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Everything posted by fredricmourath
That's good advice, I think I'll try to stay away from fragments when I can, haha. Thanks!
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Thanks so much for the response and the advice! I think I solved it, and the implications for the CK are so stupid that I figured I'd post it here in case anyone else runs into this. Appearently, in my confusion while trying to understand some Actor functions, I created a Scriptable Object-reference I shouldn't have with a name it shouldn't have had in the Properties. Stupid of me, I know, but the problem is that the CK doesn't allow you to delete any properties in the Properties window, so I figured if I just left it unfilled it'd be fine. Otherwise, you'd figure they'd let you delete them, right? Anyway, I guess I kind of forgot it was there. I wasn't using it anywhere, but its existence meant that the Quest Stages Fragments script couldn't compile. Since the actual script was hidden from me, I couldn't figure it out last night. This morning though, I realized the problem might lie with some unused property, so I went to the quest stages tab and clicked the Properties button, and lo and behold - the goddamn button wasn't working. This usually resolves itself when I restart the program, but it didn't this time. The only other way I know how to resolve it is to compile a fragment, and now you see the problem. A property made me unable to compile, and I couldn't access the properties without compiling first. I usually defend the CK but this has got to be some of the supidest s#*! I've ever seen. It gives me a whole new level of appreciation for Unity. Anyway, I realized I'd forgotten to check out the Advanced tab above the papyrus fragment, and I was able to access the hidden script from there by pressing Edit. I deleted the problematic property from there, and other than some alias properties defaulting for some reason, everything seems to be working now (as far as I can tell). I could compile without any errors and the property in question is no longer in the list in the Proprties window. So yeah, that's the end of that, I hope. Sorry for the long text, I guess I just had to vent a little. TLDR: I had a Property in the Quest Stages fragments which shared a name with some known type or script (meaning something already defined and commonly used by the CK). Despite being unfilled it caused a compiler error, and it had to be deleted, which can be done through the Advanced tab above the fragment box and then Edit Script. In my case all the properties were at the very bottom of the script (which seems counterintuitive but ok Bethesda). The CK takes no prisoners and offers no forgiveness. Submit to its will and pray for mercy.
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Hey, everyone! If you'd like to quickly help without reading this entire post, I would love it if someone who uses for example Notepad++ to write Papyrus could take the file in the Google Drive-link below and send back a readable text file or image or something to me, so that I can debug it properly, as the CK's error messages aren't giving me enough information. I haven't been able to get Notepad++ working with Papyrus myself. If you have the time though, I'd really apreciate it if you'd read the entire post, in case you have any insight into my problem. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vaJLX9YCBisxAcvZqvIDZznGwXcmfENP/view?usp=sharing So, where to even start? I'm making a quest mod, and I have written a script (we'll call it the Scavenger script) to make some enemies aggro at a certain point, and in the Quest Stages tab I've written a bunch of Papyrus fragments. At some point, the compiler started throwing up this error: Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "Fragments:Quests:QF_FieldDayQuest_0100CF18"...C:\Users\fredr\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Quests\QF_FieldDayQuest_0100CF18.psc(130,22): cannot name a variable or property the same as a known type or scriptNo output generated for Fragments:Quests:QF_FieldDayQuest_0100CF18, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on Fragments:Quests:QF_FieldDayQuest_0100CF18 This happened while I was changing some completely unrelated things in the Scavenger script. Everything had worked perfectly before, it had compiled everything smoothly, and I wasn't changing any names of any variables or properties. Just to make sure, I still changed all my property names to more distinct names, but the problem persisted. The error seems to be in the script-file which holds all of the given quest's Papyrus Fragments. I've been over all of my fragments, both in the Quest data tab and in the Scenes, over and over again and found nothing that could cause this error. I even deleted the Scavenger script and all references to it in the quest stage fragments, and the error still happened. So I decided to try to open the fragment script that the CK was pointing to, but obviously most of the letters are messed up when you open it with a text editor. Still, some letters were intact, and I could see the OLD names of my functions, from before I changed them to try to make them more unque. Picture of that here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n7GqdFcO6gZfD_fP9ceztUyNBnB4jfDx/view?usp=sharing Again, these functions never caused any problems at first, but they're called MakeHostile and MakeFriendly, so I thought maybe they conflicted with some known type or script. The point is, the script file that the CK was complaining about seems to be bugged, or hasn't been updated to reflect what I've actually written in the fragments in the CK. I tried deleting it from the Scripts-folder in the directory, but nothing changes. As you can see, the error message is pointing to some Temp-folder in AppData, and when I open that folder it is always completely empty. So, yeah. What do I do? Has anyone run into this before? Is there anyway I can force the CK to create a new fragment script for my quest? If no one knows any solution, I'd still be very appreciative if someone could run the file I linked to through Notepad++ or something and either send me an image or a text file or something, if possible with proper line spacing so that I can use the error message to find the source of the problem, but I really don't know what's possible. Either way, any help is much appreciated!
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Hi! I've run into a weird problem, where when I approach an NPC to start a dialogue scene (which I've made a quest for and attached the proper alias and voicetype for), the wrong dialogue quest starts. So, to be clear: I've made two different quests for two different NPC's, which contain scenes with dialogue. The first quest works correctly with the first NPC, but when I approach the second NPC to try to initiate the second quest, the first quest, with all its dialogue, is started instead. Only this time the NPC doesn't make any sound because he has a different voicetype. I feel like I've tried everything from index to forced alias, and it just doesn't work. Does anybody have any clue as to what's gone wrong? I'm desperate. Thanks in advance.
Hi! I recently saw someone use this space to ask people if there was any interest in a certain type of mod, and I thought that was a pretty neat idea. So I figured I'd do the same and just throw this idea out there: Does anyone else think a Stargate mod would be awesome? And are there any modders out there who are experienced with armour and clothing, who would be interested in making some SG-team uniforms? There is of course the basic SG-team uniform like the one in the attached image, but one could go wild with all the different uniforms and camo's if one wanted to. Other mods have already provided much of the weaponry used in the show, so it'd be really cool to have armour to go with them. If you wanted to take it a step further, you could create an actual Stargate model, or even armours and weapons for the Goa'uld/Jaffa. I just think something like that would be a great fit for Fallout 4, and would allow for tons of roleplaying or even quest mods, even if it was "just" the SG-uniform. I just wanted to throw this out there, to see if anyone else thinks this would be a cool idea, or if anyone knows of any clothing/outfit modders who take requests. If I had any experience with that stuff I'd try it myself, but I'm only just getting into modding and game development.
Hi! I think this is a fantastic idea! I wish there was a poll option for "I am only just getting into modding, but writing and quest mods are what interest me most", because I'd choose that! I'm in the same position you are, I want to keep playing Fallout 4, but the narrative content is running dry. Other than the kind of mod that you're suggesting, which is an awesome idea, I've also always thought that someone ought to remake the main quest, because it's starts out so good, but the late game and ending are complete garbage. It always bums me out that the main story had so much promise which was never delivered upon. That kind of mod might not be realistic though, considering the fact that it includes so many already voiced NPC's, and I don't even know what goes into remaking vanilla quests. Either way, I think the kind of mod you're suggesting is just what Fallout 4 needs right now. Weapon mods and such are awesome, but without new stories to use them in, it's starting to get a bit dull.
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- main quest
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Hi! I've been in the process of making a mod lately which uses a couple of other mods as masters. I recently saw online that you are not supposed to be able to use an .esp as a master file, as the CK will strip away that .esp from the saved file or something. The thing is, one of the plugins I've been using to make my mod is an .esp, and I'm able to save and reopen my mod file without any problems, as well as use the mod in the game and find the objects from that .esp. Does anyone know why it seems to be working for me, and am I missing some problem that is going to bite me in the ass later? Any help is appreciated, and thanks in advance!
Hi, everyone! I'm really new to modding and the Creation Kit, and I'm trying to create an interior cell. Right now, I'm having some problems with getting the windows in my cell to display light from the outside, like many windows in interior cells do in the game. How does one make that happen? I've tried the "Emittance" tab in the object properties but it just changes the window's color, and it doesn't look very good. Does the type of window matter? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!