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About RDC74656

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  1. From what ive seen, i believe reshade helps combat this, i didnt like the yellow tint and ive seen it removed using a variation of reshade presets.
  2. when i first read this i was like...do you mean the grunting when climbing lol but i think i know what you mean now, you mean the cough when you walk into some of the blight/red stuff?
  3. So i have been creating standalone mod request posts but figure using this post seems a good idea, have already seen some good suggestions but heres my additions based on my own playthrough on both PC and PS 1) Add datapoints to HUD compass. I miss this feature for HZD doesnt quite give away the datapoints location but at least lets you know where youre in the vicinity 2) ability to restock inventory without going to stash (or +1 for a mod idea ive seen where everything can be picked up regardless of whether pouch is full so excess goes to stash) 3) max stats for coils (based on mod for HZD) 4) definitly need to make aloy quieter, i dont mind contextual reminders and hints but annoys me when ive completed the first salvage camp missions and everytime i walk past that charger herd outside chainscrape i get constant "maybe i should check salvage contract incase i missed anything" YOU'VE ALREADY GIVE THE PARTS HE NEEDS FOR HIS ARMOUR STFU. Same with remembering how to use focus to scan for tracks....its like the entire game is on tutorial. 5)i would like a way to set timecycle to realtime, not everyone will want this but i like to play any game thats set almost in real world to atleast have realtime time passage eg 1 ingame day lasts 24hours. 6)HZD (or atleast better than current HFW) pathfinding for road based mounts, as in so a pebble does not cause my powerful charger to stop dead for fear of it breaking a nail. For the moment thats all ive got.
  4. As title and please make this a reality. Biggest gripe with HFW when playing on ps5 was that the datapoints do not show up on the compass like they did in HZD, caused me to miss loads. I dont think it hinders the element of exploring as would help if marker would start showing when you were less than say....50 feet/step or whatever the unit of measurment in game is so at least you can still explore and then just het a contextual hint when youre close by.
  5. as title, max stats for any and all coils
  6. as title really, anyway to have Aloy inventory automatically restock from stash but without the need to visit a stash? kind of like a wireless item transfer
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