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Posts posted by SiNNeR

  1. the only way this could be made to work would be if the files weren't included with the mod but would extract them from your install of GTA, otherwise it would be a breach of copyright. it would, I suspect, be a lot of work

    there are already some tools for custom radio though, so the best bet will probably be to use those (or better versions once they become available with GECK) to make a station just for your personal use

  2. the alt-tab bugs have been with Bethesda games since at least Oblivion, I don't remember if Morrowind or Redguard had them. I never found any fix other than borderless windowed that worked for the previous games so I'd be surprised if there's any for this one

  3. we know the Institute have synths infiltrating various organisations, some of which are not even aware that they are synths. yet we rarely actually see evidence of this

    what I'd like is a mod that puts a low drop chance of a synth component on certain loot tables of generic NPCs who could plausably be synths, such as

    • Brotherhood of Steel patrols
    • Gunners (being more organised than Raiders it would make sense that the Institute would want to at least keep an eye on them
    • Diamond City Guard
    • Bunker Hill Guard
    • Good Neighbour Guard

    can't think of any others off the top of my head but I'm sure there are more that would make sense. droprate should be very low though as there wouldn't be many synth infiltrators within the same organisation

  4. it's not always about how many paths there are though, it's also about how many you feel that there are. Dragon Age: Origins is widely praised as offering a huge variety of different choices through the game, one of the biggest reasons it's probably the most praised BioWare game since the Baldur's Gates. yet it only really offered three different endings

    sacrifice yourself, sacrifice the other Warden or do the Dark Ritual

    but there were a lot of other decisions through the game and even the smallest ones felt important. there were also six completely different Origin chapters to choose from which also offered decisions to make within those, the whole combining to make an overwhelming amount of replay value that few games could rival. it was expensive and time consuming to make, but I'd bet that it will be well remembered far longer than Mass Effect or even Knights of the Old Republic


    not all decisions have to even be valid. sometimes it's enough to have the option to try something and then see it not work. what really breaks the immersion is when you feel like something should be an option, something your character absolutely would consider doing, but can't even suggest. ok so maybe trying to broker peace between the Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel, even temporarily to fight the Institute, wouldn't work. but wouldn't it be nice to at least be able to suggest it to the factions even if you can't convince them to talk to each other? that's just one example

  5. every time I promise myself that I'll wait until the construction kit is released before buying the game... didn't manage it with Fallout 4 though thanks to an amazon sale...

    anyway they did say something about early 2016 so that would presumably mean first quarter

  6. See, that's a problem with a so called "open world, do what you want be who you want Sandbox game".


    The Stanley Parable is the kind of game that gets this idea right, and that isn't even a sandbox. I should be able to abandon the MM and have the world react to it, because it's a plausible decision to make. Why would I put myself in harm's way for a random person that can't help themselves in a WASTELAND?


    But no, Bethesda got stuck with the writing, so they force you to be a goody two shoes good guy hero :sad:.


    to be fair it's not just Bethesda, the same is true of pretty much every game no matter how open ended it promises there's always some limits and very, very few have a true evil path

    one of the few exceptions I can think of from the top of my head is an old game called Dark Earth where you really could do pretty much anything you like, although if you tried killing off important NPCs too early in the game you'd be killed by guards (once the story got going, your character became more powerful and the place started going to hell though, all bets were off).

  7. it could well be foreshadowing for a DLC, but it could also be intended to be picked up in a later game. it does seem better suited to a DLC though since it's unlikely we'd see a full game set in that region but that's only assuming that we actually go there ourselves. it's possible that the story will continue with accounts from other archaeologists who found the place after Lorenzo or who discovered similar sites

  8. you can get a nice bit of story off the tapes the named Gunners drop, but it is a bit disappointing that clearing out their entire HQ and most of their leadership doesn't seem to even put a dent in the group. would've been nice to have a quest to take them out and afterwards the Gunners become a bit less common (to signify their weakened condition)

  9. definitely

    as much as I'm all for multi-platform releases, I wish they'd put more effort into making each port take advantage of the platforms capabilities instead of designing the UI with only half the playerbase in mind

  10. I'd say the two factions are both good examples of well intentioned extremists who also have full fledged villains amongst their ranks. ultimately though both factions condone the enslavement and/or slaughter of innocents and the majority of them are aggressively intolerant of those who do not share their views, however both also have their more open minded members who would prefer their factions agenda be less extreme but consider them to do enough good that they can either overlook the bad or accept it as a necersary evil or lesser evil


    the railroad have their share of extremists as well, but are overall a much more open minded group who tend not to see violence as the first solution to any problem and whose goals are oriented more towards helping others than towards helping themselves


    the mintuemen are sadly lacking in personality for the most part as they only have one member who's much more than a generic NPC and the ones who are slightly more than generic have nothing to do beyond their initial quest


    ultimately I would have liked the option to attempt to negotiate a treaty between two or more factions (even if there was no outcome where it actually worked), to try to steer the Brotherhood to a less extreme agenda, to stick with the Railroad's original plan of a stealth rescue (not that I completely disagree with their decision but I do resent not having the option to oppose it), for the minutemen to serve some actual purpose beyond "backup faction in case you screw the others up" and maybe an option to attempt to sabotage the Institute solo (again, even if not possible to succeed)

  11. it's left for us to decide that for ourselves, something I really like. we can meet various synths and decide for ourselves whether they should or should not be considered as 'alive' and having human rights


    personally I think the very fact that

    so many synths have a desire for freedom (completing the story with the railroad make it overwhelmingly clear how huge this number is) is a rather large indication that they are more than just machines


  12. your body and brain have been damaged by extreme doses of radiation. you did not rise up out of a grave. you have no reason to congregate in grave yards. despite all similarities to zombie tropes you are actually not zombies. stop pandering to trends you don't even have the ability to acknowledge

    thank you






    seriously, this just makes no real sense. I understand the design reasons for it, given the popularity of zombies, but lorewise it doesn't really seem to make any kind of sense at all. granted ferals seem to be scattered all over the commonwealth (is it just my imagination or is the ratio overwhelmingly skewed towards feral ghouls rather than regular ghouls in comparison to other Fallout games?) but their preferred habitat does seem to be rather zombinspired

  13. I think some areas have different durations on respawns. some respawns are also triggered by quests (either by starting or by completing them)

    usually if the area shows up as "cleared" on your map then it will take much longer to respawn than otherwise


    there's also a variety of mods to make respawns faster, slower or disabled completely

  14. Here's some food for thought. What if the nuclear war wasn't started by the Chinese? Or at least the Chinese government? Think about things for a minute, and let's discuss further about this. What if, the shortages that brought about the war before the nuclear bombs, was the result of not commercial use, but rather by Vault-tec, or a parent company, and because Vault-tec was into making vaults, they decided to create shortages in things, and when the results weren't right, the bombs fell?


    the once planned Fallout movie would have revealed that Vault-Tec were indeed responsible for starting the war



    Our Hero asks how the war started and is shocked to learn that it wasn’t China or North Korea or India that fired the first strike. The first nuclear bomb was launched by the creator of the vaults, a zealot businessman who wanted to fulfill his own prophecy of world annihilation. That first bomb triggered a panicked chain reaction among other countries, leading to a four hour WWIII.

    making it a strong possibility for what they had planned for the official cannon

  15. I was walking around on some rooftop area of a damaged building (if I recall correctly I'd slaughtered a bunch of super mutants on the way) and there was a crate that could only be reached by walking along some narrow girders. halfway to the crate I hear Curie say something like "I've been hit!", thinking we were being attacked I draw my gun and look around for the enemy... only to see that she's fallen off, taken some fall damage and blamed it on an imaginary attacker!

  16. just to add for the Covenant atrocities, they, like the Botherhood of Steal, don't care whether a Synth is a slave of the Institute, a willing servant (possibly Coursers count as these as would the earlier model Synths that lack personalities) or a free-willed escapee who is an enemy of the Institute. they are not a faction in a civil war. they are murderous bigots

  17. FO3 was where you found out Vault-tec was messing with the dwellers? not the previous games?



    if I recall correctly it was planned to be revealed in Fallout 2 but didn't make it into the final game

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