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  1. The version incompatibility problem do haunt some savegames probably because the uploader use both DAIMODs and Frosty Mods. The MOD folder created by DAI Mod Manager will have patch version number increased by one (11 → 12). This normally won't be a problem since the original Patch folder is unchanged at version 11. To use Frosty MOD, however, the player need to rename "Update\Patch_ModManagerMerge" to "Update\Patch", which lets the game think the patch is updated to a new version (12) and write the minium version requirement to the savegame. Any savegame that was ever saved when running game with non-existing patch v12 will never be able to run in official games anymore. If the uploader changed the mods setup multiple times the version number will just increase endlessly. BTW, I've come up with an idea to manage Frosty MOD and DAIMOD together and posted it on reddit before. The batch script however does not address the "version up" issues. If anyone is interested I'll add that functionality later and post is as a utility here.
  2. Is there a MOD to render Requisition Officers completely inactive, like in Frostback Basin? I really need this because I installed "More Banter" mod, and each time after I change party at camp a banter will be triggered but often interrupted by Req Officer.
  3. In a savegame which I started before installing any mods, I could enjoy myself without issues. But in another playthrough the MOD is glitched: If I choose male prostitute, the cutscenes played and subsequent dialog opions during sex are those for female Wardens, even if the Warden is male. The warden's gender is flagged correctly in the savegame, as Zevran refers to the warden as "handsome brute".If I choose female prostitute, there will be no cutscene at all after the prostitute said "come with me". The Warden will just stand near bed naked while the chosen prostitute stands nearby but clothed.If I remove this MOD, the vanilla dialogs and cutscenes for both male and female prostitute work yet I can't tell if the Warden is reconed as male or female in the dialogue. Since I started the glitched game after installing the MOD, my guess is that something went wrong about this area "den100ar_brothel" under SAVEGAME_AREALIST. Yet I'm not quite sure where to look at. Maybe it will help if I can identify the trigger condition, but neither do I have much clue. The only things I reckon maybe relevant are two hex codes (CONVERSATION_PLOT_GUID) appearing multiple times under the CONVERSATION_LINE_COND subtree in the DLG file: 6526F8E770484223A6FD7B72C1DE70C8: "I would have done this for free." (male prostitute to female client)64F06DB1ED4B49F18DF326A0B1C2D06C: "Your command?" (to male client?)
  4. I wanted to change the appearance and cloth for male prostitutes in the Pearl. I've extracted den100cr_prost_male_4.utc from designcreatures.erf in the original game. But as long as I change anything in the UTC file and try to save, the Toolset will crash, dropping a 0 KB den100cr_prost_male_4.utc.$$$ in the MOD folder. Using "saving as" instead of "save" won't help either.
  5. If you installed muliple mods that contains Morrigan morph mod the game won't be able to tell which head morph shall be used. Make sure you only have one MOD that changes Morrigan's face installed.
  6. dazip files have to be installed by DAUpdater (You should find it in bin_ship subfolder). Dropping them in override folder won't work.
  7. In my toolset there's no "find" option in "edit" context menu, nor does Ctrl+F do anything. Which version of Toolset do you use? I'm using Toolset v1.0.1008.00
  8. There's always another way :cool: No need to choose between them. I digged through the files myself and extracted the vanilla elven eyes mesh (em_uem_bas_0.msh and em_uem_basa_0.mmh) from packages\core\data\chargen.rim, renamed them to em_uem_bas_Zevran.msh and em_uem_basa_Zevran.mmh (not only file name, but also name strings NAME, MMH_NAME, MMH_MODEL_HIERARCHY_MODEL_DATA_NAME in the files), dropped both modified and renamed files in override folder, and finally edited Zevran_Final_Version.mor to change the eye morph from em_uem_basa_0 to em_uem_basa_Zevran. Then voila! I got both big puppy eyes for other elves and nice emerald-colored properly sized eye for Zevran.
  9. Everyone loves "slap Morrigan" mod. But since the trigger to slapping her is in her dialogs, the MOD won't work with other MODs that tewaks Morrigan's dialogue like "Morrigan Restoration Pack". I thought maybe I can merge the option by copying "Bad Morrigan!" dialog entry from this mod to the other. But there are nearly 3k entries in "morrigan_main.dlg" file and DA Toolset lacks a "search" function (like WTF). I'd appreciate if someone can teill me where the "Bad Morrigan!" dialogue is saved (entry 0 - 2922 in the dialogue list).
  10. Never mind. I found the culprit myself: It's the "Ferelden Elves - DA2 Style" MOD that enlarges eyes of elves. After removing the MSH files in override\da2_elf\da2_elf-eye\ Zevran's pupils will shrink to normal size. Since I still want the MOD I guess I can live with the big but not-so-obvious ghost pupil. EDIT: Maybe an even better way is to modify Zevran's Morph file to use the unmodified em_uem_bas_0 from the game. Where can I find and extract this eye module then?
  11. I installed Zevran's Final Version (Aesthetics) fron Dragon Age Redesigned. All seems well except for his eyes: the pupils were filling amost his entire eyes. I tried to fix this problem by shrinking the size of pupil texture by hallf and it sort of worked. Yet in close-up shot you can see the untextured "ghost" pupil behind the texture. This indicates that Zevran's eyeballs are enlarged. What could have caused this? I extracted the MOR and DDS files in the ERF package of the MOD to edit the pupil texture but didn't modify the MOR file. And this issue seems to affect Zevran and this mod only - other NPCs are not affected, nor will Zevran if I remove this particular MOD.
  12. There's actually simpler ways to do it. The reason NPC's clothing won't change with MODs if you've already visited the area where NPS is spawned, which is also the reason why DAO savegame files are so big (I got 15 MB for a whole playthrough, versus only about 700 KB for DAI savegames), is that once you visied a place, all the NPCs in it as well as their equipment lists will be written into the savegame. To change NPC equipment in an area, simply save the game while in that specific area, then open the savegame with DA Toolset, find the last subtree under list "SAVEGAME_AREALIST", explore "SAVEGAME_AREA_CREATURES" under this subtree and search for all the subitems until you find the NPC you want to edit.
  13. Are you running the latest Windows 10? If you run Frosty Mod Manager without administrator privilege, will a UAC window pop up after "Applying Mods" progress bar gets full, requiring you to run command prompt administrator? Try create a symbolic link on your own: run CMD as Administrator, run something like mklink /d D:\Users222 C:\Users will a new link in D: drive be created whose content is always exactly like in C:\Users? Or did you fail?
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