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Posts posted by AllegoricSiren

  1. So I'm trying to use Svarty's mods and I spent a long time configuring them only to save and try merging to find that literally nothing saved lol. I tried moving mods in my mod order too but once I quit the mod manager and open it back up everything reverted to how it was before the changes. None of the configure settings I set stay or anything after I close DAI Mod manager.

    So to clarify, when I configure, save then open the configure menu back up, everything is still how I edited it. When I merge and close the mod manager then open it back up, all of the configurable settings on the mods are the default. Beyond that, disabling mods doesn't save either and again, reordering doesn't work either. After merging it says it was successful but when I hit close the merge menu is the only thing that closes and the DAI Mod manager I have to click either the X or cancel to close. that's the only thing that might be a problem that I can think of? All of my mods load in my game no problem, I just cant configure or edit anything in the menus.

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