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  1. GetRefCount in PO3 Papyrus Extender: https://github.com/powerof3/PapyrusExtenderSSE/blob/master/Papyrus/Source/scripts/PO3_SKSEFunctions.psc#L725
  2. This is before compression This is after compression Before After The compression artifacts obfuscates a lot of the detail. Which is pretty bad for previewing visual mods. I think there has been a change in image quality recently and applied retroactively to old images as well.
  3. Most people won't really care about this. But given how much people enjoy immersion mods, I am sure there is a market for this. If you remember from high school astronomy, the real-world moon is illuminated by the sun, and the phases of the moon depend on its position relative to the sun. So the bright side of the moon always faces the sun. But often times when you look up in the Skyrim night sky, you will notice that the moon phases appear in impossible configurations. Sometimes the bright side of Masser and Secunda face away from the sun or even in different directions. Sometimes you get a new moon in the middle of the night. Or a full moon next to the sun. Or some other impossible scenarios like this: http://i.imgur.com/K8bhtHF.png I know Secunda and Masser are just Lorkhan's remains visually projected in a way that mortals can understand, and thus doesn't have to follow any laws of real physics. And a lot of the times, it looks fine. I am not requesting a super accurate astronomical simulation with predictable phases or anything like that. But I think if a player looks up and sees an physics defying night sky, it can really breaks immersion. Some additional material: http://deck16.net/post/15403355189/10-things-i-hate-about-skyrim-10-bad-astronomy http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore_talk:Astronomy#Separate_moon_phases_defy_physics http://www.astronomynotes.com/nakedeye/s13.htm Possibly a very difficult mod for just little bit of extra immersion.
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