Preston Garvey! (I could leave it at that, but...) So, he needs my help (desperatly, insistently) on a two-bit fight with some raiders. I get it, the guy is exhausted, probably for having to put up with Marcy and her husband(?) all the way since Quincy. Fine, I'll help. Then, asks me to go solve HIS problem (I'm not a Minutemen, he is) in Tenpines, that want the Raiders in Corvega (hate the f*******g place) gone, instead of just moving someplace safer (like a sensible person would). Fine, I'll go and do alone, what a squad of Minutemen SHOULD do. Then he wants me to be "General", "Lead" the Minutemen, so he can give me orders? FU! I went down that hole, all the way, my "General" days are spent chasing after settlers problems (sometimes so far away that I just want to say: Are YOU F******G KIDING ME?). And what does the estimeed Mr.Garvey? Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Except cooking up a few more settlers in distress, go help "General"... quests. So I give him the General Suit (really a old suit that spent years in a corpse, is supposed to be my reward for all this?) (They could at least, I don't know, CLEAN it?), set him up in The Castle, assign him to a bed in the General's Room, and forget about him. It turns out I don't lead the Minutemen, he does. I'm an Enforcer, Builder, Security, all around Helper, but not a leader. So I was swindled, manouvered, handled. By Mr. Preston Garvey.