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Posts posted by JimiJons

  1. Name: Jonas Abergate

    Pronounced: JOH-nus

    Age: 29

    Sex: Male

    Race: Human

    Armor: Hardened and tanned Bear hide, with Adamant studs.

    Weapons of Choice: A pair of enchanted short swords, Castor and Pollux, a bow, and a common Steel sword.

    Combat: Conservative, Agile, Powerful.

    Attitude: Keeps to himself, and doesn't normally speak unless necessary. He is highly observational, and can process thoughts with extreme ease, allowing him to react first in most situations. He is intelligent, and knows well the trades of the wilderness.


    Past: Jonas was born to parents who lived and died in the land of Skyrim, belonging to the nationality of the Nords. His parents were respected and highly skilled educators of what higher class there was in Nord society. They were murdered on Jonas's 13th birthday, by unknown assailants for unknown reasons. Jonas's mother and father died before his very eyes, as he was spared by the murderers for similarly unknown reasons. Perhaps it was because of Jonas's willingness to defend his family, that he took up his father's sword and fought with all of his might to kill the men who had slit his mother's throat mere moments before. Perhaps it was his determination to hold onto love and life. But, nevertheless, his efforts deterred nothing. After the investigation was announced inconclusive, Jonas was taken up by his uncle, an old rogue and swashbuckler who had fought his way through 50 years of inconsistent wrongdoings and miscellaneous crimes through all but treason, from murder and thievery, to cursing an Imperial magistrate. From his uncle, Jonas learned to master the art of bladed combat. His sword, and axe, and knife could split hairs in half from the top of his uncle's head, yet leaving no scratch or harmful blemish to the man's very scalp. Years he learned from his uncle, to hunt for himself, to fire arrows from broken bows, to trick the most wary noble with cunning in words, to live off of rats and scum for weeks on end, to observe his surroundings and sense emotions, to think on his feet with gust and intelligence, to become someone worthy of life. After more than a decade of housing Jonas, his uncle succumbed to age and sickness. Such a man, killed by the cough of the ragged. Jonas spent the next 10 years living in self-exile, vanishing into the woods to live by himself and to hunt the game that would provide him substance. Through his journeys, he met many powerful friends, and even foes alike. He gained knowledge and lore lost to the civilizations of the modern day, and learned of legends that were only remembered in ancient days. He obtained items and tools of magic and cunning, and was given many mystical gifts by those who respected his morals. Of these gifts, he obtained two blades, carved to match with impossible precision and sharpness. Their contour led them to whistle slightly as they sliced cleanly through the air. The blades had been forged and enchanted by a great God-like being, who, when the time for Jonas's receiving of the gift came, lay mortal on his deathbed, granting the man who had carried out his final wishes a gift worthy of a God. The blade Castor was enchanted with the ability to stun and paralyze to the crippling point any being smaller than an Ogrim, or weak enough to completely succumb to the blade's magic. The blade Pollux, dosed with a magical serum of magnificently strong poison, unable to be washed off or removed from the blade's metal surface. With these gifts, Jonas became a formidable fighter, where once excelling in the ability to kill, became renowned for it. Jonas continues to live off in the woods, occasionally appearing in a civilized place to conduct business of many sorts with many different people.

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