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Everything posted by Ryker61

  1. I was wondering if someone could help me find this armor mod. I just started a new playthrough in Fallout 3 and would love to have this armor mod again, but I can't remember the name of it and I can't seem to find it. It was also available for Fallout New Vegas.
  2. I recently decided to add a couple of quest mods to Fallout 3, one of them being AWOP, the other was going to be the three part quest mod A Quest For Heaven. I can't find it except for the Dutch version of Part 2. Does anyone have any idea what happened to it?
  3. In response to post #24774004. #24775424, #24777064, #24777154, #24777539 are all replies on the same post. That was uncalled for Phantom. Really uncalled for. You are SOL when mods you use need to be upgraded and they require SkyUI ver5.0.
  4. In response to post #24663854. #24664244, #24664334, #24664879, #24665094, #24665224, #24665344, #24665379, #24665404, #24665564, #24665614, #24665754, #24665789, #24665804 are all replies on the same post. I checked through the W&C forum and I can't find any posts by Isoku claiming that he was leaving the Nexus.
  5. In response to post #24663854. #24664244, #24664334, #24664879, #24665094, #24665224 are all replies on the same post. While that sounds like a good theory, I'm a little skeptical as to whether or not that is the case. We'll have to wait and see. The other side of it is that if that is the case, and someone fraudulently uploaded Isoku's mod, then why hasn't he come forward to let everyone know that this happened? Edit: Wrightmage replied before I did.
  6. In response to post #24663854. #24664244, #24664334 are all replies on the same post. I took a screen cap of his W&C SW page, but I have no way of posting it here. You'll have to go and check it for yourself. The notification is at the top of the page. There's no indication as to the identity of the individual who filed the DMCA. I highly doubt a DMCA will be filed here on the Nexus. My suspicion is that the DMCA was filed over recent paid mod fiasco.
  7. Since the comment section for Wet and Cold is locked, I thought I'd just drop this here. A DMCA notice has been filed for Wet and Cold on the Steam Workshop. This is gonna get ugly.
  8. I do have a lot of mods, but the mods I'm most concerned about are: Leather Armors (it adds some new Leather armors that use the Thieves Guildmaster Armor and the Blackguard Armor model) Light Armor Hoods pack Plate Hoods Pack Shrouded Armor - True Assassin - Replacer Silver Bows and Silver Arrows Updated Silver Crossbow Drow Armor set Crossbow Basic Collection(adds a crossbow to each vanilla weapon set) Lightweight Potions and Poisons Lightweight Scrolls Warmonger Armory Hood 35th Nightingale - Wanderer Armor with Scarf So, will the Repcroccer repatch these to work with Skyre, or are they gonna get screwed? That's my biggest worry.
  9. After having given it some thought, I've decided to use the Skyre mod. Now my question is does Skyre rebalance hostile NPCs so they aren't as difficult as they are in Vanilla? One of the recommended mods to use with Skyre is the Reproccer auto patch generator for Skyre. Now I looked at the description for the Reproccer mod, and dang near felt my brain explode. I just could not make heads or tails of the Reproccer mod. My question is, is it absolutely necessary to use this mod with Skyre?
  10. That's interesting. I did not realize that the WRP required Archive Invalidation. I've used it before without messing with Archive Invalidation and never had problems. I honestly don't recall ever looking at the install instructions. I might have looked at them at one point, but forgot about the AI requirment. I'm using NMM because it's easier for me to deal with, as everything is in one window, and it's the first MM I started with when I started modding Skyrim. With FOMM, I'd have to have two separate windows open, one to display my load order, the other to allow me to add and remove mods. If I went to launch the game while the second window was open, I'd get a message saying that I needed to close the window before launching the game. I am currently using FOMM for one mod, and one mod alone, and that's Darnified UI for Fallout 3. For some odd reason, DUI would not install under NMM. And a couple of people on the DUI thread over on the Bethesda forums suggested using FOMM for that, and I decided it was a good idea. Right now I'm using mods that do nothing more than add weapons and change textures, so I don't need the MM to launch the game, I can still launch the game from Steam. The only times I need the MM to launch the game, is when I'm using mods that require a Script Extender.
  11. Okay, thanks. I'll have to keep that in mind. Another question I have is why do mods like NMC's TP and Wasteland Clothing HD require Archive Invalidation when mods like the Weapon Retexture Project and aMidianBorn NV Book of Water (a texture pack for Power and Combat armors) don't require it? I'm not complaining, just curious.
  12. I just recently installed the Wasteland Clothing HD texture pack, which required Archive Invalidation. Now, I've already done the Archive Invalidation step, started the game, and saw that the textures are excellent, so WCHD is working. I saved the game and exited out. My question is this: I've decided to download the NMC Light Texture pack and do I have to do the Archive invalidation part again?
  13. I'm looking for a mod that reduces the weight of potions. Does anyone know of one and are there any good hi-res texture packs for weapons, armor, buildings and environment?
  14. I'm looking for a mod called The New Arcadia's Cauldron. It was a mod spotlighted by Brodual on YouTube. The mod essentially changes the look of Arcadia's Cauldron, making it look way better. The author did two other mods called The Real Warmaiden, and The Bosmeric Drunken Huntsman, all of which changed how their shops looked. I have The Real Warmaiden and The Bosmeric Drunken Huntsman, but both of those downloads are gone from my download history. I tried the link included in the Youtube video for the New Arcadia's Cauldron mod, but I keep getting a page that says the file I'm trying to find is not in the database. Does anyone know what's going on? Can someone please help me find this mod?
  15. Up until recently I used to use the desktop shortcut named in the thread title to launch Skyrim, but the other day, when I clicked on the icon, it decided for some odd reason, to start the launcher that appears when you click Play in the Steam client. When I first downloaded and installed SKSE, the icon appeared on my desktop, I didn't put it there. I can still launch Skyrim (SKSE) from NMM, but I can no longer launch it from the icon on the desktop. Not sure what happened. Has anyone else ever encountered this problem?
  16. I was wondering if someone could make this for me. This mod is called the Mojave Ranger Gear, it's an armor and weapon set that can be found in Victor's Shack in Goodsprings. Armor: Mojave Ranger Helmet (Advanced Riot Gear Helmet) Stats: +5 Perception, Rad Resistance +15, Nightvision Mojave Ranger Armor (Assassin Suit) Stats: +5 Sneak, +5 Guns, +5 Survival, +5 Explosives, +5 Melee, +5 Lockpick, Poison Resistance +15, Rad Resistance +15 Weapons: Mojave Ranger Pistol (GRA 5.56 Pistol). Higher stats than the 5.56 Pistol or That Gun Mojave Ranger Rifle (GRA Anti Materiel Rifle. Includes AMR Custom Bolt, Suppressor, and Carbon Fiber Parts weapon mods) Higher stats than the GRA AMR. Mojave Ranger SMG (.45 Auto SMG. Includes Compensator weapon mod). Higher Stats than the .45 Auto SMG. Mojave Ranger Shotgun (Riot Shotgun) .Higher stats than the vanilla Shotgun. Mojave Ranger 25mm GAPW (GRA 25mm Grenade APW. Includes Expanded Drums, Long Barrel, and Upgraded Internals weapon mods). Higher stats than the GRA 25mm GAPW Mojave Ranger Knife (Bowie Knife). Higher stats than the Bowie Knife. 10 Satchel Charges. 10 Weapon Repair Kits. 10 Antivenoms 10 Doctor's Bags. 200 caps 100 rounds of ammo for each weapon. All of this can be found in a duffel bag in Victor's Shack in Good Springs. There's even a note explaining why the previous owner has left all of this stuff there. I'd like the colors of the Armor and helmet to match. The color scheme would be gray and blue. The helmet would have blue lenses. Thank you.
  17. For Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 there is a mod called Delayed DLC (I'm not sure that's the name it goes by for Fallout 3, but the mod serves the same purpose). What this mod does is it delays the activation of quests associated with the DLC, IE, you won't get the radio signal associated with Old World Blues until your in the vicinity of Nipton. I'm looking for a mod for Skyrim that serves a similar purpose. For instance, after you visit High Hrothgar the first time and descend back down to Ivarstead, you encounter Miraak's Cultist followers. I'd like to find a mod that let's me delay this encounter until either a later point in the game or until I reach a specific level. Someone mentioned such a mod, but I don't recall the name. If someone could point me to this mod, that would be great.
  18. That is the Colt Monitor BAR Replacer mod, by Micalov. Here's the link: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54585/?
  19. I'm looking for a mod that adds a piece of protective headgear to the Dead Money DLC that protects you from the pockets of poison gas.
  20. I've recently started watching Gopher's tutorials on modding Fallout New Vegas. During the first video, he talked about downloading and installing the Darn UI mod. Now is Darn UI absolutely essential/crucial, for modding Fallout New Vegas? I'm asking this question mainly because the mod requires making changes to Fallout New Vegas's .ini files. I've never messed with the .ini files, and I would rather not deal with a mod that requires me to make changes to a file I've never touched before. I'm worried that I may delete something and screw up my game. Sorry if I sound paranoid, but I'd rather stick with mods that I can download, install, and have fun with. This is the third time I've had to restart my Fallout New Vegas game, and I'd like to try and make sure it's the last. At least until I upgrade my machine that is.
  21. I recently decided to move all of my New Vegas mods from the FOMM to NMM. I managed to install and activate the main Project Nevada mod but when I went to activate the PN Extra Options mod, NMM encountered an error, and shut itself down. This happened twice, and I've got no idea what's going on.
  22. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/8834/? Sorry, but that is not what I'm looking for. The mod I was referring to just RETEXTURES the following items: Raider Armor. Pre-war outfits Grimy Pre-War Outfits Dirty Pre-war outfits Roving Trader Outfit. Wasteland Outfits All Headgear I already have mods that RETEXTURE the following: Combat Armor Combat Helmet Talon Company Combat Armor Talon Company Combat Helmet Rivet City Security Armor Rivet City Security Helmet Tenpenny Security Armor Brotherhood Power Armor Brotherhood Power Helmet Brotherhood Outcast Power Armor Brotherhood Outcast Power Helmet T-51B Power Armor T-51B Power Helmet #1- Feng Shui: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/11532/? #2- Once existed (Owned) but was removed a couple years ago when its author moved on. Google will take you to a French version. As long as that mod is only meshes/textures, it will work in Fallout 3 too. Wasteland Clothing Hires Retexture was made for Fallout New Vegas, I'm a little worried about downloading and installing that mod in Fallout 3. Edit: I just noticed in the comments section on the mods page that the mod author is working on a port of Wasteland Clothing Hires Retexture for Fallout 3.
  23. Go to any of the game files pages and click the "0.47.3" link at the top. Download and install the new version OVER the previous one. :thumbsup: Okay, I've found the problem. I just saw at the bottom of NMM that I'm not logged in. There's no Login/Logout button at the top, so I'll have to re download the new NMM.
  24. For Fallout New Vegas there's a mod called Wasteland Clothing Hires Retexture. It essentially retextures all outfits except for the NCR, Legion, and Heavy Armors. I'm looking for a mod that does the same thing in Fallout 3. Does such a mod exist?
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