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Everything posted by sotrans

  1. Thanks agerweb. That's even worse than i thought! (I assumed i could at the least replace the references to the empty audio-files by references to existing ones.)
  2. Short: Is there a way to clone (exact copy) a "Topic Info" respectively to reference it from multiple Topics in multiple Branches? I just started with the Creation Kit, trying to add a dialogue option to the stable hosters, to buy a mule. There's a quest named "stables" which contains one Dialogue branch to buy a horse. I added another branch to buy a mule, set it to Top-Level and added a topic to it, which i set as Starting Topic. I populated that topic with a single "Topic Info" which is a copy of a "Topic Info" from the vanilla StablesBuyHorseTopic (which is the Starting Topic of the vanilla StablesBuyHorse branche). I removed most conditions (e.g. if player already bought a horse) from that copied Topic Info, to be sure it will be shown. Nothing but vanilla. When i opened the copied "Topic Info" afterwards, i noticed, that it is in fact not an exact copy, instead it references to a new Response Text that in turn points to audio files that are not existing. Possibly more references have been replaced, i didn't look any further, yet. Since i just want to use the default vanilla audio already used in the vanilla response and actually don't want to replace ANYTHING in that "Topic Info", a reference to or clone of the vanilla "Topic Info" would save me a bit of work (and lots of work in the long term). I guess Bethesda wants us to be careful to not accidently changing a "Topic Info" that affects a lot of dialogues, but i hope that there's still a way to do it. Is there? How?
  3. Recently i'm trying to create a terminal-desk that a settler can be assigned to. For the beginning i just wanted to copy one of the workshop stores and change model and marker model to the terminal desk one. Changing the model works just fine by clicking the edit button and then copy/paste the model "path" from the terminal-desk item. But i don't know how to paste the marker model: When i click the edit button a file browser opens, which doesn't help. Instead of duplicating the workshop store i could certainly duplicate the terminal-desk and then start copying required values from the shop. But i'd prefer the other way, where i only have to change model and marker model. Is it possible? How can i change the marker model? Thanks!
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