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Everything posted by Jntk

  1. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans dezi for getting a cool new siggy!
  2. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans Dezi for using that disturbing yet highly amusing smily :P bans josh for posting before me
  3. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans josh because i don't have a slow internet. its just the Deus' pic and his sig give my connection hell.
  4. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans Deus for making my internet go slow when loading this page. :P
  5. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans lip for lovin this thread
  6. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans Deus Ultima for using that word twice
  7. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    ... Bans Dezi for suggesting that!!
  8. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans josh for telling me i need a reason then banning when i got one!!
  9. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    bans josh for having the same first letter in his name as me. there i got a reason
  10. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans josh for... do i even need a reason.
  11. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans Deus Ultima. Becuase i can. EDIT: Bans Dezi and Josh for posting in the same minute as me
  12. i like Post Grunge, Punk rock, Alternative rock, Nu metal, Alternative metal. can't stand Rap apart from Rap-rock (like linkin park). and that depends on how good it is.
  13. Jntk

    Ban for Fun

    Bans lip for being a Jack Sparrow Wannabe.
  14. i like that dezi likes my title. thank you Miss Poetress :P
  15. i like that i finally got my Customizable title thingy.
  16. lol true. add to the fun, have a weapon that could come back at you and slice you to little pieces. :P
  17. with that logic you can say that any kind of guns are just as dangerous because they can ricochet. i like the idea of a rocket propelled chainsaw
  18. Nazi punks not nazis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_punk
  19. granted, your face burns off and you get killed by a demon. i wish that all Nazi punks died instantly
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