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About JuanEffenCarlos69

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  1. A while back I found a mod that changes a human / dragon kill move, and I thought it was a neat idea. However, the animation is pretty rough and I decided that I wanted to try and make my own animation. I am using blender, since I am not paying for 3DS Max lol. (Context) The original mod only has a .hkx file and a few sound files, which is a bit confusing imo. I first tried to convert the .hkx animation file to a .kf in order to import into blender. I managed to do so with a paired human dragon skeleton.hkx file I found (it was meant for 3DS Max, and I can't convert it to use in blender). However, even with that I need the skeleton to import into blender first. Since I couldn't use the same skeleton I used to convert via hkxcmod I just imported the dragon and human skeletons on their own. When I import the converted .kf, blender tells me it imported, the animation is attacked to either mesh, but nothing happens when I press play. So I scrapped that idea... Since then, I have made my own version of the animation by importing the skeletons and meshes separately, and keyframing my way through. I have made my animation, but I can only export it as a .nif file. That means that I cannot replace the old hkx file from the original mod in order to test out my animation. (Main problem) So I'm curious if there is a way to even export a .kf file from blender, which I could convert to a .hkx later on. Since I haven't found a way to do that yet, I have tried to figure out if I could script my own mod instead of using the old one. However, the original mod doesn't have any scripts I can use as a reference, nor can I figure out how to even get an animation I make override its counterpart in-game. Any tips are greatly appreciated! Edit: I figured out how to export from kf, but when the animation plays in game the dragon disapears and the player ragdolls. Not sure what happened but the animation just doesn't work. Any help is appreciated!
  2. Given that the original fix had to do with "estrusfemalebody_1_s.dds", I figured disabling anything... estrus... related would fix the problem. Unfortunately, it didn't do anything. Just to be sure, I'll keep them off as I keep trying things... Right now, I have a feeling that my issue is (probably) coming from one of the following mods; CBBE, BodySlide, XP32 Skeleton, HDT SMP Skin Meshed Physics, NAT, Noble Skyrim, one of the Community Overlays mods, Female Makeup Suite, KS Hairdos, Skin Feature Overlays, The Pure, The P3ACH, CBPC, or CBBE 3BBB. These are the only mods which could possibly impact the way skin looks. I rather not go one by one to see, but at this point I don't know if I have much of a choice. I'm not going to uninstall BodySlide, XP32 Skeleton, and one or two others; simply because they are a pain to setup properly. I'll see if there is anything on their respective mod pages describing the issue, but so far my search across the internet has led me to believe I'm one of 10 people who have experienced this. Edit: I should add, that the glossy skin issue ONLY applies to the body of my character (in third person at least). I tried to include a screenshot of this, but the gloss ends right at the joint of the hands, feet, and head. In first person, the hands are glossy as well.
  3. Ok, I removed all the Texture.bsa, Meshes.bsa, and even shaders.bsa, verified integrity of game files via steam. Opened the game and tried to replicate the bug, and its still there. I have several mods which I think could be responsible, but it seems like its going to be a pain to try and check them. Before I verified the files, I tried to deactivate some of said mods. However, when I loaded in everyone was T-Posed and I couldn't move. Just realized while writing that I may have needed to run FNIS first, lol. I'll go do that and see.
  4. The only "skin" mod I have installed (that I know of) is Calientes BBE. I might have some others, but I'll have to comb through my mod list to double check. I would just try to disable this mod, but a lot of other mods I have require this mod, and idk if it would completely mess everything up. I might just try to delete all my textures and see if that works... Wait.. are you manually installing mods? I *manually* download my mods, but I use MO2 to install them / manage them.
  5. The only "skin" mod I have installed (that I know of) is Calientes BBE. I might have some others, but I'll have to comb through my mod list to double check. I would just try to disable this mod, but a lot of other mods I have require this mod, and idk if it would completely mess everything up. I might just try to delete all my textures and see if that works...
  6. hmm, after making a new present (slightly altering an old one) and trying this fix, I still appear to be having the same issue. I can also confirm that when you make a new present by altering another (which you have already tried this fix on) the fix carries over (on the .jslot, it doesn't actually work). I'll try to make another present, based off of one that DOESN'T have this fix already done on it, and I'll see if that fixes anything. If anything, I'll then try to do the fix on the new present.
  7. I think I may have fixed it... Go to you overwrite/skse/plugins/chargen/presents, make a copy of the present you want to fix, and open the .jslot file. Do a search for "skinoverrides", and you should find this: "skinOverrides" : [ { "firstPerson" : false, "slotMask" : 4, "values" : [ { "data" : "textures\\actors\\character\\female\\estrusfemalebody_1_s.dds", "index" : 7, "key" : 9, "type" : 2 } ] } ], Either that, or the "data" line will be empty (which was the issue in my case). If you do have this in your data file, you can A) find femalebody_1_s.dds and rename it to estrusfemalebody_1_s.dds, B) get rid of the line of code, or C) change the code to read "textures\\actors\\character\\female\\femalebody_1_s.dds". If the "data" line is empty, copy "textures\\actors\\character\\female\\femalebody_1_s.dds" between the parentheses. From what I have found, this will not fix a present you are currently using, hence why I said to make a copy. When you load the game, load the new present, and you *should* be good to go! I say *should* because I have no idea what causes this, and my research has led me to believe that many things can be responsible. However, what is most likely your problem, has to do with this "data" line of code in your present. Hope this helps someone, because it took me forever to find anything about this online...
  8. Problem number two: I have figured out how to convert the animation I want to edit into a .kf, however blender still won't accept it. I get "No armature was found in scene, can not import KF animation!" followed by "C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\io_scene_niftools\kf_import.py:69". I think this is because I have to run Havok (which I have), but I can't run Havok without 3D Max. Am I missing something or am I supposed to buy a $1k+ per year software just do run Havok? I was actually making progress and now I have no idea if I can go any further...
  9. Thank you so much for your response! Its a breath of fresh air! I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and watch the video you provided, so if what I am about to say is included in the video, then my apologies! From what I could gather, that video is mainly about the process of actually editing an animation (which I will certainly refer to if I ever get this thing to work lol), however my problem starts with trying to import the animation I want to edit into blender. If I have the right file, the animation is in a .hkx format, which I can't import into blender. I HAVE found a plugin that I *think* is meant to address this, but I haven't gotten it to work (I could just be stupid, so idk), and I have also heard of something called "Havok Content Tools", but that has since been discontinued and I can't find any alternatives. So until I can get the animation loaded in, there isn't much I can do. So I'm sorta stumped. If its not already clear, I have NO experience when it comes to animating. I am adept at using AutoCad programs, but that is the extent of my 3D modeling career. I would like to believe that I could figure out how to do this myself, but I am beginning to fear that this is something I can't google my way through. With that, I also have realized that I will need to do some scripting to make things work. I tried to start learning how to do that since I have been stumped on the animation side of things, but I have been led to more dead ends. Hoping I can figure this out, but idk at this point...
  10. I'm at a loss. I've been dealing with this issue for the better half of the weekend. Nothing I have done / found has worked. Whenever I remove my armor, open Race Menu, or get in front of certain light sources, my characters skin looks like a shiny glossy mess (screenshots attached). If my memory serves me correct, I haven't had this issue until I started installing some new mods recently, so this should be an easy fix right? Not really. I all but know its either a problem with... A) Mods I've recently installed or B) Me being an idiot with Bodyslide I would simply try to turn off the mods I suspect are the issue and see what that does, but I both want to keep these mods AND when I disable the mod I think is the culprit my save corrupts. I will continue to try to disable said mod but in the meantime that's a no-go. With that, I have found solutions to this issue ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8324438-shiny-body-when-equippingunequippingloading/page-2 ) with DID work, until they didn't (replacing estrusfemalebody_1_s.dds with femalebody_1_s.dds renamed, as well as removing other "wet" textures). Like I said, this DID work, but now it doesn't. I may still have some loose files that I need to check on to apply said fix to. Referring to the above post, the main solution was to find where the game was routing to estrusfemalebody_1_s.dds and replace it, but I haven't found that line of code. I am thoroughly stumped. Please send help.
  11. I have run into an issue with certain animations in certain mods I have. Generally speaking, they are either broken or in some way or another aren't right. I'm trying to figure out how to make my own animation in order to make a "scene" from one of my mods look a lot better. To my surprise, the internet has yet to yield me with any good results on how to import Skyrim SE animations into Blender (the most recent release) nor how to convert .hkx to .kf (only b/c blender won't let me import .hkx). The only guide I have found on the Nexus is for either Oblivion or Fallout 3, neither of which I have nor want to mod. Currently, I am at the conclusion that you can't even edit Skyrim SE animations, however I have tried both Oldrim and SE ports of the animations I want to edit and nothin works. I've made sure to get the Niftools plugin, but still nothin. Tbf, I don't even know if there is another, better alternative to Blender which I could use to get the same effect. I am as new as new can be to making mods for Skyrim SE (as in I have never attempted this stuff before). Once again, I'm trying to either edit an animation from a mod I have, or create an animation for said mod. Since I have no idea how to read scripts, I don't know which approach I need to take. If anyone could point me in the right direction of some guides that could help me that would be greatly appreciated. Honestly, if there is an animator out there who wouldn't mind me giving them a project, i'm at the point where I don't know / think I can do this myself. Thanks in advance for any help!
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