Yes, I triple checked everything. I even put an 'archiveinvalidation.txt' in both Fallout3/ dir and the Fallout3/Data dir just because there is some confusion on that. I have been reading other topics to figure this out. My next move is to try and get the tech supp. with bethesda. I want to cover all bases before that. When this issue is resolved I have some mods I want to get done so I am kind of anxious. :confused: This may take some time but it's the only thing I can think of. Take out the archiveinvalidation.txt from the Data folder. I'd hate to think that two of them are conflicting. As far as I'm aware it only goes in the Fallout directory (it works this way for me). Delete the contents of the archiveinvalidation.txt and reinsert the texture lines. What OS are you using? Other than that I don't know what the problem might be. Ok did that but still no fix. I also tried to change the default .ini in the fallout3 main dir. Still the game is unresponsive. Perhaps there is a way to make these texture mods into a esm plugin. Any thoughts? Why are you changing the default ini in the main directory? The ini to be changed is in MyDocuments/MyGames/Fallout3 I know, I changed it there because I am trying new things. Apparently there is something wrong with the prescribed method. I don't know if it is a Vista problem or what but there has to be some disconnect between the mods and our current method of getting the textures to work. In any case that did not fix it. So I will try something else until someone finds a fix. If I find a fix either by reading or myself I will post it. Do we know anything specific about this problem. All I can gather is that only people using OS Vista are having this issue. Has anybody heard of anyone getting texture mods with archiveinvalidation.txt file to work on Vista?