Can you post your load, also do you have BOSS Or Wrye Bash? You should make a bashed patch with Wrye Bash. If you already did that than I highly recommend TES4 Edit this handy tool completely saved me a lot of time from seeing which mod was out of order in my load. Just run it, and if it doesn't load or says "loader fatal" e.g. "MMM.esp requires OOO.esp to be loaded before it" than you know you have to put OOO.esp in front of MMM.esp. Do that, than right click on a random mod and say create merged patch. name it "merged" or anything you like and load it at the end you're load order. Thank you for your help. I do have BOSS and Wrye Bash and I do update the bashed patch whenever I move anything around. I do not have TES4Edit. I will try it but I don't understand the last thing you said about crt clicking on a random mod, creating a merged patch, naming it, and then ??loading it at the end of my load order??? Would you mind explaining this last point? It's much appreciated as I am bummed not to be able to finish Heart of the Dead as it is a terrific quest mod!