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About TaeRai

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    TES V: Skyrim
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    TES: Skyrim, Assassins Creed 3, Pokemon FireRed

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  1. Argonians, cause they look like mini dragons! Tsaesci cause asian snake men. I also love the Bosmer, Orcs, Nords, Dunmer and Khajiit. Bretons are icky, IMO :P
  2. Update: My modded Skeever follower is not invisible, only wild Skeever... Very strange!
  3. All of my skeevers are invisible ingame since my latest reinstallation. I know it's a mesh issue but I am clueless on how to bring them back. Any advice?
  4. I like the bottom one better :)
  5. If anything, the disease will affect all races and not just the one. It;s not like an Argonian is immune to all lycanthrope strains apart from the one...
  6. If it's so simple, let us know when you're done ;)
  7. You cannot port content from other TES games to Skyrim as per copyright.
  8. Actually, two radiant quests link there and it has it's own quest there as well.
  9. It's good to have all the patches as they fix bugs from the previous DLC patches.
  10. To be fair, if you've cured yourself once... And then take it again... It's your own fault :P
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