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About gotenwarrior61

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Dark Souls

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  1. Just taking a quick look at the map I think I can justify a few: -- Whiterun's western border looks like it could be estimated to be say 50 just off the road or so -- Can't imagine the argument the Jarl of Falkreath would've had to give to get the 4-way intersection in his NW border yet only having one of the roads in his hold -- Looks like Eastmarch's northern border could be the base of the mountains just north of the city -- Whiterun wanted Throat of the World but not Lake Geir, than The Rift's jarl might've asked for room for a town on the shore of the lake -- Haafingar / Hjaalmarch seems pretty obvious through the northern part of the Karth river -- With Hjaalmarch's western much like Whiterun's: a short distance off the river/road running north-south -- It also looks like they screwed Winterhold by giving them all the mountains (which would obviously be the least inabitable/fertile) That's the best justification I could make-up, hope it helps. Used the UESP's map of Skyrim
  2. There are many great books in Skyrim, but this one recently caught my eye: A Hypothetical Treachery. There is a link to the book at UESP, but I will summarize the point I like in the play. A small group of 4 strangers that are dungeon diving together turn on one another out of greed to take the treasure they had found and sell it to make profit for just themselves instead of splitting it. After going through the dungeon, the battle mage is nearly out of magic and uses her wits to outsmart the rest. I know there are plenty of mods out there that change the way Magicka is stored and regenerated, but I have looked all around and have not found what I am looking for, which is a mod that disables Magicka regeneration (or makes it so insignificantly slow in and out of combat, like in Magicka and Stamina Combat Regen @ SkyrimNexus and making resting not refill it [not sure if those are the same thing thouhg], that also keeps it not obsolete by making spells much cheaper to cast or increasing the Magicka bar. This way one does not simply ( :P ) go on an adventure without a facing consequences essentially.
  3. This certainly and EASILY looks like the most interesting armor mod I have seen for Skyrim so far. And I thank for being the first to really grab my full anticipation! Will surely download (and I am positive endorse) for the release!
  4. Well just like you created the faction in the Tut and checking Vendor, you need to place the existing faction JobsMerchantFaction in order for them to sell. I don't really know why, but it works. And with the setting to Self thing, is for the faction you created for the NPC.
  5. I don't want to sound rude by not reading all that you wrote, but I had a similar problem when the CK came out so I think I know the problem. Did you make sure to not only the your NPC in the JobsMerchantFaction and setting the location for the person to sell to Self? Those were my problems. If that doesn't work, you said you have seen 6 tutorials but have you seen this one specifically on this subject? Creating a Merchant Tutorial @ creationkit.com
  6. So I am having a problem with NPCs seeming to forget that they have a package and just stand around. I have created roughly 12 or so NPCs with incredibly drawn out packages that dictate basically every minute of every day. Each NPC has maybe 12 or so packages that obviously don't run at once, but allude the player that they are much more "real" than the stock NPCs. Now my .esp is 700kb, and just recently these NPCs just seem to forget what there doing and stand still as if they had no package currently running. I am currently running roughly 20 or so mods that range in size but mostly just insignificant plugins that don't change very much so my conclusion could be incorrect, but my next largest .esp is only 358kb and it is a realistic lighting mod. Do you think I am asking TOO much from the game?
  7. Basically what the title says. I want to know if I am doomed or if there is someway to fix this? It seems as though it is only objects I have places such as new tents, but the tents that were already there are basically avoided.
  8. Don't start raging about it, they released an entire wiki about how to use a lot of the new features so go look yourself. And the wiki itself (creating it) was probably why they delayed it. And to see where the modding community would go.
  9. You could easily do it yourself. Just where it has the output messagebox just paste all that you did here
  10. I don't mean to sound annoying, it's just a little frustrating since I don't have the capabilities to do it myself. And from my understanding it is actual work creating an animation which is more than I ever see from the mod request forums. Oh well. There are other interesting things I guess I can do. :wallbash: Haha.
  11. Well what's the difference of creating mods that involved trademarked characters? That's just as "illegal" as anything you're claiming.
  12. Well I do own the game, I just uninstalled it before Skyrim came out. And I know the extention of the animation file is different so it would have to be converted and in that case is it still bad?
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