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Everything posted by ThatOtherUser

  1. Mainly because I was going to be turning the script on in the game, and it was just so I'd catch myself if I set the value too high or low for it to work. That and it was just another thing I could try out in the meantime; error checking is always a good thing to include in your scripts. Thanks for the tip though. When I go into Data though, I see that all the DLC for Fallout New Vegas are selected for use as master files. I find just loading FalloutNV.esm works just as nicely. Though yeah, I definitely saw what you meant by valid form ID. I thought it very strange while working on the script, that the custom quest I'd made showed up as Form ID 00000000. That couldn't've been right. Again though, thanks!
  2. EDIT: Just gonna save everybody the time of going through this... I fixed the problem. As it turns out, yes, plugins do need a master file to be loaded alongside them, while the plugin is set as the active file. The problem was me being a moron. Thank you to everyone who decided to look at this, at least. Hello again, all. Second thread regarding problems with scripting. Thankfully this time, I think I know what I'm doing. Gist of my idea here is, I'd like to test if Fallout picks up mouse inputs during the game. And I know that Project Nevada is able to, for use as a hotkey for grenade throwing, for instance. So, I have my idea split up into four pieces: A quest with the Quest ID of SteelDetectKeyQuest. A script with the Form ID of SteelDetectKeyScript, saved as a Quest script. One message with a Form ID of SteelDetectKeyMessage. Another message, with the Form ID of SteelDetectImproperBoolean. All of this is saved in an ESP file named SteelDetectKeyPlugin. Here is the contents of SteelDetectKeyScript: ScriptName SteelDetectKeyScript short iKeyHit short bScriptEnabled ; don't worry about this, I set it in-game using the 'set' console command, intended design Begin GameMode if bScriptEnabled == 0 Return endif if ((bScriptEnabled > 1) || (bScriptEnabled < 0)) ShowMessage SteelDetectImproperBoolean set bScriptEnabled to 0 Return endif set iKeyHit to GetKeyPress 0 if ((iKeyHit != -1) || (iKeyHit != 65535)) ShowMessage SteelDetectKeyMessage, iKeyHit else Return endif End Now, the issue I'm facing is not with saving or making sure the script will compile, though that will very likely become an issue in the future. What I'm trying to figure out is why the quest is not retaining the Script setting I'm giving it. This is what I do. I first open up the GECK using the -editor switch on the nvse_loader.exe file (so I have access to the NVSE functions, hence GetKeyPress). I then go to Data, and unload all the master files. I don't think I need any of them for a script as simple as this, though this may be the mistake I'm ultimately making. Then, while in Data, I set my plugin as the Active File. I then hit Open. Now, with the plugin open, I go into the Quest filter in the Object window, open up my quest, and... the Script menu says NONE. Even though, when I open up the Script drop down menu, I see my script right there in it. I have no idea why this is happening, and I've been doing a lot of digging through Google to even find a reason as to why GetKeyPress doesn't appear to detect mouse inputs in the first place. This is steadily driving me up the wall, but I've still got some sanity in me. Not sure if anyone's submitted this kind of issue before, but I think it's about time I asked for assistance with this. Thanks to everyone in advance, I'm still a massive noob when it comes to scripting and plugin creation with the GECK.
  3. Well first, you'd be setting up the different pods as different references. Then, you'd check actual Terminal objects in the GECK made by Bethesda, and learn how they reference the pods. After that, you pretty much just set up your options to interact with each of those pods. My computer's offline, so I can't really do anything regarding actual examples, but dig around in your FalloutNV files and look for terminals. Maybe the one that interacts with FISTO? That one should have something related to ProtectronPod interaction.
  4. I think they look fine. Could always just include a second set with the patched stockings, though, have both available for people. Hell, could even make the patched stockings more rare, since what're the chances of actually finding an intact pair of stockings in the Wasteland?
  5. Yeah. Question is, can those bones be dynamically adjusted so the weapons can be snapped wherever the modder wants?
  6. You could try creating a temporary variable right before your GetArmorDT command, as that command only accepts forms. Maybe it doesn't like the array entry you're giving it? ref armor let armor := Slots[x] let SlotsDT[x] := GetArmorDT armor It's roundabout, but it might work. Store the cell's data as a reference first, then use that reference with GetArmorDT.
  7. Not really a bone on the armor itself, but on the player. I think that's what does it, because even with vanilla armor, the weapons do kinda merge with the armor. Which then leads to that issue in particular... I dunno if you can adjust the bones of the player model to snap to bones on the armor. I know it's an issue that's shared by the armor set up by Bethesda, though. I think jazzisparis made an NVSE plugin that added a ton of functions. Wonder if any of those add bone manipulation? Of course, the resulting script would be absolutely gigantic, and it would demand a standard of bone naming for it to function properly. But through that, you could end up with quite a powerful mod for New Vegas. Or... just wait for Fallout 4, which might have that system in place anyways.
  8. I have no idea, but it seems oddly specific angling. Have you already tested the weapon in game to see if the glitch replicates there, and it's not just the model viewer doing that? It also looks like when you turn the camera, the model itself slips under the red background, like it's split in half. EDIT: Ohhh, I see what you mean. The receiver where the magazine connects to the rifle. I honestly have no idea why it does that, but again, have you tested it in-game? Does it do that in anything else besides the model viewer?
  9. This would be something for the NMM forum, not the New Vegas forum, methinks.
  10. If you haven't changed the original weapon, then it's likely that the Protectron object is still just using the original. You have to modify the NPC as well as the weapon in order to give it that effect. Or, use a script, but that just leads to a pile of other problems.
  11. Okay, so, from my counting, Line 58 is blank. And what's the error? Without that, we can't actually help out.
  12. Well, I know that armor is comprised of a bunch of different bones, but I haven't dug in far enough to find out if there's a way to change where sheathed weapons go... I guess you could script something for that? I think? You could look at the mesh in a modelling program, examine the skeleton. I know that sheathed melee weapons bind to the right hip, and heavy weapons and rifles bind to the center of the back. You'd at least be able to find a bone name there. Maybe through that method, you could adjust the bone in the model and have a weapon bind there instead?
  13. Alright, figured out the problem. Just had to update my GECK to the beta version. Now I've got a new question. I'll be taking a closer look at this script tonight, posting this from work, but can anyone notice anything glaringly wrong about this script? scn WMTTESTSpecAmmoSCRIPT ref ammoSelectedAmmo ref formSpecialAmmoTypes ref weapEquippedWeapon int intDamageIsSet int intWeaponOriginalDamage Begin GameMode ; If the player has a gun. if (weapEquippedWeapon != 0) if (ammoSelectedAmmo != player.GetWeaponAmmo) let ammoSelectedAmmo := Player.GetWeaponAmmo set intDamageIsSet to 0 PrintToConsole "Selected ammo is: " + ammoSelectedAmmo endif if (formSpecialAmmoTypes == 0) let formSpecialAmmoTypes := WMTAllSpecialAmmoTypes PrintToConsole "Loaded special ammo types: " + formSpecialAmmoTypes endif if (ammoSelectedAmmo.IsInList formSpecialAmmoTypes) if (intDamageIsSet == 0) int intWeaponModdedDamage let intWeaponOriginalDamage := weapEquippedWeapon.GetAttackDamage let intWeaponModdedDamage := (intWeaponOriginalDamage + (intWeaponOriginalDamage * 0.10)) SetAttackDamage intWeaponModdedDamage weapEquippedWeapon set intDamageIsSet to 1 endif endif endif ; If the player doesn't have a gun. if (weapEquippedWeapon == 0) if (player.GetEquippedObject 5 != 0) let weapEquippedWeapon := player.GetEquippedObject 5 endif endif ; If the player has a gun that's different from what we have stored. if (weapEquippedWeapon != 0) if (weapEquippedWeapon != player.GetEquippedObject 5) let weapEquippedWeapon := player.GetEquippedObject 5 endif endif End I realize this script could be very ad hoc in its design, I'm still learning how to do this, but I can't really tell why this won't do what it's supposed to. It compiles just fine in my mod, so I got that figured out, but I dunno why it isn't modding the damage of the player's current weapon. Am I doing something wrong with SetAttackDamage, maybe?
  14. Honestly, I'd suggest doing some basic scripts first. To break into NPC scripting, though, I'd recommend going through Bethesda's work in the GECK, find a quest that does something similar to what you want to do, and study how they did it. Check the New Vegas Greeter Securitron's script, and his place in the world. That's close to what you want to do. I know I was trying to figure this out as well, didn't get too far yet.
  15. T'is the curse of modding, my friend. Sometimes, things break, and you've no clue what caused it. I'd recommend starting off with the mods you know work, like Project Nexus, Weapon Mod Menu, etc. Go with those mods from the start, leaving the questionable ones off, and see if it works at that point. A control group if you will. Once you've confirmed those work, add in another batch of mods that you think work. Instead of doing 100 restarts, activating one mod each time, do 20, activating five each time. Then, once you hit the group that's causing the problem, go over it with the 'one mod a restart' method. You'll find what's causing the issue a lot more quickly.
  16. Okay. I reiterate then, since it sounds like something's interfering with the weapon mods. Have you tried offloading all your mods, and turning them back on one by one to find what's causing the issue?
  17. Have you tried just offloading your metric ton of mods, and just running the vanilla game on its own? Then adding on one mod after another until you find the one causing the issue? And what exactly about the weapon mods doesn't work? Are you unable to open the Mod menu for weapons? Do the weapon mods not actually attach? Does it look like the weapon doesn't have any valid mods, despite them being in your inventory and definitely working? You mentioned four AMR mods, and I know it has a Gun Runner's Arsenal varient. Are you using that and trying to mod it with vanilla mods?
  18. I've got that DLL as well, yeah. GECK launches when using the nvse_loader -editor and the other methods up there, it's just I can't use any of the NVSE or GECK PU features. I don't get it.
  19. Alright, fellas, I've got a question for everybody, and this thing's driving me up the wall. First off, the specifics. I've got GECK Version NVSE Version 4.5 Beta 7. GECK PowerUp Version 0.1.2 RC. Now, the issue. GECK will not load with any features from either of these mods. I have these files in my Fallout New Vegas folder: GECK.exe nvse_1_4.dll nvse_1_4.map nvse_1_4ng.dll nvse_editor_1_4.dll nvse_steam_loader.dll nvse_loader.exe geckpu-nv.dll geckpu-nv.exe geckpu-nv-nvse.exe I legitimately have no idea what's going on. I've tried running nvse_loader.exe -editor through the Command Line, I've tried making a shortcut with the target being nvse_loader.exe and -editor put outside the quotes, I've tried running geckpu-nv-nvse.exe and geckpu-nv.exe, and I'm getting no access to any of the features of either. Without NVSE, I can't get any further on my mod, and I've tried everything I can think of, even overwriting all the files for NVSE and GECK PowerUp. I've searched on Google, and I haven't been able to find anything concerning my problem that wasn't fixed by something I tried. Has anyone run into this issue, and if so, how'd you go about fixing it? And yes, Fallout: New Vegas does use NVSE. I know this because Wasteland Defense functions just fine, and GetNVSEVersion works in-game, but not in a GECK script.
  20. I had no idea you could hold those keys and move things along a certain axis. That's really freakin' helpful!
  21. Yo! Not sure about turning off light effects, but I've got much the same issue as you. If you want accuracy in your selection, I'd suggest just picking it out in the object list in Cell View, and do things that way. Putting a static or other object where you want is gonna involve some elbow grease. I find that when I'm trying to place something, I'll select an object close to where I want it, grab its X/Y/Z coordinates from its Edit window, then apply those to the object I want to place. After that, I fine tune it by adjusting the X/Y/Z coords in the object's own Edit window, since clicking and dragging is hella inaccurate. Undo... yeah, I think that thing's kinda busted. Hasn't functioned right for me at all, as it undoes the actions I took before doing the action I wanted to undo.
  22. ...Is it possible the script isn't compiling because GECK isn't loaded with NVSE? How do I check? EDIT: Yep, found the problem. GECK isn't loading properly with the NVSE. It's not using GECK PU either, even if I use it with nvse_loader -editor through the Command Line, or using the geck-nv-nvse.exe executable. GECK fires up just fine, but it won't use any of the extended scripts. Which means I get to have fun doing a total reinstall of both NVSE and GECK PU. Even though NVSE works just fine with the main game... oh joy.
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