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Everything posted by Zague77

  1. Ha. Love that power armour decal! Anyway, I just wanted to give a heads up of sorts, bigCman. You may already be aware that there's a CTD issue with the Automatron DLC for lots of users. A few crashes can happen around one of the locations added by the DLC, and if your game is affected there seems to be a guaranteed crash when trying to leave the final area where the Automatron story comes to an end. There's a mod out to address it (County Crossing Crash Fix) but apparently the problem occurs if you have any mod installed that uses the following: data/interface/hudmenu.swf I can't say for certain that information is correct, or what could be done about it, or if vault girl had any impact on it at all, but I just thought I'd let you know in case it's something that needs considering going forward. (I did try uninstalling vault girl - the only mod I use that includes that file - but still got the crash. However, vault girl still showed up on my pip-boy screen after uninstalling.) The county crossing mod fixed it for me. Everything else about the mod is great so far. Any problems I've noticed have already been reported. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for uploading the alpha, and for all your work on the mod. I've really been looking forward to this one so it's great to give it a whirl. I just ran it through the opening sequence to check and I got vault boy giving the thumbs up when first booting the pip boy. Everything else looks great so far, though. I'm going to load up my higher-level character now and play with it for a while.
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