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Everything posted by Wookie120

  1. I am sure this has been covered, but I cannot get any mods to work period. Either with Vortex, or manually loading them. Steam is on my C drive, Vortex Mod folder is on my D drive, if i try to hard link to the vortex mod I get an error message saying folder must be empty. I am about done with trying to mod Starfield until a real SKSE comes out. I have followed all of the "Setup .ini validate/invalidate" things TO THE BLOODY letter, still no joy. Any help would be deeply appreciated. Hell I even watched Gophers videos and followed it to the letter, no joy.
  2. And what happens when you try to click apply and nothing happens? I like vortex but it has been a royal pain in my neck lately! I have deleted skyrimse, nuked it to say the least, and then nuked Vortex to try and do a clean install, I reinstall, and vortex tells me it just aint gonna work!!!!!! I clicked on Suggest a location..Vortex suggested it allright, then impudently will not allow me to click Apply! So, what do I do to fix it? I hope you decide to reply.
  3. Thank you so much for the replies and help! going to try and finish Skyrim this time.
  4. If you download a collection, can you still download other mods also? Say I see a race mod that I like, can I also download it and it not interfere with the Collection?
  5. Should have known no reply would be forthcoming. Perhaps those of you who think you are above replying should recall not everyone is a computer guru and sometimes answers on google lack sense!
  6. My MW5 file is located in, or was, I unistalled it thinking I could choose where to reinstall it. When I click install, it wants to put it into D:\Program Files (x86)Steam, when all of my other games for steam are on D:\SteamLibrary:\Steamapps\Common. When I attempt to redirect it there I am not given an option to input the new Install location. Can someone help me out? I tried to install Coyotes Mission Pack in a mods folder I created for MW5 but it did not show up on the mods section for MW5
  7. How do I get Vortex to support BG3? I keep getting a Please confirm "User Access Control" dialog message. Can someone please take pity and teach an old soldier how to correct this?
  8. I keep hearing about a Discord channel for CP2077 modding but no one ever leaves a link to it. Can someone please leave a link to the channel?
  9. I thought Nexus said something about making a place to put presets. While I agree some of the presets are hideous, some are pretty good actually.
  10. Thank you so very much for your reply.
  11. This is a silly question I am sure, but when a Modder says drop the file in the "Root" folder, does that mean this path? Drive>SteamLibrary>Steamapps>Common>Cyberpunk 2077? Sorry, am not very bright when it comes to computer lingo.
  12. Thank you so much for your reply. I was not scrolling down far enough
  13. This may be the wrong place to put this question but I cannot craft the Advanced Hybrid Weaves. I meet all requirements and have all of the materials for it but I do not get the option to craft it, it remains greyed out. Am hoping someone will help me.
  14. Might have been showing me to put my load order and referring me to how to post for help in the forums.
  15. I finally figured this one out and just added the armor through the console.
  16. I want to thank you for your help and your patience. I went to the link but could not figure out how to download the file. A computer tech i am not I fear. I was able to find the outfits in the console and added them that way. Skyrim has a mod also that lets you go into the esp's. I wish I could remember how to give you a Kudo, you have earned it my friend!
  17. I went to the link on the sticky post but did not see how to download the file, hotkey file I think. I am not computer savy I fear. I did however find the shade girl outfits in the console so was able to grab em that way. Skyrim has a similar mod that lets you go into the esp's and get items. Listen, I want to thank you for your patience and kindness in helping me out.
  18. Thank you for the reply. It is appreciated. I have had this problem back in 2016 also. I had h oped that maybe using Vortex as a manager would have changed things. Sadly, after working in corrections I have a not so very rosey outlook on humanity in general, and when I was having trouble with another mod several years back and asked a question, and received a very rude reply from the mod author and a few others, well, it colored my vied of the forums. I followed the install instructions to the letter, tried it with both versions. The armor does not even show up in the list with the one that requires AWKCR and Armorsmith extended. Thank you for telling me about the console trick. I had also asked a very simple question concerning Vortex in another post on the forums as to if i had to still download and install F4SE. I did not know if it came installed with Vortex, I know now and installed it.
  19. Just wanted to say thank you to all who looked at my post and did not reply. I am very new to modding and could have used the help. Guess these forums are not so helpful after all.
  20. Do you also have to install F4SE for mods to still work when using Vortex as the Manager and the mod requires the script Extender? I hope someone answers my question.
  21. Well, I finally get my game to realize the mod is there. Had to use the stand alone version since the other version that Armorsmith extended and AWKCR is required but the outfits will not even show up in the armor workbench. So I open the chemistry bench, choose one of the armors and be damned if i cannot TAB out of the workbench. Can someone please help me? Well, as an addendum I was able to access the suits in the chemistry station at the Red Rocket. Was so happy, I made a suit, tried to TAB out, same issue, in that I cannot TAB out. Please someone help.
  22. Not sure what is going on, but i have encountered a similar problem when returning to Sanctuary. I will get there and the bridge is just gone.
  23. I am having some kind of graphics glitch now. I swear this game tries to find ways to screw up. When i go into sneak mode I have something blacking out either a small area of the screen to each side, like hair hanging in the way. I also am using the Moisin Nagant rifle and now when I try to use the scope, and I have used it successfully before, it is blacked out. Can anyone help me out?
  24. [attachment=158587:I am having some kind of graphics glitch now. I swear this game tries to find ways to screw up. When i go into sneak mode I have something blacking out either a small area of the screen to each side, like hair hanging in the way. I also am using the Moisin Nagant rifle and now when I try to use the scope, and I have used it successfully before, it is blacked out. Can anyone help me out?
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