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About Magnusen2

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  1. Just found what the issue was by following your advice about UI mods: HUDCaps. Even though i'm using the script that was supposed to fix this issue. Thanks.
  2. I'm getting the same issue with AAF. If i open the game, load a save the save options work. But if i load that save again they grey out. Disabling AAF fixes the issue. Did you manage to find the cause?
  3. Nevermind. This seems to be working: FormList Property xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList Auto Const Actor rSelf Event OnLoad() rSelf = Self As Actor EndEvent Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.AddForm(rSelf) endEvent
  4. I can't compile this script: FormList Property xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList Auto Const Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.AddForm(Self) endEventi get "AddForm is not a function or does not exist".
  5. Pardon me but is there any resource where i can learn more about "ReferenceCollectionAliases"? I can't find info on google.
  6. Oh sorry about that. In deleting i meant deleting the actual actor from the map using Disable() and Delete(). I already know how to remove the actor from the formlist. Edit: Using "GetAt(0) as Actor" (learned it from your other answer) fixed it. Thanks again!
  7. I'm trying to delete actors that were added to a formlist when they died. I use it (at least that how it was in NV) to keep track of dead bodies: While (xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.GetSize() > xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_MaxDeadBodies.GetValue()) Form ToDelete = xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.GetAt(0) string name = ToDelete.GetName() name = ToDelete.GetName() fDebugTrace("Removed Actor " + name + " from dead body list.") xxxEndlessWarfareMCM_CorpseList.RemoveAddedForm(ToDelete) ToDelete.Disable() ToDelete.Delete() EndWhilebut all i get is "Disable is not a function or does not exist" in the CK. Any help?
  8. I got the following function: function SetWeather() Weather.ReleaseOverride() Weather SelWeather = xxxWeatherList.GetAt(MCM.GetModSettingInt(ThisMod, "fSettingsSetWeather:Settings")) SelWeather.ForceActive(true) endFunctionWhat i'm trying to do: get a weather form from the formlist, then apply it to ForceActive(true). But when i try to compile in the CK i get "type mismatch while assigning to a weather (cast missing or types unrelated)".
  9. That worked. Can't believe i missed that. Thanks!
  10. i'm trying to make a function use a LeveledActor list but all i get is "mismatched input 'property' expecting FUNCTION" when trying to compile in the CK Group LvlListsGlobals LeveledActor property LCharWorkshopNPC LeveledActor property LCharWorkshopNPCMale LeveledActor property LCharWorkshopNPCFemale LeveledActor property LCharWorkshopGuard LeveledActor property LCharWorkshopGuardMale LeveledActor property LCharWorkshopGuardFemale EndGroup how do i set this up?
  11. Nevermind. It was actually a problem with endifs :ermm:
  12. i'm trying to make my script pull a random form from a formlist filled with NPC and creature ids: int RandomResult ref CurRef set RandomResult to Rand 0, 42 set CurRef to ListGetNthForm xxxEWRandomSpawnFormlist RandomResult placeatme CurRef A0ZombieController.SpawnRandomproblem is that nothing spawns from that. And the problem is not with SpawnRandom nor RandomResult since i added a number manually to that and still didn't get anything out of it. Also, the form inside are valid and spawn since i tested all of them.
  13. I'm trying to implement a MCM for the endless warfare mod but i'm encountering some issues with it displaying the submenus. Everything works fine until i'm getting out of the mojave outpost after the nipton quest were the player tells ranger ghost that the town was sacked. I start to get script errors now stop on the nvse log and then only the first menu appears: Error in script 7500109F (uMCMHandlingScpt) in mod Endless Warfare MCM.esp Invalid array access - the array was not initialized. 0 Operator [ failed to evaluate to a valid result Script line approximation: Call ##ar_main[iMenu]## (error wrapped in ##'s) Where ar_main=uninitialized array, iMenu=0 File: Endless Warfare MCM.esp Offset: 0x026B Command: Call I also were having "Invalid array access - expected numeric index, received string" before but after removing some duplicate variables and starting a new game it seems to be fixed. Can anyone that had this type of error before explain to me why this happens? Is this because i have over one hundred variables in the quest script?
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