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true highlander

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About true highlander

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    modded FCOM TES4

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  1. hey, thanks :)

    ...and thanks for sharing your great mods

    ...and thanks for being so nice

    Hope you have a happy and healthy 2013!

  2. Kudos for your images and... *covers eyes with fear*... your avatar... ;)


  3. Settling into Hvila Home has been a pleasure, so many nice little details, thanks again. I added a couple of images, hope you like them. :)
  4. Your excellent quality and tasteful fantasy images will sorely be missed by many of us, the ones with a touch of common sense that is. :)
  5. I picked up my ASUS G74SX three months ago for $1199 Cdn on sale from a small local retail store to mostly play Skyrim, it's a huge flat black rubberized beast and can play almost anything maxxed out. I did tons of research and it's definitely the best performing laptop for the money. The twin fans are essentially totally silent and the massive exhaust ports are very impressive, it doesn't even get warm after playing Skyrim for many hours on ultra settings with all of the higher res. mod textures applied. i7 2630QM, 8GB 1333MHz RAM, 560M (3GB-192-DDR5 version), 750GB 7200rpm HD, 4x Blu-ray, 1920x1080-17", awesome backlit keyboard, DX11, 3DTV Play etc all for $1350 Cdn inc. tax! The only weak point is the speakers max. volume, setting them to external actually significantly improves the sound or add some sound enhancing software or just use some decent headphones like me, if you get one. I'm also using Nvidia Inspector to safely OC the 560M because of its very conservative speeds for ~20% better fps. I haven't used Riva Tuner to help the theoretically slow 2630QM because I don't need to, yet... (pending the coming huge overhaul mods) Overall, I'm very, very happy with my ASUS G74 and have zero regrets, if you have any other questions you can PM me as I rarely return to threads I post on. :)
  6. Wow... I'm totally blown away and I've seen pretty much everything. I've actually had to save this masterpiece for inspiration! (and watched it 5 times so far) Personally speaking though, I really enjoy the excellent (and very difficult) camera work as well as the very subtle edits that really make this work for me. You could certainly do this professionally if you don't already, considering the commonly known constraints of the engine/ini. Thank you for sharing your many talents, your other Skyrim vids are totally fricking hilarious too by the way. :)
  7. 5 stars for you and your excellent personal perspective :)
  8. 'And consider the joys of knowing that, if for any reason, Steam goes offline--whether from hackers, or power outages, or simply going belly up--there goes your game.' ' B, I'm just going off this particular statement which is vague and also essentially incorrect, and yes I'm quite aware of what's being discussed. Basically, I'm stating there's another level of control as there are executables that can easily load the game without said online dependencies. Hey, I hate using Steam and using a 3rd party launcher regardless of the version I use is certainly not wrong in my books. Totally avoiding Steam in my purchased game, which I haven't... would be kinda illegal, no? ;) Always telling people what they want to hear is not my forte... @discovery1 Cheers amigo and have fun! I'm doing the same and please try posting some images and I'll do likewise! :) Thread reply: I'm still playing (offline) v1.21 with no issues after many hours played, I did have a CTD the other day though... just after start-up.
  9. @discovery1 The available offline mode is the solution for most, I personally never play any RPG/single player game while plugged in anyway because it only contributes to crashes and poor performance regardless of FPS. I really like your images btw :) ~ultimately, someone at BS suggested StupidSteam and the senior staff there obviously endorsed this crap and now unfortunately here we are... @Balakirev Nope, only the lame accomplishments would be lost, Skyrim can be played exclusively offline once enabled (as default) indefinitely as I've done since v1.21 on my new game/movie laptop.
  10. 'trying to just lay low... *shhh* ;)
  11. Funny thing is that defrag is actually really relevant before/after any Skyrim load, Auslogics free defrag is totally the way to go. David, (love your mods!) obviously only the vast minority of PC users actually post on the Bethesda forums and seemingly only because they have personal/hardware/config/software issues. Just to let you know, I've tried to make the game fail after enabling more memory (both versions) without any crashes and I've also added many replacers with total success. (manually installed) My laptop is on ultra settings (shadows high but all @ 4096) with a bunch of master ini changes thrown in there as well. StupidSteam offline mode is a given... I'll even throw in a grrrr, because I effing hate steam... Only a G74SX: i7 2630QM, GTX 560M, 8GB DDR3 1333, modified :) link: STEP http://www.image-share.com/upload/1137/80.jpg
  12. If you just manually add (after extraction to a temp folder) said textures/meshes to your data folder they automatically show up, super simple stuff. :) NMM is optional, limited/problematic and seemingly may require its third party archive invalidation activated.
  13. First off, you certainly don't need NMM for any of the presently available mods, even the ones that have esps. I currently have five esps with no load order issues and have done nothing/nada/zip about it, I've also tried/added/deleted almost every texture/meshe/sound mod without issue. 4GB enabling is certainly mandatory. Relying on a third party application can always problematic for new users as they don't get to know the actual fool-proof manual method of adding files that have precedence over the BSAs, I don't use NMM. If you believe, which you should, your game load is corrupt for some reason just re-install it and start it up to verify operation. From there add one mod at a time and restart the game and play for a bit to verify stability/content and go from there. One of the best things of mods is mixing and matching to your own tastes as you probably know, manual placements are totally the way to go and very simple even for someone new. ariinya, you can PM me with your specifics if you want my help. :) The 'master' ini is just that and not visible unless you ~saveini... 1400+ lines: If you believe your prefs and Skyrim ini are fooked and don't have a vanilla backup, just delete them and they will be regenerated upon start of any save.
  14. Learning the simple file structure/tree is imperative for all file re/placements, I totally recommend doing a simple manual install to instigate your learning curve. That being said, I also have to mention that mod authors don't have any rules for their file/mod structure which can cause issues. Basically, if there are textures and or meshes files etc in anything you download, just drag and drop them in your Data file but only after you first extract them to something like an empty folder on your desktop. Any more problems with mods, just PM me and I'll help walk you through it. :) Archive invalidation or NMM is certainly not required.
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