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Everything posted by CommanderWolf

  1. Yeah :L would be nice if people in this "community" where polite and actually answered my question but as per unless it is of benifit to them they have no time for it :L anyway hopefully our hopes will become reality and we will have a Groovatron for Fallout 4 since I am finding picture making impossible for large groups of NPCs right now :L
  2. Hi guys, I really loved the Fallout 3 and New Vegas Groovatron mod it made posing NPCs and setting up cool sets for screenshots really easy and fun :) see I run a Fallout role-play group on Facebook and we use images that I normally make to role-play and I have to say with the lack of a Groovatron for Fallout 4 making large scale pictures is really hard, I was just wondering if anyone had any plans on making a Groovatron type mod for Fallout 4? naturally it was a really popular mod and would get the creator lots of endorsements and fame so I imagined one had to be in the works but as of yet I have been unable to locate any word on it. So I was just wondering if anyone could A. confirm one is in the works? B. Send me to another mod that would make posing multiple NPCs (like 12 at least) easier?
  3. I need about Five or Six moders that know how to script, build new lands, ETC. Me and my friends had a Idea of a new Faction. A Enclave Splinter. They're the remains of the Enclave that refused to give up. If you care to help, or know more message me. Thank You.
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