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Everything posted by Wagoo

  1. Note to self: if the option to let Marko live is available, take it or suffer the consequences (which I get the feeling is "have every likeable character die, Bloody Mess style"). All this foreshadowing is having me dread playing it, yet at the same time, I'm ready to apply a heaping helping of Fat Man to Marko's testicles. That being said, I'd like to thank you Someguy, King of the Ring is awesome, and I hope NVBIII goes well for you. I do have a question about Marko though- what kind of voice do you see him as having? Is it as deep as a base, or is it something that seems unfitting (say, and old man's voice)? I feel like it's going to be an older Nicholas Cage.
  2. Howdy everybody! Thanks for stopping by, for I have an odd problem in my game of Skyrim. While in theory it's still playable, the vendors/merchants are now refusing to talk to me. Did I sleep with their SO or something? (Yeah, bad joke...). Anyways, they all seem to behave normally at first. Lucan still thanks me for getting the Golden Claw, Belethor claims he'd sell his sister, etc., and when I press E to speak with them... nothing happens. It still works with other NPCs that have dialogue options (both vanilla and added by mods), but if they have wares to hawk, they do not respond, no matter how furiously I press E (and it is FURIOUS, let me tell you). Oddest part is, it still shows the prompt to press E, and it works on all other NPCs, just not merchants. Every time this has happened, I've been forced to restart, and I'm getting sick of actually making progress and then being forced to do it all over again. If anyone can tell me how to get the vendors and merchants working again, it would be very appreciated! Anyways, specs: CPU: Intel Quad-Core i5 3570k (running at standard clock speed) RAM- 8 gb ddr-1600 GPU- NVidia GeForce GTX 660 (w/ 2 gb of video RAM) 463 gb free on Hard Drive Desktop Computer Other stuff: Location: A:\ HDD Programs*\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim OS: Windows 7 latest version Legendary Edition (all DLC purchased) Nexus Mod Manager Used for Installation (Beta Version 0.50.3) Skyrim Script Extender is used (Version 1.6.16) LOOT has been used to sort plugins (except for World Eater Beater. That one I manually pulled to next to last). Memory Blocks Log is utilized Skyrim Startup Memory Editor is utilized *It is worth noting that I have 2 hard drives- the local disk, and another hard drive where I store almost everything (the local disk is dedicated for the OS). Worth noting if it means anything to anyone. Now then, the load order is the attached .txt file (hope you brought your brown pants!). Note that I had to upload it as a .txt file since I can't figure out why the forum won't let me paste on here. Oh well, that should be all, and if anyone needs anything else on my part to help figure out the problem, I will gladly speak up. Thanks! P.S.- It may just be utterly wrong, but my own research has led me to believe that either the Unofficial Skyrim Patches or Requiem is causing these problems. I may be absolutely wrong, but you never know.
  3. Does anyone know what Bradley's base id and ref id are? I can't seem to find it, and with Bradley MIA (this is while he's essential btw, so he can't be dead), the Inheritance is effectively on hold until I track him down, whether it be by console command or sheer luck.
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