I found that an Ambient Occlusion map bakes out screwy if you try to overlap texture-space in the UV map, even if the two halves are identical. So no I don't bake only half of the model, but I did some experimenting and found that after exporting the Nif back out to an .obj that the body was now in two halves along the UV seams. I have no idea why because the original hilt part of the model was, and still is one piece. I did accomplish a decent looking chrome effect by using a nearly black diffuse texture with the chrome_e.dds cube map and setting the specular, gloss and env. map strength as high as possible. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/708891-1346561996.jpg I inverted the green channel in the normal map as per Ghogiel's suggestion and that helped reduce the seams a lot. Between that and getting the chrome material right, those lines are almost gone.