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Everything posted by Argomirr

  1. Release it, and let others test? My thoughts exactly. ;D The latest alpha version is available at NVNexus now. Feel free to give it a try, however keep in mind that since I do not have the game yet it's mostly guessing how it's got to work. It doesn't - I don't have the game so I can't look into that yet. :) However, it shouldn't have to bypass the launcher in order to do what it's supposed to do, if it's anything like FO3 in that regard.
  2. Anyone seen this yet? It looks fun!
  3. Update: I think I have most of the NV support sorted out, just have to make sure no bugs crept in (which is the most work, really). Most of it is based on assumptions that is handles mods and load orders the same way as FO3 - it is the same engine, after all - but I cannot be 100% sure about that until I have the game myself.
  4. Download at NVNexus LOST, the Load Order Sorting Tool, is a simple and straightforward, lightweight load order manager program for Fallout: New Vegas, TES IV and Fallout 3 (you do not need all of them, though), written in the Python programming language. It allows you to change the order in which the game engine loads plugins and masters to prevent conflicts between mods that may cause glitches or crashes. (duh) AND... It's got support for all three games in one package. This is a project I've been working on as a programming exercise which is currently in closed beta, and I figured now would be a good time to announce it. Right now it doesn't support NV, but making the necessary changes shouldn't prove too difficult. I expect* to release it somewhere next week. For the moment it's only got the basic stuff (load order managing), but I intend to add more feature later on. (Main reason for keeping it simple was making sure integrating NV wouldn't become too much of a stretch) Oh, and the name's a working title. If you can think of something better, please, do tell! :P * I am new to this kind of thing. It may take time. I hope it doesn't. I like short sentences.
  5. There's already an experimental version of FNVEdit up on NVNexus and I'm sure FOMM (or NVMM?) will follow soon. FOSE will take much, much longer though, I'd think. And I'll be releasing a load order manager with NV/FO3/OB support somewhere in the near future too. :P I should stop talking about this too much, this is liekt he third time I mention it today.
  6. I have been working on a load order manager program as a programming exercise, which will have support for NV. I plan to start making the necessary changes asap, so we'll at least have something to bridge the gap until NVMM is made. :P
  7. Saw it right when it was released. It's great, but the story needed some more room - it should have been a little longer so something could've been done about some of the lose ends. However, it does show what amazing things you can do with Blender and a some skill.
  8. My birthday is on a 13th, so no. ;D
  9. First thing I'll do is port the load order manager I've been coding lately to NV, but I guess that doesn't really count as a mod. :P As for actual modding, I'll play the game first and see if there's something that really bugs me...
  10. ARGH! My island got griefed. :( 't was so pretty. We really need a whitelist.
  11. I'm attempting to build a floating island on the server. :P So much dirt...
  12. If you've got the .dds plugin, you can open and print it with GIMP.
  13. Heh, if anyone needs some brick blocks, I've got plenty.
  14. Can't you just "bury" your chest and whenever you need to access it, remove the flooring to reveal it? Yup, that's what I always do on multiplayer. It works pretty well, just as long as you don't forget where you buried it. :P
  15. You are missing a module named nif_common because it wasn't created during the installation. If the re-installing doesn't work, you could probably fix the problem by downloading the source for the NIF scripts and copy pasting "nif_common.py" to your Blender scripts directory. (In [blender dir]\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\) You won't have to worry about compiling that particular file because Python is an interpreted language. However, there may be more missing files. If the installer failed to install this particular file, it probably failed to install some others. It's worth a try though.
  16. I found a whole bunch of clay right under the surface! First time I've seen clay since I started playing the game.
  17. Oh, that explains a lot... Didn't know you had mobs turned on. Invisible creepers... That's almost worse than Cliffracers. :P Anyhow, back to programming...
  18. Heh, I was on the server with Ub3rman and some other people, and when I closed a door behind me and all the surrounding blocks just popped out. I stand there being confused and then the game crashed. I knew doors were glitchy, but this... :P
  19. Well, you could just click "Show comments" and then report the first comment. However, a proper report button would be a nice addition.
  20. I can't believe I missed this thread! Congratulations to the both of you, DarkeWolf and HugePinball. ;)
  21. But then there'd be no need for it; BOSS should be able to handle pretty much anything from the top 100. :) [EDIT]Oh, nevermind that's been discussed already. ;)
  22. Have you got JavaScript enabled?
  23. http://www.minecraft.net/ There have been some server problems lately, but it should be fine now. :)
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