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About nogare98

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  1. It's already been done. I know tytanis has it, don't know if there are any others.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otZ0pIIPv2E&feature=related
  3. I was wondering if anybody here could export some of the summonable daedra from oblivion and import them into skyrim. I know there are mods out there that expand the range of summonable creatures, but conjuration is traditionally meant to summon creatures from the planes of oblivion, not from nirn. I know the task would be difficult, but if somebody could do it, I would very much appreciate. If this is not feasible or is in anyway a violation of some sort of rule, please let me know.
  4. I'm new to modding (although not to programming) and I was wondering how to create a skill. They seem to be stored as actor values, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to create them.
  5. I'm looking for somebody to explain this to me, assuming that it is true. I'm curious about how much radiant story works behind the scenes in skyrim. My understanding was that it generated random quests for you, such as the endless contracts after completing the dark brotherhood, but it seems like I keep running into static quests that are marked as radiant quests.
  6. Supposedly the Golden Claw is a radiant quest. I don't understand how that could possibly be true. Short of killing the riverwood trader and his sister, I don't see how this quest could possibly vary.
  7. I liked the thieves guild a lot. Especially once Karliah becomes involved and the story picks up. The dark brotherhood was pretty decent, but still far-cry from the dark brotherhood in oblivion. Still, both of these guilds were of much better quality than the college of winterhold and the companions. I think that guilds became less of a focus in skyrim than they were in oblivion. For awhile I lamented the state of the guilds in skyrim, but eventually I realized that in oblivion I constantly felt myself wishing for more small quests and interesting dungeons. Skyrim nailed that part, but in doing so it kind of flip-flopped. If we look at it from a lore standpoint, it actually kind of makes sense. In the untamed wilds of skyrim, there's a new adventure in every unexplored and uncultivated ruin; yet the cities and the guilds are small, disorganized, and barely holding together in some cases. In urbanized cyrodil, cities, settlements, and prestigious institutions can be found everywhere you look, but the secret unexplored places of interest are far and few. But however you want to look at it, I feel like we're in a better position for improvement than we were in oblivion. Filling oblivion with all sorts of interesting quests, dungeons, and small but extremely noticeable features would be way harder than revamping the guild quests. With a couple of well made dlcs and mods, I'm confident that this issue will cease to be a problem.
  8. I had a few mod ideas that I wanted to share. Most of these probably require the creation kit but I feel like posting them anyways: 1. More uses for dragon souls: A new perk tree that uses dragon souls instead of perk points. Could have more than one, like a way of the voice tree to enhance shouts and a path of the blades tree to increase your effectiveness against dragons, ect. Moreover, once you have unlocked all that you can with dragon souls (have all shouts, all dragon soul perks, ect.), then you can spend dragon souls to overcharge shouts. 2. Bring back (or add new) skills: I believe that hand to hand skill should be brought back and that skyrim should be re-balanced accordingly. It would be cool to center the perks around a monk theme, one that uses light or no armor and wrecks with his hands. Speechcraft should be redesigned as mercantile and then a new speech craft tree should be made. Also, there should be a new disposition system that speechcraft is centered around. 3. Scaling magic: I feel that the potency of spells should be variable, not static. Skill should determine the strength of your spells as well as their magicka costs. Additionally, wearing cloth should provide benefits so that pure mage is a more viable playstyle. 4. Crafting dependency: I find it annoying that characters can only reach their maximum level of strength by making and enchanting their own armor. There should be alternative items, that are the equivalent of the best items made by a master enchanter and smith, that cannot be improved. These items would be very hard to obtain, but would allow players to get their gear through adventuring not crafting. 5. Guild quests: The guild quests in skyrim feel rushed and I will state the problems that a mod could fix. The thieves guild was the best imo, had an epic plot, it was nice and long, and gave you badass gear. The only problem with it was that you were almost instantly made a full member without pulling any smaller jobs first. The dark brotherhood was good as well, but it lacked two things that it did from Oblivion that could make it more interesting. First, the rewards, especially the final one, were not as cool as the ones in oblivion. If some of the unique bonuses from that game were added to skyrims DB, it would be nice. Second, there need to be more generic assassinations that have a creative flair in them. The ones from obliv where you're posing as a guest in a mansion attempting to kill the other guests, or when you stage an assassination: those had that certain style that made the DB so awesome. Finally, the companions and college of winterhold need major improvement. They give bad rewards, are kind of boring, and are way too short. Sorry if this is rushed, I have a lot to do today and I may come back to expand on ideas later. Have to go now tell me what you think.
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