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Posts posted by QueenAcademe

  1. Yes! If the original mod's assets are packed into a .bsa you'll need to unpack it into your data folder with a .bsa unpacker or the meshes will appear as giant red exclamation points in the creation kit. You can add assets to your mods several ways: 1) by loading your .esp (as active) and the other mod together, duplicating the asset you want, renaming it and creating a new form or 2) adding the asset directly from your data folder as whatever it is (static, container, tree, etc.).

  2. Hi folks! I'm hoping to unveil my new mod "Queenacademe's Placeable Paintings and Notes" tomorrow morning. Can someone please test it in game to ensure the chest full of paintings/notes is appearing in Radiant Raiment, beneath/inside the counter? I had a friend try to install it manually and after much troubleshooting we can't seem to figure out why it's not appearing in his game. The .esp, meshes, and textures are in his data folder and it's working just fine for me. The .zip is too large to attach, so I'd have to send it by email. Any takers?

  3. Did you by any chance disable the esp in your mod manager and then forgot to activate it again ?

    What's bizarre is that it was never installed with my mod manager (I just had the esp in data), but then I dragged it into Vortex just now as a last ditch effort and now it's working!!! This is my first mod and everything I know about tinkering with the CK is from Youtube or experimentation, so things were bound to go terribly wrong at some point, haha.

  4. Hello all! For the last several weeks I have been meticulously editing an island on Lake Illanlta that will become the grounds for a player home called Mage's Respite. Until tonight, everything has been fine. I've made periodic backups and frequently check the mod in-game to ensure there are no issues. Tonight, I built a smithing shed using assets from DarkFox's Millwater Retreat, saved in the CK, and attempted to load my mod in-game. My mapmarker was gone, and when I traveled there the island had reverted back to vanilla. Alarmed, I tried all of my backups. None of them are appearing in game either, despite their .esp being in the data folder. Tried several new games, moving the .esps in and out of the data folder, deleting all the new resources etc. and still nothing. I'm quite exasperated, really, especially since everything still appears fine in the creation kit. Any suggestions?

  5. Here you go... You had an extraneous BSLightingShaderProperty (which I'm not sure was actually hurting anything but I removed anyway) and you did not place the BSTriShape for your bed-frame within the BSFadeNode.


    The attached copy should work... I didn't put in CK but I did do a quick and dirty test by renaming it and having overwrite the mesh for the child beds in Dragonsreach so I could see it game and sure enough, other than being purple because I don't have the textures it worked.





    For future reference, how do I place the BSTriShape within the BSFadeNode?

  6. Here you go... You had an extraneous BSLightingShaderProperty (which I'm not sure was actually hurting anything but I removed anyway) and you did not place the BSTriShape for your bed-frame within the BSFadeNode.


    The attached copy should work... I didn't put in CK but I did do a quick and dirty test by renaming it and having overwrite the mesh for the child beds in Dragonsreach so I could see it game and sure enough, other than being purple because I don't have the textures it worked.





    This worked perfectly; thank you SO much.

  7. Hello there! I am a (very) novice modder and have encountered an issue splicing several meshes together. I am hoping to use the blue patterned mattress/blanket from Snazzy Furniture with the common left bed frame from EEK's Whiterun Interiors.


    My process has been to paste the BSTriShape, BSLightingShaderProperty, and the BSShaderTextureSet from the common bed left frame into the noble bed and then delete the originals. Doing so renders it perfectly in Nifscope, but the bed frame fails to render in the creation kit. Does anyone know why this might be?




    I've attached the .dds, but the textures were too large (even zipped) to include.



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