Ha. Love that power armour decal! Anyway, I just wanted to give a heads up of sorts, bigCman. You may already be aware that there's a CTD issue with the Automatron DLC for lots of users. A few crashes can happen around one of the locations added by the DLC, and if your game is affected there seems to be a guaranteed crash when trying to leave the final area where the Automatron story comes to an end. There's a mod out to address it (County Crossing Crash Fix) but apparently the problem occurs if you have any mod installed that uses the following: data/interface/hudmenu.swf I can't say for certain that information is correct, or what could be done about it, or if vault girl had any impact on it at all, but I just thought I'd let you know in case it's something that needs considering going forward. (I did try uninstalling vault girl - the only mod I use that includes that file - but still got the crash. However, vault girl still showed up on my pip-boy screen after uninstalling.) The county crossing mod fixed it for me. Everything else about the mod is great so far. Any problems I've noticed have already been reported. Thanks.