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About smturret

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  1. I'm having a problem where the character creation menu is totally unresponsive, i can use WASD to move the camera around (but not rotate it). I can pause the game by pressing esc but am unable to select anything from the menu aswell. I did some googling and it might be because i have the OBSE plugin "Blockhead" installed?(not sure) The thing is, this plugin is needed for the Oblivion Character Overhaul, so i dont know about deleting it. Here's an image of what it looks like. https://imgur.com/a/p5nVkSg Active Mod Files:
  2. Thanks for the reply. I've edited the ini files like some of the links you posted told me to and the game is very much more stable. The infinite loading screen and main menu freeze bug haven't appeared at all. I got a new bug though, where i go trough a door and another crash happen, this time it's a black screen and the sound stutters. After some googling i saw this might be a corrupted save game issue so i loaded a couple of saves back and the crash has dissapeared (for now). I don't mind the occasional crash, i guess that's something you have to accept with a game like New Vegas, i'd still like to know if there are any tips to avoid corrupted saves though. Thanks again for the reply and the fixes, it helped a lot.
  3. I have 3 seperate problems to be exact.First one is a crash to desktop randomly when im playing so i dont know what triggers it exactly, there is a pop-up that says "ran out of memory" (i have 4GB patcher, New Vegas Anti Crash, New Vegas Stutter Remover and NVSE installed)I did some googling first and found someone having a similar problem as me and he also used NMCs texture pack, i was using the large version. I downgraded to medium, still would crash. Then downgrade to the small pack, also didnt fix it. And then i just removed the Texture pack entirely and that fixed it. I can live with this but would still like to know if there is a fix to it. The second problem is an infinite loading screen bug. Usually this happens when i boot up the game and load my save from the main menu. I also did some googling and another "fix" was to start up a new game and then load the save from there, this seem to mostly work but i still the infinite loading screen bug even with using that method from time to time.I also get this bug when normally playing the game by going through a door or fast-travelling. I have to completely restart my pc everytime this happens because task manager wont pop up. The last problem is when the game freezes at the main menu, i have no idea what triggers this and it seems to be random, i just have to pray that whenever i boot up the game it will continue as normal. I also have to restart my pc fully because task manager also wont pop up when this happens. As i already said i have all the nessecary perfomance mods installed and my pc is brand new aswell.Whenever the game does run it runs smoothly without any problems apart from the ones i mention here. I am quite new to modding though so i might just be missing something simple, i have no idea what an ideal load order is and i just sort it trough LOOT.In fact i sort the load order trough LOOT in MO2 everytime before i boot up the game just to be sure, i also go trough FNVEdit aswell but i confess i dont really know what that program does. i got the game from steam, fully patched, installed a couple of days ago. The game is on my (C:) SSD drive but not in program files.Im using MO2 to install all my mods. I used a youtube installation guide from "GamerPoets" to set it up.As that guide reccomends the MO2 Mod folder and Overwrite folder is also on my (C:) drive I also edited the Fallout.ini file and the Falloutprefs.ini files aswell. I used this guide and followed it perfectly. Here are my PC specs:https://imgur.com/a/Q1ba6GH Here is the load order: note: this load order used to be bigger but i deleted some mods because i thought the issue might have been that i had too many of them installed, the problems i have still exist with this current load order though. I might have deleted around 5 or 6 mods.
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