:15AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:21AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:26AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:31AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:57:36AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:41AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:57:47AM] Info: *Achievement 47 awarded - a winnar is you!*[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B88) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B89) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B8A) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E12ED55) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B82) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B83) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B85) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B86) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B87) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090480) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C4) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E0953C5) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953C8) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E0953C9) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CB) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CC) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0953CE) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E097B7D) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (5E097B7F) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E097B81) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCDA) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090475) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090476) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E090478) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD4) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD5) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815AF) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B3) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815B7) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCCC) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCCE) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD0) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E08DCD2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2B) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2C) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E02AA2D) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E794) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E796) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E79B) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E03E79E) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 1 in container (5E0815AD) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:57:52AM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VampireAbsorbHealthScript to Item 2 in container (0004CEF2) because their base types do not match[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:19AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:20AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:20AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:20AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AD)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:20AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:23AM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for bandit got schlong index 10 size 2[06/28/2020 - 10:58:24AM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for bandit got schlong index 10 size 3[06/28/2020 - 10:58:24AM] SOS MarkArmorAsConcealing: registering armor as concealing Fur Armor[06/28/2020 - 10:58:24AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:58:29AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:58:31AM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for bandit got schlong index 5 size 3[06/28/2020 - 10:58:31AM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Bandit Outlaw got schlong index 10 size 4[06/28/2020 - 10:58:31AM] SOS MarkArmorAsConcealing: registering armor as concealing Hide Armor[06/28/2020 - 10:58:34AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:58:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:34AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:35AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:58:39AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:58:52AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:01AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:05AM] Found 0 nakedActors[06/28/2020 - 10:59:05AM] slaScanner start time is ....359.688995[06/28/2020 - 10:59:05AM] Found 1 arousedActors[06/28/2020 - 10:59:06AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:59:06AM] slaScanner end time is ....361.032013[06/28/2020 - 10:59:06AM] Next update in 120.000000[06/28/2020 - 10:59:06AM] [bDSOS] OnArousalComputed sla_UpdateComplete, 1.000000[06/28/2020 - 10:59:06AM] [bDSOS] Checking erection level on ["Recorder" [Actor < (98002306)>]][06/28/2020 - 10:59:06AM] [bDSOS] Not a BD schlong: [Armor < (3A001DA9)>] on ["Recorder" [Actor < (98002306)>]][06/28/2020 - 10:59:07AM] [bDSOS] Checking erection level on ["Serana" [Actor < (00000014)>]][06/28/2020 - 10:59:07AM] [bDSOS] Not a BD schlong: [Armor < (3A002E3A)>] on ["Serana" [Actor < (00000014)>]][06/28/2020 - 10:59:11AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmmt base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmidle base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmatkpow base: 3 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmeqp base: 1 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _magatk base: 4 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _1hmblock base: 0 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _dw base: 2 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 10:59:16AM] FNIS aa SetAnimGroup mod: AnimatedArmoury actor: [ActorBase < (000274AC)>] group: _sprint base: 6 number: 0[06/28/2020 - 11:01:18AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:01:23AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:03AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:08AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:13AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:18AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:23AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:24AM] ERROR: Cannot call GetRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[None].zbloodnpc.OnDying() - "zBloodNPC.psc" Line 329[06/28/2020 - 11:02:28AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:38AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:47AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:02:54AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:00AM] VM is freezing...[06/28/2020 - 11:03:00AM] VM is frozen[06/28/2020 - 11:03:00AM] Saving game...[06/28/2020 - 11:03:01AM] VM is thawing...[06/28/2020 - 11:03:02AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:07AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:12AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:17AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:22AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:27AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:32AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:32AM] [bDSOS] Player changed location to [Location < (00018EE9)>][06/28/2020 - 11:03:33AM] [bDSOS] Checking erection level on ["Serana" [Actor < (00000014)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:03:33AM] [bDSOS] Not a BD schlong: [Armor < (3A002E3A)>] on ["Serana" [Actor < (00000014)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:03:37AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:42AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:47AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:52AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:03:53AM] Found 0 nakedActors[06/28/2020 - 11:03:53AM] slaScanner start time is ....577.031006[06/28/2020 - 11:03:53AM] Found 1 arousedActors[06/28/2020 - 11:03:54AM] slaScanner end time is ....578.408997[06/28/2020 - 11:03:54AM] Next update in 120.000000[06/28/2020 - 11:03:54AM] [bDSOS] OnArousalComputed sla_UpdateComplete, 1.000000[06/28/2020 - 11:03:54AM] [bDSOS] Checking erection level on ["Recorder" [Actor < (98002306)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:03:55AM] [bDSOS] Not a BD schlong: [Armor < (3A001DA9)>] on ["Recorder" [Actor < (98002306)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:03:55AM] [bDSOS] Checking erection level on ["Serana" [Actor < (00000014)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:03:55AM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for bandit got schlong index 10 size 3[06/28/2020 - 11:03:55AM] [bDSOS] Not a BD schlong: [Armor < (3A002E3A)>] on ["Serana" [Actor < (00000014)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:03:55AM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for bandit got schlong index 10 size 8[06/28/2020 - 11:03:56AM] Cannot open store for class "floppysos", missing file?[06/28/2020 - 11:03:56AM] ERROR: Unable to obtain function call information - returning Nonestack:[alias PlayerAlias on quest SOSx_Main (67000D62)].SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias.PerformUpdate() - "SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Alias.psc" Line 102[sOSx_Main (67000D62)].SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Base.FireUpdates() - "SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Base.psc" Line 331[sOSx_Main (67000D62)].SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Base.OnUpdate() - "SOS_Grower_RaceMenu_Base.psc" Line 323[06/28/2020 - 11:03:57AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:02AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:07AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:12AM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for bandit got schlong index 5 size 1[06/28/2020 - 11:04:12AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:17AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:22AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:27AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:32AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:38AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:40AM] SOS Actor Schlongify: new schlong for Bandit Outlaw got schlong index 10 size 3[06/28/2020 - 11:04:49AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:04:56AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:01AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:10AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:14AM] VM is freezing...[06/28/2020 - 11:05:14AM] VM is frozen[06/28/2020 - 11:05:15AM] Saving game...[06/28/2020 - 11:05:15AM] VM is thawing...[06/28/2020 - 11:05:18AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:23AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:28AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:39AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:44AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:49AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:54AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:05:59AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:06:04AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:06:09AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:06:14AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:06:17AM] Found 0 nakedActors[06/28/2020 - 11:06:17AM] slaScanner start time is ....720.627991[06/28/2020 - 11:06:17AM] Found 1 arousedActors[06/28/2020 - 11:06:18AM] slaScanner end time is ....722.159973[06/28/2020 - 11:06:18AM] Next update in 120.000000[06/28/2020 - 11:06:18AM] [bDSOS] OnArousalComputed sla_UpdateComplete, 1.000000[06/28/2020 - 11:06:18AM] [bDSOS] Checking erection level on ["Recorder" [Actor < (98002306)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:06:18AM] [bDSOS] Not a BD schlong: [Armor < (3A001DA9)>] on ["Recorder" [Actor < (98002306)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:06:18AM] [bDSOS] Checking erection level on ["Serana" [Actor < (00000014)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:06:19AM] [bDSOS] Not a BD schlong: [Armor < (3A002E3A)>] on ["Serana" [Actor < (00000014)>]][06/28/2020 - 11:06:20AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:06:24AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:06:29AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:06:34AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2[06/28/2020 - 11:06:43AM] MC1: Polling Script Running V2 Load Order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Falskaar.esm 7 7 Wyrmstooth.esp 8 8 RaceCompatibility.esm 9 9 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 10 a SexLab.esm 11 b SexLabAroused.esm 12 c hdtHighHeel.esm 13 d BSAssets.esm 14 e BSHeartland.esm 15 f Dragon Break.esm 16 10 HammetDungeons.esm 17 11 battlenymphs.esm 18 12 0db2SECOND.esm 19 13 EFFCore.esm 20 14 BadDogSchlongCore.esm 21 15 Heels Sound.esm 22 16 BS_DLC_patch.esp 23 17 Vigilant.esm 24 18 CompanionArissa.esm 25 19 CreatureFramework.esm 26 1a ZaZAnimationPack.esm 27 1b MolagBalsInferno.esm PubicHair3D.esm Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp 28 1c XPMSE.esp 29 1d KS Hairdos - HDT.esp 30 1e RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp 31 1f SkyUI.esp 32 20 RaceMenu.esp 33 21 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 34 22 The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp 35 23 UIExtensions.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 36 24 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp Brawl Bugs CE.esp SOS - ERF Horse Penis UUNP - Equipable.esp SOS - ERF Horse Penis UUNP - Addon.esp 37 25 SOS - B3lisario UNP Addon.esp RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 38 26 Animated Fairy Wings.esp 39 27 SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp 40 28 Animated Dragon Wings.esp 41 29 VioLens.esp 42 2a EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 43 2b Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp 44 2c AOS.esp 45 2d aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp 46 2e ELFX - Exteriors.esp 47 2f Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp 48 30 Rebirth Monster.esp 49 31 SexLab-AmorousAdventures.esp AmorAdvExtended.esp 50 32 MultiMarriage_JAMCE.esp 51 33 aaareindeer beast race followers.esp 52 34 SnowFall Weathers.esp 53 35 Luxury Collection.esp 54 36 Combat Evolved.esp 55 37 Serana Dialogue Edit.esp 56 38 SnoipehMoreCreatures.esp 57 39 Snowy AF Windhelm.esp 58 3a TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp 59 3b TAWoBA_Rebalance.esp 60 3c Immersive Weapons.esp 61 3d Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp Sekiro-like.esp EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp 62 3e Triumph - New Old Attributes of Races.esp 63 3f FacelightPlus.esp 64 40 Dual Sheath Redux.esp 65 41 SLAnimLoader.esp 66 42 SexLabMassMatchMaker.esp 67 43 SLALAnimObj.esp 68 44 SLAL_AnimationsByLeito.esp 69 45 TDNEquipableHorns.esp 70 46 Brows.esp 71 47 SGEyebrows.esp DeerHoovesAndTail.esp 72 48 iHUD.esp 73 49 AK_RM_PubicStyles_All_In_One.esp 74 4a CustomVLFormWings.esp SOS - Snow Elf Addon.esp 75 4b Footprints.esp WT Tribal Clothe.esp 76 4c MoreNastyCritters.esp 77 4d NoMoreUglyVampireLord.esp 78 4e PumpingIron.esp K2 HDT Boots.esp BSHeartland - Meshes.esp BSHeartland - Textures.esp 79 4f MultiMar_VoiceSerana.esp 80 50 Ghosu - Weapon Pack 1.esp 81 51 KTABladeOfWoe.esp 82 52 dwbb.esp 83 53 BloodmoonRising.esp 84 54 Brevi_MoonlightTalesEssentials.esp 85 55 Real Feeding V3.esp 86 56 getSnowy.esp 87 57 BDOrcSchlong.esp 88 58 FeMequins - Hearthfire.esp 89 59 BikiniAscendVolume1.esp 90 5a SexLabTools.esp RWTMerge.esp 91 5b NPC Body Scale Randomizer.esp 92 5c NB-Scars.esp DwarvenMerge1.esp 93 5d The Brotherhood of Old.esp 94 5e Better Vampire NPCs.esp 95 5f Dwarfsphere.esp 96 60 Victoria Velina Revamped.esp 97 61 WooChildren.esp 98 62 Realistic AI Detection 2 Lite.esp 99 63 Auto Unequip Ammo.esp GPArmorPack3.esp Nini Stuff 1.0.esp [Melodic] Risque Lingerie.esp [Melodic] Rock Lady.esp [Melodic] Wicked Leather Outfit.esp [Melodic] Crux vamp outfit.esp [Melodic] Hardcore.esp100 64 Book of UUNP - Textures.esp MMGSchlong.esp BDHoodieSchlong.esp SOS - ERF Equipable Horse Penis.esp101 65 SOS - ERF Horse Penis Addon.esp SOS Equipable Schlong.esp102 66 Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics.esp103 67 SOS - Grower - Extended.esp104 68 SideDragonPriestMasks.esp Nini Stuff 2.0.esp105 69 RaceMenu Overlays Hieroglyphics.esp C5Kev's Sexy Rose Armor UUNP.esp C5Kev's Mega Jelly Living Armor UUNP.esp C5Kev's Animated Tentacle Parasite Armor UUNP.esp [NINI] Limit Special.esp Choker of Skyrim.esp SOS - Snake Cock Addon.esp106 6a AMatterOfTime.esp [NINI] Ceara.esp [NINI] Cats Lady.esp Nini Stuff 3.0.esp RaceMenuMorphsUUNP-JB.esp107 6b AddItemMenu2.esp Anal Torch.esp 12FemaleBrows.esp SexLab Strapon.esp108 6c RaceMenuMorphsBHUNP.esp109 6d HavokCollisionObject.esp GRIM Zero Suit Samus.esp FollowersA1.esp110 6e KS Hairdo's.esp [COCO]ChristmasGift.esp111 6f FNIS.esp112 70 AZ_JemmaArissaReplacer.esp113 71 CompanionArissa.esp art_StarsightEyes.esp [COCO]Pandora_box_v1_fullB.esp [COCO]Fairy_Queen_Full_B.esp114 72 CitrusHead - Standalone.esp115 73 Perk Points at Skill Levels 50-75-100.esp116 74 Bijin Wives.esp117 75 BDUUNPM1.esp BD UUNP Armor and cloth replacer.esp BD UUNP Armor replacer.esp BD-UUNP Dragonborn armor clothes replacer.esp BD UUNP Dawnguard armor and cloth replacer.esp118 76 viciousdawnbreaker.esp119 77 TKDodge.esp120 78 HitStop.esp121 79 VtawUtilityPack.esp122 7a SOSRaceMenu.esp123 7b FNIS_PCEA2.esp124 7c ZaitamaStandaloneUniqueArmor.esp125 7d Critical Hit.esp126 7e 3PCO.esp127 7f DragonbornAscendant.esp DSerULG.esp128 80 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp129 81 Jewelry limiter.esp [COCO]KDA Kaisa.esp130 82 Better Vampires.esp VL No AoE Drain.esp131 83 RaceMenu_Gothica.esp RaceMenuGothicaFace.esp132 84 VLW_Hybrid.esp133 85 SexyCloth1.esp134 86 KS Dragon Overhaul 2.esp135 87 Sunstarved_Tanlines.esp136 88 Long lost smelters by Hyralux.esp137 89 BaboInteractiveDia.esp138 8a Vivace.esp Follower Onean.esp shoespack.esp139 8b EFFDialogue.esp140 8c MistySkye.esp141 8d 018Auri.esp142 8e PATCHDragon Break.esp143 8f Colorful_Magic.esp144 90 ThaneWeaponsReborn.esp145 91 NewArmoury.esp146 92 OverflowingEnchant.esp147 93 EtR_HearthfireDungeonAddon.esp148 94 SofiaFollower.esp149 95 KarlovManor.esp150 96 Wynter.esp mihailzombies.esp151 97 RiilungolzStaff.esp152 98 Recorder Follower Base.esp Gwelda Armor Pack.esp153 99 Luxury Collection Vendor.esp154 9a FNISspells.esp155 9b HolmwoodNahkin.esp156 9c Darkend.esp157 9d KNM_AcalyphaFollower.esp158 9e BikiniMaidenFull.esp159 9f SuccubusRaceLite.esp160 a0 0db2patch.esp161 a1 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp162 a2 ScopedBows.esp163 a3 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp164 a4 Bijin Warmaidens.esp165 a5 DOHeadquarters.esp166 a6 FalmerBikini.esp167 a7 Better Vampire Weapons.esp168 a8 Vampirelordroyal.esp169 a9 Sneak Tools.esp170 aa Tirashan.esp171 ab tetro - Kailu.esp172 ac Coldhaven.esp173 ad LevelersTower.esp174 ae Dawnguard&VolkiharArtifactsQuests.esp175 af TrueHel.esp176 b0 DestructibleDisplayCases.esp BVLT - Human.esp177 b1 AelaArmor1.esp178 b2 Serana.esp179 b3 Valerica.esp Aela.esp K2 HDT Boots - AMB Variants.esp180 b4 OrcFemaleWalk.esp SOS - no underwear for beast races.esp Crimson Blood Armor.esp Harem 2 - All in one armored.esp181 b5 Sunsakuka's Follower.esp182 b6 AK- Alternate Actors.esp183 b7 P1FlyingRing.esp184 b8 Followers2.esp Olivia.esp185 b9 ZeroTwoByAsherz.esp Tess.esp Keva.esp Leanna.esp Erika.esp Suzy.esp Rener.esp Nata.esp Blair.esp186 ba Bijin NPCs.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp187 bb HentaiCreatures.esp ApprenticeOfThuum.esp188 bc ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp DagiRaht.esp189 bd Aya.esp190 be Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp191 bf RewardYourFollowers.esp192 c0 Octavia.esp193 c1 TissFollower.esp194 c2 CRB Auri Lenka Replacer.esp195 c3 [COCO]mulan_fullB.esp MiniBikini.esp196 c4 C5Kev's Herme Mora Priestess UUNP.esp197 c5 LewdMarks.esp198 c6 SOS - ERF Horse Penis Redux Addon.esp199 c7 Haem Projects Shalidor.esp200 c8 Fachry Molag Grunda Daedra Follower.esp201 c9 UltimateCombat.esp [COCO]wedding_2B.esp202 ca Ebokini.esp203 cb AddChoices01.esp204 cc RaceMenuSKYAVX.esp NIER 2B Set by Team TAL.esp [dint]_NeirAutomataHDT.esp XT_nierwp.esp ShouWangGreatsword.esp205 cd Nier2b.esp206 ce Souls_Quick_Menu.esp207 cf BDHoodieFemale.esp RideSharing.esp208 d0 TissHeadTrack.esp [Melodic] Zero Suit Samus.esp [Melodic] Batboob Succub.esp209 d1 SexLabDefeat.esp210 d2 SOS - ERF Horse Penis Redux No Balls Addon.esp [Melodic] Pyra.esp [Melodic] Archangel.esp211 d3 Melt_Down_Everything.esp BakaFactoryABC.esp DancingPenis.esp [Melodic] Reverse Bunnysuit.esp [COCO]wedding_2B_FullB.esp AimedShots.esp212 d4 DM BDOR Lumik by Team TAL.esp213 d5 HG_Echo.esp214 d6 DM BDOR Lephria by Team TAL.esp [COCO]RONIN_full_B.esp215 d7 PsycheAnimationObjects.esp216 d8 MelCoCo1.esp217 d9 Mel1.esp218 da SexLab Inflation Framework.esp [COCO]Deliciously_Bride_Full_B.esp [Melodic] Dark Maid.esp219 db BHUNP3BBB.esp220 dc sr_FillHerUp.esp221 dd DX Succubus Armor.esp222 de ExtraLevelPerks.esp223 df MistysHairSalon.esp224 e0 tetro - Lilu.esp225 e1 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp226 e2 Phenderix Skyrim In-Game Editor.esp227 e3 RaceMenuMorphsBHUUNP_JB.esp228 e4 Toccata as Elisif.esp229 e5 ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +100%.esp230 e6 Animated Immersive Weaps.esp231 e7 AOS2_EBT Patch.esp232 e8 Aya - Patch.esp233 e9 Babette.esp234 ea BVandRoyalBloodline_Patch.esp235 eb CL BladeofSacrifice.esp236 ec CL Nettlebane.esp237 ed dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp238 ee dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp239 ef DGE_PCIorLSC_Patch.esp240 f0 ks hair patch.esp241 f1 RobesReplacer.esp242 f2 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp243 f3 SDPM_UniqueAddon.esp Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp244 f4 SexLabHorribleHarassment.esp245 f5 SLAL_AnimationByBakaFactory.esp246 f6 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp247 f7 Skyrim Unbound.esp248 f8 Skyrim Unbound - Option - Female Start.esp249 f9 ELFXEnhancer.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp250 fa ASIS-Dependency.esp251 fb Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp252 fc ASIS.esp
  4. Every time I run patchus maximus I get an error in TES5Edit. I don't know how to fix it. I've tried uninstalling Perkus Maximus and reinstalling that then reinstalling Patchus Maximus, but I keep geting the same error for no reason or at least i can figure out. [00:48] Background Loader: Error: record MGEF contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord ESCE[00:48] Background Loader: Errors were found in: 00_SS_Monitorfor_animation_Effect_ "Monitor script holder" [MGEF:C7000D69][00:48] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID VMAD FULL MDOB DATA DNAM ESCE [00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO2S 53324F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO4S 53344F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Errors were found in: PaMa_ARMO_ReforgedIronProstheticBrown(LegRight)0099BBAmputator.esm "Reforged Iron Prosthetic Brown (Leg Right)" [ARMO:FB00309D][00:49] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID VMAD OBND FULL MO2S MO4S BOD2 RNAM KSIZ KWDA DESC MODL DATA DNAM [00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO2S 53324F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO4S 53344F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Errors were found in: PaMa_ARMO_WarforgedIronProstheticBrown(LegRight)0099BBAmputator.esm "Warforged Iron Prosthetic Brown (Leg Right)" [ARMO:FB0030A0][00:49] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID VMAD OBND FULL EITM MO2S MO4S BOD2 RNAM KSIZ KWDA DESC MODL DATA DNAM [00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO2S 53324F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO4S 53344F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Errors were found in: AMP_ProstheticLegR01Brown "Iron Prosthetic Brown (Leg Right)" [ARMO:1F0099BB][00:49] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID VMAD OBND FULL MO2S MO4S BOD2 RNAM KSIZ KWDA DESC MODL DATA DNAM [00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO2S 53324F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO4S 53344F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Errors were found in: PaMa_ARMO_ReforgedIronProstheticBrown(LegLeft)0099BCAmputator.esm "Reforged Iron Prosthetic Brown (Leg Left)" [ARMO:FB0030A3][00:49] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID VMAD OBND FULL MO2S MO4S BOD2 RNAM KSIZ KWDA DESC MODL DATA DNAM [00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO2S 53324F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO4S 53344F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Errors were found in: PaMa_ARMO_WarforgedIronProstheticBrown(LegLeft)0099BCAmputator.esm "Warforged Iron Prosthetic Brown (Leg Left)" [ARMO:FB0030A6][00:49] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID VMAD OBND FULL EITM MO2S MO4S BOD2 RNAM KSIZ KWDA DESC MODL DATA DNAM [00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO2S 53324F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Error: record ARMO contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MO4S 53344F4D[00:49] Background Loader: Errors were found in: AMP_ProstheticLegL01Brown "Iron Prosthetic Brown (Leg Left)" [ARMO:1F0099BC][00:49] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID VMAD OBND FULL MO2S MO4S BOD2 RNAM KSIZ KWDA DESC MODL DATA DNAM [00:55] Background Loader: [Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp] Building reference info.[00:56] Background Loader: finished I don't know how to fix it. If anyone can walk me through the sets that would be great. thank you.
  5. For some reason the skin texture on my hands are a different color then my body. How do I fix this? the last skin textures I used were Diamonized UNP and SG Renewal skin textures, I changed to Fair Skin Complexion, but for some reason it doesn't over right the Texture on the hands.
  6. Sounds like a good idea, I have an idea of my own, but from what I know of no one has looked at mine, So I'm going to post the link to my thread. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2213844-equipment-manager/&do=findComment&comment=19406359
  7. example of this idea is say you are gonna go swimming, well once your "feet" touch the water your clothes are removed until you are back on land. So you actually swim naked, you can also designate a type of clothing to be equipped while swimming instead of removing all your clothing (to be done in MCM Menu). Other options could be that if you swim with armor on you sink to the bottom and swimming speed becomes reduced by 50%, unsheathed weapons will fall into the water and float down stream or sink to the bottom of the river/lake depending on weight or type of weapons. When it's raining your movement speed is reduced by 5%-15% due to your armor soaking up the rain and the ground being harder to walk in. Walking in areas of heavy snow then your character will move and react slower unless you equip warmer clothing, for example: movement speed, weapon speed, bows draw longer, spells take longer to cast. When it's sunny outside and there is no rain or snow then you gain movement speed weapon speed, bow draw time, spell reactions, also if you're wearing heavy armor your character can be hindered due to the weight. Light armor more beneficial for speed and swiftness. Just some ideas I'd like to see in a mod with all of this possible, I've tried looking for mods that removing clothing while swimming but nothing has been created. If someone can tell me how to create these ideas into a mod that would be awesome, I've never made mods so i'm clueless. But if someone is willing to teach me I can make this mod.
  8. I have installed various Hand mods, textures, meshes, and even tried installing them the old fashion way /skyrim/data/meshes/actors/character assests/.... etc.... I will upload pictures of my issues and Hope someone can help me fix these BLOCK HANDS! thank you.
  9. having a problem. Just started about a week ago I think. A rogue/thief shows up infront of riverwood at start of game which is linked to the "Taking care of business" quest breaking. Also somethings are invisible. Was hoping anyone that would read and respond to this might know of any problems with the mods I have installed that would cause such errors and Let me know so I can get rid of them. Also I don't wanna uninstall all my mods and reinstall them. Takes about 2 hours+ cause I have so many and I have to load some in different orders to have them run properly. SO any help would be great. THANK YOU!
  10. So my solutions to this don't work besides "setstage tg02b 10" which less you talk to delvin,vex and tanilia. then do "setstage tg03 10" to start Dampened spirits. But I do know that if you can keep yourself and Rolaf from attacking or being noticed by the thief/rogue outside riverwood that's fighting a bunny then you don't get this stupid Glitch above. Anyone know how to keep rolaf from doing so?
  11. Okay! So here is my issue and I know a lot of people have the same issue. "Joining the Thieves Guild." I just completed "Taking Care of Business" (Where you must collect 3 debts and turn them into Brynjolf who is sitting at a table in the Ragged Flagon) but you'd think all is well but no. I/You follow Brynjolf to the Cistern, he walks in and BAM! he's stuck next to a food cart or lamp behind that food cart. I/You hit "~" to bring up the console and type "disable" to remove the food cart and lamp, but once you've done that Brynjolf A: either moves and stops and attacks when he's almost in the middle of the Cistern or B: just stares at you and attacks you. or C: walks away and takes the ladder/trapdoor/chainpully back to his stall in the middle of Riften. This is where I'm stuck! Any solutions are welcome to be posted. For those that have this issue I hope to make this the place that fixes this glitch in time with people have fixed it. I'm trying a solution I was just told from a different blogsite.
  12. Every time I open my "Nexus Mod Manager" it says "Cannot reach Nexus login server." Why is this happening?
  13. How would I go about fixing this? Delete the Subrecords? Disable them? or my very long solution of moving the mods till these errors disappear?
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