In response to post #37233185. #37233780, #37234860, #37235730, #37236685, #37243285 are all replies on the same post. I'm still using mods via NMM. I just updated it and everything works like before. I don't even have a account
In response to post #36255115. #36258750, #36296705 are all replies on the same post. I laughed when I saw that mod. It came so quickly. I always know I can count on the modding community xD
In response to post #34107225. #34110340, #34110380, #34113860, #34117570, #34123370, #34125160, #34131120, #34131270, #34135235 are all replies on the same post. I've had some random CTDs but nothing else. Nothing changed after adding mods.
I had no problems with my game for the first 20 or so levels but suddenly the workbench outside Whiterun Warmaiden's stopped working. When I try to use it it makes a clicking sound but does absolutely nothing. It's like the game doesn't think it's meant to do anything. NPCs can still use it. Also around the same time, one by one the dresser, bed and two end tables in the bedroom of Breezehome have had the same thing happen. And some food on the dining table downstairs cannot be picked up anymore. Now the same thing has happened to the workbench in Riverwood at level 36. No other objects are affected. The workbench in Falkreath works for example but I fear it'll spread and I haven't been able to test every single bench in the game to see if others have been affected. Around the same time the Whiterun bench stopped working a mod I'm using - Immersive First person - stopped working as well. Hotkey didn't respond. I'll list details that might help: - I was having crashing issues so I uninstalled JKs Whiterun, No Snow Under the Roof and a patch between it and Expanded Towns and cities. The crashes were fixed. -Installed SSME (Skyrim Startup Memory Editor) -Played around with another ENB -I've tried disabling/enabling the workbench - Tried player.tai command - Tried making new save and reloading -went back to earlier saves and other characters. Other characters are fine, early saves are fine. It seemed to begin occurring around the time I bought the bedroom for Breezehome (I think). Mods that might be causing it: Complete Crafting Overhaul Enhanced Camera SPERG Animations (although I have everything unchecked because no point in it if Immersive first person wasn't working) I've searched everywhere and nothing like this has come up. Very weird. Thanks if someone can help. There's probably more info I can give.