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About Beowulf616

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    Crysis, Fallout 3, Mercenaries 1 (havent played 2) Saints Row, etc etc etc

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  1. When my character does nothing, you can hear game music and the radio..and then MAYBE my gun firing. Otherwise when i walk, you can hear the footsteps or the enemy firing, and always dialogue. As well when I'm in the menu, you can hear music when my cursor isnt over something, which when it is, everything stops to hear the 'click' sound. So far..I've only heard my shotgun fire once when I wasnt walking, and I was at an angle where I couldnt hear the Raider and I was out of reach for Galaxy News Radio. Please help because it really breaks immersion and is rather annoying.
  2. I hadnt played Fallout 3 in a while.. Installed it on my pc and i played for about an hour and had then had to turn off to complete some errands. When i went to play the game again it crashed. and when i look at technical details it just said APPCRASH Fallout3.exe. As for when it crashes - It wont even get me to the menu screen. I double click on the loader or FOMM or the actual .exe file - the screen goes black - It starts loading - and crashes. any help/suggestions/ideas?
  3. so its definitely a mod? no chance of a bug or whatever? daaaaammn...i have a lot of mods :S
  4. Everyone in Big Town is dead or disappeared except for Red, who im guessing is taking some form of constant damage because she is now ALWAYS unconscious, and always becoming unconscious. You cant ' ~ resurrect' her, she just goes back to unconscious, you cant kill her, you can talk to her, she just stays dying. and seeing the notice "red is unconscious" every 5 seconds is really really annoying me. Help? Whats going on? How can i fix it? ... Or at least remove the notifications?
  5. ive been playing FO3 for a while now (65hours) and i thoroughly hate weapon (and i suppose armour) conditioning. Can someone just make it disappear? Probably will have to be done via script if its to go to modded weapons and apparel aswell but yea. possible
  6. much love. thank you =] and im making an archive of answers and solutions to my issues-saves me from repeating these.
  7. Heres the thing. There are no symptoms. The game just crashes whenever i save. last week or so there has been like, 2 crashes. and thats it. I decided to fix a mod lately so an armour actually worked, and now i cant save period, and i realised that its not the 'fix' i had simply because all i did was change 1 mesh directory so it picked up the .nif file. Any ideas? i havent done anything, downloaded anything or changed anything besides delete inactive mods.
  8. well. i think my FO3 launcher is Russian. Whilst the game is in English. Does that mean i need a russian FOSE?
  9. then can someone explain why my FOSE keeps saying i have an unknown version of the disc?
  10. yes i downloaded it. and i have 1.6 not-american version of Fallout 3.
  11. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1251498807.jpg the interface at the top right corner of the screen doesnt exist for me. how do i get it? i dont know but i think i might need FOSE and if thats the case, no matter what i do-whenever i put it up it says i have an unknown version of Fallout 3. ???
  12. sorta. but thats purely black and white-the blade. is black white. doesnt that seem wrong to do? like, an example- http://www.countryknives.com/store/assets/...ages/14BBCJ.jpg or....http://img.youtube.com/vi/Y1rzPKm5MaA/0.jpg http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/image/kn...mbat-knives.jpg 2nd from the right. perfect. just a retex would do. but if someones going to make a completely new mod -http://www.jtknives.com/images/TACDUSTAR.jpg -except with a longer blade. =]
  13. Im just really sick of the old rustic look, can someone make a retex or just a new blade with an edge where looks could kill :P sorry for the pun. just a sharp-deadly blade.
  14. Whats yours? Personally, mine is the U.J.O.S Black
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