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Posts posted by Deleted7103646User

  1. And again, in 2016 Dark0ne relayed it to the programmers, are they still busy fixing it ?
    theyre fast, that's for sure.. 4 years to fix a bug...nice going..


    I made like 20 PHP websites in this time, and you can upload your files fine to them.

  2. i always have this, with any browser, the site has been broken for years now, will it ever get fixed ?

    Everytime i want to upload a file, i'm busy for hours retrying and sometimes all of a sudden the file is there when i haven't even saved, but most of the time the file just doesn't upload,
    wel it uploads fine to 100%, but then you cannot save it.

    EDIT: Pheww...i figured out a way to get it working, first upload till it reaches 100%, then pause and resume 3x, then hit cancel upload, then upload again and it will give you the option to save.
    Nice scripting routine Nexus !!

  3. same problem here, firefox quantum browser, the latest version 70.0.1

    then i cancel and try to upload again and it immediately says 100% and ready to save, when i save i see the file, but i don't trust it to be correct.
    then i restart my system to try again after i deleted the file, and it immediately says 100% again and ready to save.

    also, my main menu is still botched on the website, it has been ever since the new layout has been rolled out.
    site is practicaaly unusable since then.

  4. Your explanation for the windows pagefile and superfetch couldn't be further from the truth, you really should read up on how windows actually works before you go and tell people things like that.

    Cause they believe it cause it sounds reasonable, but what you said is complete nonsense.


    And yes Superfetch is not needed and can be a resource hog, it's ancient tech for modern hardware, so is the Pagefile, nowadays PC's have enough RAM, and the Pagefile is still needed, but only for certain OS related stuff,

    So a small Pagefile of 4Gb will do the trick usually.


    As for the stutters, in this badly optimized engine, and people using tons of bad mods that confuse the hell out of this archaic engine, as well as drivers that are usually optimized for the latest games, not older ones,

    and the 64 hz bug makes sure that even if you have a GTX1080TI SLI setup with I9 CPU with all SSD, you still have stutters.


    You can tweak and try till you drop, if you're lucky, you can play the game stutter free for a while, but eventually it will break down again and you'll have to start allover again to find a config that works again,

    nothing is going to fix that, Welcome to Bethesda's masterpieces of buggyness FO3 and FNV.

    Just go and Play FO4 and wait till them modders made FNV and FO3 in the FO4 engine a reality.

    The creation engine is also far from perfect, but it doesn't stutter ..

  5. In response to post #68317101.

    LeonidasNerevar wrote: I hope Y'all find someone. Making the site better is always appreciated.

    and definitely needed, and back end too, some stuff is pretty much broken on this site, and some decisions on functionality are beyond me.
    Like, you cannot log in with Firefox on the FNV nexus, you have to go to the Fallout 4 Nexus, log in, and then you can browse FNV site, it has been this way for more then a year, also if you want to browse the mods that are released last week (default is day) the frontpage lets you choose "new this week", and then you have to scroll and view more at the bottom, and then go up and only then you can choose the next 12 or 16 mods released this week, it's kinda annoying and bad design, much better would be that if "new this week" where clicked, that you can immediately choose the next 12 or 16 (depending on your screensize) mods, and do NOT open a new page, just keep it on the fontpage in the content pane, also, you easily mistake the "new this week (media)" for the 'new this week (files)", after a few times you know, but it's just these little things that makes a site stand out, and there are more little annoyances in the recent design, the old design looked a bit less, but worked a whole lot better and user friendly, media was obviously separated from files, now you don't really know what you're looking at at first glance with the lean white chars. I like the flat look, but it has been a while now, and it seems strange to me that no one really notices these things, i'm a peferctionist in my mods and 3d work, so i often get annoyed when i stumble into things that arent done right or don't get fixed or perfected. That is the most annoying thing, that it doesn't get fixed, i often hear people say don't whine, but i simply think it is your job, do it right, that's not whining, it's obvious that if one does a job, that he does it right, and if mistakes are made, they get fixed. But the Internet and software companies don't seem to work that way..they rather let it be for a few years, and then change the design completely, again with a bunch of new flaws till the next layout change..
  6. i just disabled automatron alltogether, it only adds annoyance to the game.
    those pesky eyebots, you have to carry around the gun you get from that stupid raider b&@*$ to easily shoot those eyebots down.

    like Urtho says, i don't know what they where thinking at Bethesda when they implemented these ridiculous spawns.
    It should have been like this, once you completed the DLC, you gradually see less and less of these bots, and thus less rust devils too cause there are no bots left to scrounge.

    I guess when it comes to finalizing and properly developing a game Bethesda isn't doing a very good job.
    their initial idea is marvelous, but then they mess it up everytime with stupid ideas.

  7. In response to post #65809966.

    LN320 wrote: It looks good, yes...

    With Drivable vehicles and all that, but my question about it since F4 came with ideas from New Vegas (Mods of course)

    It will have the Settlement management phase too?

    Looking at it, it would be kind like a RTS..

    And let's remember that in New Vegas (Vanilla) the player in the VANILLA game, made like a "New Faction" by building Robots and else with "Smile"? (it was that Robot? i don't remember that part)

    So what's the thing here?

    Looking at it, with Vehicles of the World War (Russian & American tanks) i was expecting like new Vehicles or meaby some Actual vehicles (that would be a hit, using Vehicles of 2018/2019... an irony hehe)

    Looks good, hope to see more of this.

    no settlement management, it's not FO4.
    no robot building, it's not FO4
  8. Some nice stuff, but i sure hope the FOMM fork stays Fallout only and not use this to integrate more games into it.

    I like my software as clean as possible, and i don't play other modded games.


    I don't think they will do that anyway though, but the release of API's like this always make me feel a bit uncomfortable as to what's going to happen with some mod managers.


    Ofcourse i'm not the only person in the world, so if they do i just have to keep using an older version.


    Or make my own local manager with C#

  9. some people would like to be able to atleast HIDE those downloads for themselves, they don't care that the website needs that data, so HIDE would be a perfect solution in this case.

    Cause right now i always see "Update Available" on a mod that i do not want anymore, and to tell you the truth, it sometimes annoys me, and would like to hide that.

    Nowadays websites often are in your face with their "User Friendly" design that immediately shows every little bit of info they have on your behaviour.

    I personally think this is a unwanted direction the web is evolving in, but that's just me, but i'm pretty confident i'm not the only one.


    Update Available should only be visible on Tracked mods, since that's the only list you have control over..pretty obvious for a programmer me think.

  10. Not true, i had mods here before, and easily reached thousand downloads, but then i deleted most of my mods cause i got sick of grievers, now i have two mods left, but i cannot delete comments.


    So either your option to delete posts is revoked when you remove your mods, or it simply isn't like this.

  11. I don't know if it is a good idea to work together/help Gamefornt in any way. In the past i had mods only on Nexus, and after some time they magically appeared on Gamefront, when i contacted them about it, they offered thousand excuses and made me a account and linked it to my mods there so i could admin them.


    To be honest, this is not the way you want to fill your website with mods, i genuinly felt that they stole it from me.

  12. I clean all mods myself, mod authors are mostly lazy and often not very good at what they're doing.

    And they're often sick of questions after a while and stop developing the mod, which is often understandable by the way..

    I deleted all my mods cause i was constantly answering rude and dumb comments.

  13. it has nothing to do with audio, it's obviously a game engine bug, the player seems to lose collision sounds (footsteps) before it happens, consequently, the audio is not being played cause the game thinks the player is hanging in mid air, then you hear the jump sound and all FX sounds that where in the queque seem to play after the jump sound (guns, explosions, footsteps) i have had this problem ever since the game was launched, strangely Fallout 3 never did this, but games after New Vegas still have it like Skyrim, it happens there too.


    i thought it was audio sync problems for years, been modding since FO3, and all this time it never clicked, but now i know it's player/terrain collision related, and it seems to do more then just delay audio, one thing that helps a lot is to make sure that no NVSE plugin is making logfiles and writing to disk while you play the game, it makes it much worse, as in, it happens way more often when disk writes occur.


    also if you have mods that let you sprint or make the player move faster, it also happens more frequent.

  14. Also, Deathclaw attack ignore DR and DT, it slashes through everything, you can survive a direct hit from a mini nuke in good power Armor, but not a Deathclaw, especially if the Deathclaw has the 3x dam perk.
    And if that Deathclaw is legendary and has the 3x damage perk and deals a crit (which enemies can and the player can't outside of VATS), they deal 6x damage.
    Higher level enemies have dam multipliers too, just not the 2x or 3x, usually the 1.5x

    Bethesda just doesn't know how to balance the game, cause they use VATS, you're suppose to use VATS to determine what kind of enemy you're facing, and then decide how to tackle it, it's silly.
    Better to ditch VATS alltogether and use a mod that alters the damage perks and levels the enemies with player, and also lower enemy health to compensate for them being your level.

    I made Gunners have half health, but always level with player, now they're all pretty tough, but no surprises like one soft one hit kill the first gunner, and the second takes 15 mags to kill and dealing 6x damage to you.

  15. Just switch to the new site already, there are few things i don't like about it, but i got used to it by now, constantly being send from the one to the other is kinda annoying.


    I understand the need to test stuff out, but come on, just delete that old site already.


    Just to point out a few things, the pics are being shown much bigger in threads is very nice, but when you want to look at media, and want to look at media posted a week ago, i have to click three times and load the page three times over before i can look at the pics from a week ago, that's kinda overkill, also, when you look at pics from mods and inadvertendly click page back instead of clicking the exit cross on the picturebox, you get thrown out of the page you where at alltogether, that's like super annoying, it should close the pics when i do that..just some minor annoyances, but they do feel a bit like click harvesting.

  16. You shouldn't believe what others tell you, cause they're lying, if anyone needs this info and is able to find it in google like i did, he'd be very happy.


    And yes you are fantastic, yes we all know that you hold the nexus unofficial rules in very high regard, and yes thatnk you for reminding me that posting on an old thread

    can be nonsensical, are you happy now ?


    Good, then move on.

  17. actually if you set the Semi-Automatic Fire Delay Min and Max to 0.0000, you should notice a difference, cause that is exactly why you sometimes click and it doesn't fire if you click too fast.
    If you set them both to 0, you should never have the gun waiting for a reset, it works perfectly fine with me.


    Other thing is, you can't set the firerate simply higher on the weap form, the gun's firing speed is dictated by the animation, so even if it will fire with every click, it's just as slow as it was before,

    but you should never have a miss-click.


    so, indeed speed up the animation and set those values and you should be good to go.

    if you would half the distance the camera kicks back at every shot, it should look pretty decent.

  18. In response to post #54701433. #54702813 is also a reply to the same post.

    srckidd wrote: I turn 62 in Dec. I like the new look & layout. Right now I have 4 links to the Nexus for the 4 games I play(3 Fallouts & Skyrim), now I only need 1. It took me about 5 mins to figure it all out. So all I can say is; "Maybe it's true what they say about public school". I love mods, therefore I love Nexus. long live modders.
    JimBourneSmith wrote: You are just a boy, I am 67..smiles

    you're an old farth, i'm 51.. ;)
  19. OK, new layout worked today, it's too flashy for my taste, i've spend an hour on the new layout and i was tired of tons of pictures, it kinda tires me a lot more then the old layout, so i switched back.

    Sure hope you guys keep that available in the future, much easier on the eyes, easier to find stuff rightaway, i'm sure that will even hold up after one gets used to the new layout.


    Don't get me wrong, the new layout looks good, modernized, but all those pics and hundreds of colors and a lot of small descriptions on the screen at once is just very distracting, that's actually becoming a trend on the internet, to shove as much links into a page as they can.

  20. Wow, it looks refreshing, my complete page is white, congrats on such a lovely design, but for now i'll look at the old website, cause you know, when everything is white, pics, text and background, then you can't see or read anything.


    Maybe you guys get it right in 6 months or so, then i'll try again.

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