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Everything posted by mollad

  1. As I said, it doesn't work with or without the mod. And Expanded Carriage mod doesn't even touch the scripts. Anyway, thanks for the help. I'll find a solution somewhere else than the mod requests sub-forum.
  2. I do use it, yes. Edit: You answer made me realize there could be a conflict with Expanded Carriage Service mod, but with or without it, it's the same. USEP doesn't even touch the dialogue quest that makes the carriages work. It's an unironic case of "not a bug but undocumented feature".
  3. Hello. I'm looking for a simple mod that would allow transportation by carriage while overencumbered. It really doesn't make sense at all that it's not possible. Maybe it's a bug. If someone know how to do this, it would be amazing. Thank you.
  4. Not sure. It's a lot of the same fetchy missions lumped together with some main. There are writing holes sometimes really big, voice acting done sunday evening when nobody cared, unfinished parts and so on, but it's still fun. It has flaws, yes, but it isn't the WORST game. I found it very fun and great, despite all the flaws :/ I mean, it isn't Ride To Hell. Three things that really bugs me and make the game weird for me: Spoilers ahead. -Open word-ish for the sake of open world. like every modern video games has to be open world. I feel like the game looses in naration quality because of it. Also, I rarely had to open my quest logs in the precedent games or open the map. Everything was very smooth, now it isn't anymore. -The similarities with the original trilogy. MA:E is for Mass Effect what Star Wars VII is for Star Wars IV, V, VI: - Very hostile aliens you don't feel bad about shooting at before learning they are "corrupted" aliens. Like the Collectors. - Ancient, advanced and very dead civilisation. The Remnants are like the Protheans. - The whole Tempest crew. Cora = Jack, powerful biotic misfits. Peebee = Liara, nerdy asaris. Vetra = Garrus, kinda rebelious turians who gave up on rules because they slow them down... etc. -I find most teammates unlikable. One extra: those vaults are pretty convenient. What would the initiative have done without them? Deus ex Machina. One very subjective extra: the casual player I am misses the time dilatation with sniper rifles. I hope the ricochet augmentation can save my poor accuracy. I'm still having a lot of fun, though. And let's be honest, change is always disturbing. Maybe we jsut need time to get used to it.
  5. Hello, I found a bug and a simple fix for it, I thought I would share it to help anyone who has the bug or anyone who doesn't want to have it. Bug: The Teams tab of the Strike Teams menu can't be used. No mouse or keyboard commands work and it's not even possible to exit the menu while this tab is selected. This bug prevents recruiting new teams or see the details of teams already recruited. Fix: Enable the tutorial tips in the gameplay settings. Since we don't have to spend too much time in this precise tab, it's not too much of a hassle to re-enable and re-disable tutorial tips everytime. Let's still hope that EA will fix this.
  6. Exactly. Is was particularly annoying in The first time I actually said out loud at my screen "Please SAM, shut up... :unsure: ".
  7. Wow, that's some self righteousness from the OP. So because you're disapointed about Mass Effect Andromeda you think you can be judge jury and exucutionner and chose for the entire community. You have the right to be disapointed, it's okay. But I find what you are proposing almost offensive for modders and players alike, who actually ennjoy playing the game. Also, how would that help anyway? That's actually one of the purpose of mods. Making the game better for players to enjoy it more. So, if mods can save some aspects of the game, why wouldn't you take it? My only problem, gameplay-wise -and that's why I'm on the forum right now-, are the constant comments from SAM about environemental hazards, radiations, cold... There's the same problem in No Man's Sky, and one of the first mods was one to stop the perpetual warnings and comments from the suit's AI. I would love to see such a mod for Mass Effect Andromeda.
  8. Possible fix : Update or uninstall outdated F4SE plugins.
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