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About beebophuckleberry

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  1. I’m not so sure the manifest was damaged. I closed Vortex and restarted the PC rather than restoring from backup. After a restart I clicked deploy and everything worked fine. If the manifest was corrupted or damaged then it shouldn’t have worked. I don’t know what happened, but at least it’s working now. How often does vortex create a back up that you can restore from?
  2. Last night I installed a handful of mods that had updates. Everything was fine. Today I updated one mod and then this popped up... What happened?
  3. This was the first time it happened to me. Hopefully it was just a temporary mishap. I'll find out when Embers releases the next update. So far, I have not had this issue with any other mods.
  4. This isn't a serious issue, but I thought I'd post it here anyways. The little bell in the upper right corner that shows you alerts has a visual bug. The text overlaps the green area. See image.
  5. I'll update this in case my information can help someone else. I found a workaround. I installed and enabled Embers XD, but I didn't deplay. Instead, I closed Vortex then reopened Vortex. When Vortex restarted Embers XD showed all the usual conflicts and I was able to set the conflicts, deploy, and sort the plugins. Everything working fine now. Dunno why this is happening but it only seems to be happening with Embers XD regardless of which version I use.
  6. I updated Embers XD today. Embers always has file conflicts that I need to set. But, after updating the mod and installing it there are zero conflicts. I thought it was a issue with the current Embers release so I uninstalled the new Embers version 3.0.3 and reinstalled the last version that worked (3.0.2). But, there are still no file conflicts. Any ideas what is going on? I know Vortex just updated to version 1.11.6. Is there a issue with the latest Vortex update?
  7. Hey @insomnious, It's version 1.10.8. The pictures I posted are from the default theme with dark mode turned off. Besides turning off 'Dark Theme', everything else is the same settings as default. I double checked the colors and they are still the same as default. Here is a snippet of the colors.
  8. I created a couple of new themes to test different colors in effort to make some text easier to read. But now I can't remove any of the 'test' themes I create. When I select to remove the theme it simple isn't removed. By clicking the remove button the theme reverts back to default but it doesn't actually remove the theme you tried to delete.
  9. Just wanted to add that the current color scheme makes some text hard to read. I turned darkmode off and that helped, but it's still difficult to read some of the notifications that pop up. When you highlight a mod it's also hard to read. The text on some notifications looks very thin. Below are a few examples;
  10. I'm looking for a mod that lets me travel to a pocket realm. I want to turn this little realm into a place where I can relax, do some crafting, sleep, eat, etc while being in it's own contained zone. If any of you played WoW and have been to GM island... I want something kinda like that. A little island with only a structure, few trees, etc. I think I can tweak it on my own in CK to add crafting, beds, etc. I have a mod called Haven Bag. It lets me enter the bag like it's a genie bottle. It's a little pocket realm with a bed, crafting stations, and some resources. I want something like Haven Bag but instead of going into a bag you go onto a island. Hope this makes sense :) Anyone aware of a mod like that? Or, aware of a small island mod that I can then edit in CK? Thanks in advance.
  11. lol, it's funny reading all your unhelpful responses. You came here to criticise and offered nothing in return. All I can do is sigh and remember that our species is full people like you. I shouldn't have to explain a idea that Vortex already thinks is a good idea. For example; Vortex already shows you which messages are suppressed and allows you to reset those preferences. So, obviously, the Vortex team thinks this is a good idea because they have already implemented the feature; however, somebody didn't apply this feature to the purging notification. One of you said purging is harmless. Incorrect. Vortex is not perfect (which is obvious from all the updates and bugfixes, right?). Purging is not perfect. In rare cases links can be left behind and cause issues. This risk increases depending on what Vortex settings you have selected such as the deployment method option. You ever had a link left behind and then had to hunt down the mod? I did. Had to reinstall over 2000 mods. All of which happened because the purge button got pressed instead of deploy. Could have been avoided if the suppressed notification was still available. Purging is harmless you say? I disagree. I think it's mostly harmless, but has the potential to screw things up in a bad way if links get left behind. Also, purging takes time. If you accidently purge then you also have to deploy again. This takes my build almost 3 minutes to do. Sit down and watch the clock for 3 minutes. It's a long time to wait for a button you didn't even intend to press. And, it's a button that could potentially provide a confirmation warning; however that notification was suppressed at one point and now can not be unsuppressed. One more thing, if purging is no big deal as you all say then why even have a confirmation in the first place? Hmmm? I'll tell you. They put the confirmation there as a courtesy notification so you don't do something you're don't intended to do. So, it's a big enough deal for your devs to implement a warning in the first place. Right? Anyways, having a confirmation before purging will not only save time but reduce risk of errors. Showler is the only person to reply with a decent response. Thanks Showler.
  12. Great suggestion. I didn't consider the suppressed messages. I did check. No messages are being suppressed.
  13. On more than one occasion I've accidently clicked purge mods. Purge mods is directly adjacent to deploy. Also, deploy and purge have icons that resemble each other. Please change this. Or, create a extension that allows us to add confirmation, relocate, or hide the purge button.
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