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About darkspartan239

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  1. I have even updated bodyslide to the one that just rolled out on the 1st of july and that did not fix the problem.
  2. So, I am having an issue where I can't save presets. It says, "Failed to save preset as (file path)." I looked at some other fixes and none of them have worked. I made sure to check that it was saving to the SliderPresets folder and that it was launching as admin. I can build the files to the game with no problem and it will build it in game. I just can't save presets. I was able to save them before (about a week or two ago). Any suggestions for what could be going wrong?
  3. So I already have a modded game on the original skyrim. I use Mod Organizer to manage my mods. I want to start modding my skyrim special edition but I don't think Mod Organizer supports it. Is there any way I can use NMM for Skyrim: SE and MO for the original Skyrim? Can I get chrome to ask me what application to use whenever I click on the download button? Thanks for the help
  4. So I installed RealVision the other day, I love the ENB but I hate the DoF. I have gone into my skyrimprefs.ini and set the DoF to 0, and I also went into the enbseries.ini and set the DoF to False. I cannot figure out how to get rid of the DoF. Any help would be appreciated!
  5. So I downloaded Realvision ENB and I really love it. But I hate the DoF effect it has. I was trying to disable it but I can't. I tried turning it off in the enbseries.ini the skyrimprefs.ini and in the in-game enb editor. None of these seemed to work. I also tried uninstalling and re-installing Realvision and disabling the DoF in the installer. Still nothing happened. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
  6. Alright, so I have the wyrmstooth quest line mod and I have completed it. I got shargam to be one of my followers but i don't want him anymore. Every single time I tell him "It's time for us to part ways" he says the same thing but he never actually leaves.
  7. So, I have installed project Reality with CoT and I hate the blur effect that happens when you look at a particular object. I have tried turning DOF off in the enbseries.ini but nothing happened. I also tried turning off the bDoDepthofField in skyrimprefs.ini but still nothing happened. I have attatched a picture of what the blur looks like. If you need anymore info just ask. Thanks for the help!
  8. Alright, so I am currently using Project Reality with CoT but I want to switch over to Skyrim Beautification Project and I am not sure how to go about doing that without screwing up my game. First of all which one would you suggest, which one do you think is better? The main reason I am doing this is because I like the lighting on Skryim Beautification Project a lot better. I found an extensive guide on how to install SBP, but I really need to uninstall my current ENB without messing it up. Also, is it possible to use Climates of Tamriel with skyrim beautification project. If you could help me out that would be great! Thanks!!
  9. So, every time I try to put my character in Familiar Faces I will get this message "Familiar Faces: Missing CharGen Slot for ." "This character will now be disabled" Or something to that effect I have no clue what to do because I have both racemenu and familiar faces fully updated. I have included my modlist for your convenience. If you need any other info just ask. Thanks!
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